X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=6f3a0fce019fd2515f5718b067d3d5e88d91e66c;hb=45bd3fa42cd8403bd712c4225aecd05d89ec24c2;hp=98477c67ab2812fbda382c01d85a10f81ef0e60a;hpb=44d9285fbefe101f425c7149c87ed5cb82b32d53;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index 98477c6..6f3a0fc 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ push back against the global narrative without pushing back against any particul you delusional bastards— * I Want to See You Be Brave -* Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, Why I Don't Care About Your Feelings * Yes, the Only Real Trans Woman Is a Transitioned Trans Woman (critique of https://medium.com/@jencoates/i-am-a-transwoman-i-am-in-the-closet-i-am-not-coming-out-4c2dd1907e42#.5dlc2qog6) * Review of Nevada @@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ original research post?— the Hsu–Bailey autopedophilia paper finds a much hi http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0118329 -https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05807 (via https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/6xkyyu/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_following/dmk92dw/) +Inherent Trade-Offs in risk scoring https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05807 (via https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/6xkyyu/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_following/dmk92dw/) prental T and gynephilia in women and women-adj https://twitter.com/SteveStuWill/status/905572666332987392 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X16301222 @@ -312,6 +311,8 @@ https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/7iqcaf/told_my_wife_i_want_to_transition/ https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/5axie2/nsfw_im_mtf_i_feel_like_my_body_is_aroused_and/ +https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/7vdw5u/arousal_is_really_messing_with_my_head/ + Lindsay Shepherd/James Damore shipfic Brazillian woman moves to Sweeden and cherished egalitarian culture: https://medium.com/@sayhellotovanessa/the-oddities-of-being-an-invisible-woman-8570394caa0d @@ -336,3 +337,147 @@ Nikki: What do you mean? Garrett: I mean, like, is it the only thing you think about or is it more like one of those barely talk about it, just how you were raised, opinion could change if you surrounded yourself with a cooler, more diverse group of friends type deals? (it's interesting that there's one other (semi-) widely-recognized expansion of that initialism) + +the "husband and provider and guardian of a small AI" game looks fun, that I would be so good at it that the thought isn't worth dropping just because you deserve Bob and Alice doesn't want me and Carol doesn't want me and Edith quietly detests me and Georgia belongs to Dave and the owners of OKCupid have pissed themselves laughing about how much money I'm paying them for the privilege of knowing that _ and _ haven't read my poem + +"You women and your risk-aversion (compared to men) due to lower reproductive variance (than men) in the environment of evolutionary adaptiveness" is what my analogue who is not forbidden from such thoughts would say + +I like her as a person but am very conscious of the extent to which I am currently on her good side due to luck and carefully deceptive handling + +(I don't even think I know what I use internally; my blog says "trans women" as two words so as not to pile insult onto injury) but my model, under whatever word, is "guys like me" + +like many bottom-80-percentile males, I'm ambiguous on the sign of the poly thing + + +suffering is the chisel God uses to shape us into our true selves + +suffering is bad in general, but I've already used up my please-take-care-of-me-I'm-hurt quota for the year, which means I have to enthusiastically endorse any emotional pain that happens to me today + +everyone already knows to be cynical about cola commercials, but somehow people expect "Seek medical care if you're concerned" to be taken literally + +"We have so much in common!" I said. "Too much," she said. +the cognitive dissonance that makes "all trans women" and "all closet crossdressers" the only stable equilibria for social circles of AGP males in a culture without a public concept of AGP +https://transblog.grieve-smith.com/the-essential-conflict/ + +at JCC camp, I remember saying that I wasn't the kind of guy who was interested in big breasts. "Well, then you're not a guy," I was told. But actually I just hadn't hit puberty yet + +Like, I used to tack the word "aspiring" in front as my preferred means of indicating that we don't think we've already solved rationality. Nowadays, I just reach for the scare quotes. + +While I agree that words can be used in many ways depending on context, I claim that sometimes it's useful to use this top-20 noun to refer strictly to the same thing it's always referred to for the past 200,000 years since language evolved, even if we have reasonably chosen to broaden the extension of that noun to also include other, relevantly similar things in most day-to-day contexts! Given that people are capable of inferring what is meant from the relevant context, this won't confuse anyone, and we can continue peacefully using language to describe reality. Then, we can use those descriptions of reality to formulate plans! Plans that will steer the universe into regions of configuration space that rank higher in our individual and collective preference orderings! + +NRx-inspired (sigh ... yes, unfortunately) points— + +(most of this should probably be split into a separate post even if I'm happening to do some outlining in this file; evil speculation shouldn't contaminate the solid "Infovism" idea/slogan)— + + * democracy is government by whichever memes happen to be the most virulent + * outcomes of the long run of a one-dimensional conflict can be classified, roughly something like: Left total victory, right total victory, mutually assured destruction, and program equilibrium + * program equilibrium isn't easy/possible for humans + * the key point here is that "grant this demand, deny all others" isn't a + defensible Schelling point; if you yield here, the _same algorithm_ is + going to be running the next time + * "Berkeley 2009 morality was just right, but this Berkeley 2017 bullshit has + gone _too far_!" + * If I were dictator, (Berkeley, 2009) could be made to work, but everyone has her own (city, year) pair + * for some reason I thought this was analogous to something from the + Coherent Extrapolated Volition document: Dennis thinks he should own + the world, but fairness requires that Dennis's name be erased from any + such request, and "some X should own the world" is underspecified" + * remember my conversation with a certain female bio-/psychologist studying at + Harvard who told me that "Trans women are men with a mental illness" made + more sense, but that she was afraid to even think that within the privacy of + her own head + * fucking _Harvard_ + * Moldbug, "The True Meaning of Diversity": "Certainly not every party member + is an [X]. Most of them, in fact, are not. Nor is it absolutely guaranteed + that every single [X] will be a party member. But most of them, in fact, + are"—thus, requiring representaiton of Xes benefits the party + * practice of deferring to designated-victim trans women _makes the trans + women worse people_: if you know that you can win a dispute by playing the + transphobia card, that incentive shapes your life (Moldbug: discussion of + "ignoble privilege" in "Gentle Introduction" pt. 3) + * kind of like how _the right to be sued_ is an important part of legal + personhood: the possibility of recourse is necessary for trust + + +feminists are masculinized: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4158978/ + +APA pronoun stickers: https://twitter.com/4th_WaveNow/status/950052584416595969 +(original is https://twitter.com/Lucia_A_Schwarz/status/949315365842116608 ) + +women's voices allegedly getting deeper?!— https://twitter.com/degenrolf/status/949530603342454784 + +https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/7py0ic/fetishizing_yourself/ + +https://medium.com/eden-the-cat/please-stop-making-me-come-out-as-non-binary-at-work-ab72e17abbcc +https://medium.com/eden-the-cat/i-came-out-as-non-binary-a-year-ago-here-is-my-experience-177f74fc553e + +Tailcalled: "The five genders, chad, male, enby, female, stacy" + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/7s4bu2/as_a_lesbian_in_university_i_feel_increasingly/ + +https://theestablishment.co/japanese-cartoon-porn-helped-me-understand-my-trans-identity-d5bba16cdaf3 + +AAP: https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/7s8twd/do_trans_natal_males_fetishize_teenage_girlhood/dt3ea2n/ + +the conjunction of anti-transphobia and anti-Islamophobia is very strange + +https://voices.avoiceformen.com/j4mb/2018/01/15/terrified-patient-treated-like-transphobic-bigot/ —this is a compelling fiction prompt! Sad that a male author like me would be needed to fill in the "evolutionary radfem" niche—have the protagonist be hyperaware of the Rotherdam betrayal + +Zucker et al. study that's one of the sources of "majority desist" claims ("Demographics, behavior problems, and psychosexual characteristics of adolescents with gender identity disorder or transvestic fetishism") https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22390530 + +Tailcalled— +Old: A*P is caused by internalized sexism, thinking that you have to be a boy to be masculine and have to be a girl to be feminine +Bold: A*P is caused by lack of sexism, thinking that you can be masculine/nerdy as a girl and feminine/sensitive as a boy + +https://pasunhomme.wordpress.com/2015/01/26/crossdressing-and-the-untransy-valley/ + +like, I regard— + + * transitioning and passing (or passing-adj) as a good outcome + * transitioning and not-passing as a bad outcome, + * soft body mods (e.g. my breasts)/occasional transvestism without social transition as a good outcome + * nonbinary-but-unwilling-to-explain-what-that-means-because-MIGI as a bad outcome (because people are still going to notice your biological sex and make probabilistic inferences about it, but feel socially obligated to pretend that they aren't, and ubiquitous socially-obligatory lies are bad), and + * NB-adj transfeminine or transmasculine as an explicit third-gender role as a good outcome, but a very tricky social-engineering problem to establish that niche where it doesn't already exist + +https://twitter.com/KJ_Harrison/status/958435696359993345 + +distinguish between two types of culture war: when you're demonizing the enemy as orcs, and when you're fighting for the outcome of what happens to people _just like you_ + +it won't look like that for me due to ideological factors +"No, I'm not transitioning; I just want to get back on HRT again, for Science" +1 BLOCKED MESSAGE +Carrie Zelda-Michelle Davis - Today at 7:48 PM +"No, it's not facial feminization surgery; it's just a different cosmetic procedure that happens to be performed by the same doctor" + +(on the phone during supermarket checkout) "No, it's just a brain transplant into a artificial vat-grown female body." (store clerk says, "Have a good day, ma'am") "That's very kind of you to say, but—" + +I need to write a magical-realism short story pushing on the analogies between dating as a hot girl and job-searching as a good programmer. Specifically, a story a world in which all engineers are female and all businesspeople are male, dwelling on the theme that on the one hand, it's nice to protected and valued and be taken care of, but on the other hand, it's exploitative that the class of protectors is freeloading off the creative labor of your class, which they could never produce on their own (smash capitalism/the patriarchy!!) + +Carrie Zelda-Michelle Davis - Today at 12:00 AM +"I totally agree with [one-sentence literal summary of the movement's goals], I just disagree with [every other belief and instrumental strategy connotationally associated with the movement]" +... actually, this generalized situation (meeting the criteria of a simple verbal definition, but not being part of that cluster in configuration space along most dimensions) sounds awfully familiar +... I'm pro-trans in the same sense that AGP trans women are women +vaticidalprophet - Today at 12:02 AM +I get the feeling ever saying those words invalidates you from all definitions of 'pro-trans' even if they are strictly speaking correct +Carrie Zelda-Michelle Davis - Today at 12:03 AM +but Treeeeent, the bullet-biting æsthetic +vaticidalprophet - Today at 12:03 AM +jesus, Oberlo is taking a long time to update the prices on my sketchy streetwear dropshipping store +Carrie Zelda-Michelle Davis - Today at 12:03 AM +you can tell I'm serious about it because I bothered to grab the æ ligatrue +vaticidalprophet - Today at 12:04 AM +I can tell you're pretentious because you bothered to grab it, that's orthogonal +Carrie Zelda-Michelle Davis - Today at 12:04 AM +"... ligatrue?" "Yes." + +---- + +to say on FB after "The Categories" is finished?? + +So, hopefully this version is a lot clearer and less needlessly dramatic than my kamikaze halt-melt-catch-fire public tantrum/mental-breakdown of this time last year: [blog link] + +[share memory] + +----- + +https://www.wired.com/2009/03/designerdebate/