X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=notes%2Ftweet_pad.txt;h=297a028ab56fc80eb6741d8e678bd4810c0b5167;hb=dff68dafb7b35e527abff78b04e588bedf664e2e;hp=a7244884f9095e3e7884d1a9004a1663e408e414;hpb=e4504f629ae6da48aa2d3f0cc6a59902afcdcd81;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/tweet_pad.txt b/notes/tweet_pad.txt index a724488..297a028 100644 --- a/notes/tweet_pad.txt +++ b/notes/tweet_pad.txt @@ -1,7 +1,100 @@ +I never expected to become a polarizing figure 1/5 + +like, compared to the ENTIRE REST OF SPACETIME, I'm yet another nice smart progressive Jewish trans girl, just like everyone else 2/5 + +It's ONLY in comparison to Berkeley 2020 that I might be easily confused with some kind of vicious right-wing edgelord (the likes of which I actually am not) 3/5 + +Can I be forgiven if, from my perspective, it looks like the problem is with Berkeley 2020 rather than me? 4/5 + +where this "Everything is socially constructed! Nothing correlates with anything else!" performance is the price of being Good, I'm willing to be Bad if that means I can say that SOME things aren't socially constructed, and use language to refer to correlations less than one 5/5 + +If I seem paranoid, it's only because AN UNALIGNED DISTRIBUTED INTELLIGENCE IS TRYING TO TRICK ME INTO CUTTING MY DICK OFF. IT IS USING MY FRIENDS FOR CPU CYCLES AND AS ACTUATORS. THIS IS NOT A METAPHOR + +I would be less likely to listen to Bad Men saying factually correct things, if there were more non-Bad non-men saying factually correct things in the relevant areas of interest—guess I'll have to become one (except not the "non-man" part because biological sex is immutable) + +Then offer her a job at the salary of an 8x engineer. (Get it? It's an efficient markets joke: if companies really behaved like this, they would compete to equilibrium & there would be no pay gap in the 1st place. But real-world markets aren't efficient for many reasons 😰) + +> that which they cannot appropriate is biologically determined +https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1129538855554539520 + You know who else believed that "biological sex" was a useful concept? Hitler! Only losing coalitions have an incentive to support free-speech norms. You don't want to be a LOSER, do you?? Men are trash! (With respect to the definition of "trash" as "of or relating to the sex that typically produces sperm.") -https://twitter.com/literallyktp/status/1075287925087264768 +"Bayesian reasoning" is a TERF dogwhistle + +Taylor Swift's "Speak Now" is an allegory about how a single dissenter's courage can shatter preference-falsification equilibria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ6O785wx8c + +link to Tail: https://twitter.com/BlanchardPhD/status/1089172233300443136 + +too emotionally exhausted: https://twitter.com/zackmdavis/status/1112408859639898113 + +is this canon??? https://twitter.com/transscribe/status/1107153227257204737 + +no one remembers pronouns: https://twitter.com/BlanchardPhD/status/1060563648027021314 + +Striesand effect: https://twitter.com/BlanchardPhD/status/1092768815623094274 + +Misalliances are literally: https://twitter.com/literallyktp/status/1075287925087264768 + +Singal for free speech: https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1089236142724136963 + +real eugenics: https://twitter.com/AMK2934/status/1091571957378633728 + +this but unironically (see Blanchard on "developmental competition") https://twitter.com/LoFiRepublican/status/1135632521029402626 + +https://twitter.com/BennettJonah/status/1089421675433771008 + +My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S8E23 "Sounds of Silence" is an allegory about political correctness: "I could stay and live with them, or I could keep my voice" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAhqxvgQYn0 #mylittlepony #friendshipismagic #idw + +Twilight Sparkle has TERF bangs + +this'll be great for my future tantrum: https://twitter.com/CrassyTheo/status/1106724053371387904 + +AGP is well-described: https://twitter.com/will_malone/status/1121428353074880513 + +dialogue with Grey: https://twitter.com/zackmdavis/status/1138257464795602944 + +----- + +Prewritten thread for if they do the stickers again this year— + +As a male with mild gender dysphoria (which is probably causally related to my autogynephilic sexuality), pronoun stickers (like those at @RustConf) make me uncomfortable for nuanced reasons that are hard to adequately explain when limited to 280 characters at a time! 1/8 [include photo] + +I don't want to put on the "HE" sticker, because that would be taken to mean that I actively "identify" as a male, when really it's more that I don't expect people to pretend not to notice. Passing in the MtF direction is REALLY HARD and I just don't expect to pull it off 2/8 + +(I was on hormone replacement therapy for 5 months the other year, but quit out of general conservatism about medical interventions. I wrote about it on my secret gender blog! http://unremediatedgender.space/2017/Sep/hormones-day-156-developments-doubts-and-pulling-the-plug-or-putting-the-cis-in-decision/) 3/8 [include HRT photo] + +Likewise, I can't put on the "SHE" sticker. I do prefer the æsthetics of feminine pronouns and cherish them in contexts where that makes sense (like when cosplaying a female character at Comic-Con), but I couldn't really expect anyone to take that seriously in real life 4/8 [include cosplay photos] + +Like, men who fantasize about being women do not particularly resemble actual women? We just—don't? This seems kind of obvious, really?? 5/8 + +I guess I could use the "THEY" sticker?? But I'm still not sure what the truth condition is for having a nonbinary gender (in contrast to my biological sex, which is pretty unambiguous from multiple lines of evidence, even if I'm not necessarily happy about it). 6/8 + +I'm also somewhat unnerved by the implication that the subconscious process by which the brain notices ppl's secondary sex characteristics is somehow illegitimate? I'm happy to use the indicated pronouns, but am I also supposed to override my perception of physical reality? 7/8 + +Although I happily concede that the pronoun stickers may be a useful stopgap while we're waiting for deep-learning powered surgery robots (written in @rustlang?!) to make facial feminization surgery affordable for everyone!! :sparkling_heart: :money_with_wings: END/8 + +----- + +I was fantasizing about voting Trump out of spite (at "the libs" for trying to trick me into cutting my dick off independently of the facts that determine whether or not cutting my dick off is a good idea), but I probably won't actually go through with it. Probably. 1/4 + +Like, if my choices are "pathologically lying serial-sexual-abuser con man", or the party of de-facto BIOLOGICAL SEX DENIALISM (!?!?!?!) ... you know, tough call, right? 2/4 https://twitter.com/ewarren/status/1230577418559270913 + +Okay, so it's a little bit subtler than that. There are very few out-and-out sex denialists; it's just this moral culture where it's implicitly considered incredibly gauche to refer to, or reason about, the concept of biological sex using language. 3/4 + +It's SO DEPRESSING, because cross-sex hormone therapy is actually a REALLY COOL transhumanist body-mod tech that I personally benefitted from trying out! I just wish we could talk about it AS body-mod luxury rather than playing these social-reality gaslighting mindfuck games 4/4 + +I try not to talk about it too much under this name (I have a separate pen name specifically to try to avoid politics eating my life), but the situation is sufficiently dire that I'm at the point of Total Culture War (losing friends, thinking about fleeing Berkeley, &c.) 5/6 + +Anyway, this is a terrible, soul-destroying website and I shouldn't be using it ... for this topic. Come back tomorrow for my commentary on the #RapunzelsTangledAdventure pre-finale! 6/6 + +----- + +I mean, words don't INTRINSICALLY mean things—in order for words to mean things, people have to solve the coordination problem of discovering and maintaining shared signals/words and associated mental categories that "carve reality at the joints." 1/3 https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/esRZaPXSHgWzyB2NL/where-to-draw-the-boundaries + +If I'm allowed to define God as "the order and beauty in the universe"—because, one might argue, you're not standing in defense of truth if you insist on a word, brought explicitly into question, being used with some particular meaning—then "God exists" is literally true! 2/3 + +If "God is the order and beauty in the universe" is a Nash equilibrium in the coordination game of "what words are attached to what meanings in our Society", then creating the language in which the "atheism" hypothesis can be spoken and understood, is a political problem. 3/3