X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=e3fcb5931694931c955a87b4b1f3b6a14a7bb889;hb=66cc53c8153941c591fe0fff74a8b6c884ea3a1f;hp=daa8fc62b7b4f902a9424d8e1a9d25da86fefff2;hpb=b5421e885146cd6160c528a17ddc1358a883a410;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index daa8fc6..e3fcb59 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -2187,3 +2187,47 @@ Note, this is compatible with trans rights insofar as "more accurate in the rele If someone looks like a man, and sounds like a man, and I can model him as a man in the range of circumstances I interact with him without making any grievous prediction errors, then I call him a man even if he's technically a female on testosterone—not as a favor, but because it genuinely seems like the best word to describe what I'm seeing. Futhermore, if I don't perceive someone as a man, but everyone else does (or speaks as if they do), I'll usually go along with the majority's language usage for game-theoretic reasons (explanation: http://unremediatedgender.space/2019/Oct/self-identity-is-a-schelling-point/). But if he further demands that I'm not even allowed to use the phrase "female on testosterone" to describe what I think is going on in this situation, then we have a problem. +Trump— +> devastating in their percentage and power of destruction + +Like I said, it would seem the disagreement centers around how robust the trait-clusters are, and how useful it is to be able to use simple language to talk about the overwhelming-majority case, and I'm wary of these standards being selectively varied for political reasons that, however well-intentioned, actually in-practice interfere with our collective ability to make sense of the world. + +When I say "selectively varied", I mean that the same standards aren't being applied evenhandedly to different topic-areas. For example, when talking about the anatomy of the hands, you might end up offhandedly saying something like, "Humans have ten fingers." I think it's good for people to be able to say "Humans have ten fingers" in most contexts without it being construed as a denial of the facts that polydactyly exists and that some people lose fingers in accidents. (It's true that polydactyly exists! And it's true that some people lose fingers in accidents! I enthusiastically affirm both of those facts! But I think it's also true that ... you know what I meant.) + +This is also my rationale for wanting "Men are the ones with penises" to be considered "true" in most contexts. The claim isn't that trans men don't exist; the claim is that adult human males are the prototypical thing that trans men are imitating (to the limits of available technology), such that it's useful for many unmarked usages of "man"/"men" to be understood to refer to the prototype unless there's some contextual reason to think otherwise. + +https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/11/18/uc-berkeley-strips-the-names-of-professors-with-racist-views-off-3-buildings + +(I remember Logan Brienne recommended Will Powers on Facebook) +https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/jx9io9/my_official_post_on_my_personal_opinion_on/ +https://archive.is/DnxUM +He thinks AGP is erotic-only, but gender euphoria is OK + +Funny exchange— https://twitter.com/The_WGD/status/1329872398087303173 +> You're slipping into the Sailer zone, and while he's not exactly canceled...it's your risk to take, but if you drift slowly enough, you won't notice when you're past the line. +> What's the worst thing that Sailer has ever said? +> we don't know because he said it on his alt + +Pay gap among Uber drivers: https://nber.org/papers/w26380 + +Millenials are children: https://archive.fo/KOHS3 + +I should read the new Julia Serano paper. Serano, J. (2020). Autogynephilia: A scientific review, feminist analysis, and alternative ‘embodiment fantasies’ model. The Sociological Review, 68(4), 763–778. (Note on skimming: it's actually significantly less mendacious than her previous work!) + +The map is not the territory. For an ideal observer passively viewing the world from behind a Cartesian veil, the map reflects the territory, and never the other way around: beliefs and reality interact in only one direction. Unfortunately, human social life is a little more complicated than this: when our beliefs about the world affect the reality of what people do, then we can have self-fulfilling prophecies: the territory bulldozed to fit the map. But self-fulfilling prophecies are still only a second-order effect: reality affects your thoughts directly (via sensory perception), whereas your thoughts only affect reality insofar as someone cares what you think. + +https://www.transgendertrend.com/trans-kids-reject-family-not-other-way-around/ + +https://rewirenewsgroup.com/article/2020/11/23/is-there-a-terf-at-your-thanksgiving-gathering/ + +https://medium.com/@Chican3ry/female-embodiment-fantasies-1e4bab7dc3f0 + +https://nypost.com/2020/11/24/florida-woman-charged-in-machete-attack-wanted-to-be-with-mans-wife/ + +https://www.cato.org/blog/history-crowdfunding-wake-violence + +Julia Serano: "Women who have struggled against patriarchal ideals of what makes a 'real' woman think nothing of turning around and using the world 'real' against trans women." The problem with the patriarchal ideals was not the word 'real'! + +https://world.wng.org/content/washington_erasing_parents_from_the_equation + +"Trans women dropkicked & beat a racist throwing slurs at them. The judge said he deserved it." https://archive.is/MWyIB