X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=content%2Fdrafts%2Fsocial-strategy-notes-february-2019.md;h=2619b2f9ea5d03bf74a81d5d3c42ef2c372f344f;hb=fae0291827e40b063fd62643d4a62f9b385010ac;hp=61f668eb09727672c658b905503023dc90101d05;hpb=b8bce0ce21911e14343dee395a5551d8a2936da8;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/content/drafts/social-strategy-notes-february-2019.md b/content/drafts/social-strategy-notes-february-2019.md index 61f668e..2619b2f 100644 --- a/content/drafts/social-strategy-notes-february-2019.md +++ b/content/drafts/social-strategy-notes-february-2019.md @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ -Title: Social Strategy Notes, February 2019 +Title: Social Strategy Notes, March 2019 Date: 2020-01-01 Category: commentary Tags: personal, software industry Status: draft -> _There's a heart that must be free -> To fly -> That burns with the need to know -> The reason why -> Why must we all conceal -> What we think, how we feel? -> Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide?_ -> -> —"Reflection", _Mulan_ (as performed by Christina Aguilera) +_(Attention conservation notice: petulant Diarly-like navel-gazing is boring. [Please subscribe](/feeds/all.atom.xml) for actual content later, I double-dog promise!)_ + +So much for the rationalists (previous posts) + + +At least, that was the vision _I_ internalized in the late 'aughts. Others who were present may remember things slightly differently. + +And so, as I previously blogged, it was _kind of a shock_ in 2016 when I moved to "Portland" (which is actually Berkeley), noticed that -_(Attention conservation notice: petulant navel-gazing is boring. [Please subscribe](/feeds/all.atom.xml) for actual content later, I double-dog promise!)_ February has been a pretty exciting month for me in terms of advancing in my chosen profession! @@ -38,6 +36,8 @@ I remember being at the University in 'aught-six or 'aught-seven, reading a libr karaoke: "Reflection" as trans anthem, I said "It permits many interpretations" +telling the woman in our karaoke group that she should sing the female part, but I wouldn't have if there had been a trans woman present + ReductRS tweet, I probably looked annoyed rather than mirthful it's not actually engaging with the @@ -66,3 +66,92 @@ OUTLINE— * I had fantasized about _suddenly_ stopping preference-falsifying on Twitter to be a Damore- or Lindsay-Shepard-like hero (The virtue of navel-gazing is that it takes less effort to just bare your soul, but this still feels like it takes enough effort to get right-enough that I might not even bother? We'll see if I summon up the energy to just bang it out in one sitting on a dedicated day: that's what "Untitled Metablogging" was, and it was a hit; and the anti-martyrdom thing is important) + +I fantasized about wearing makeup and a "he" sticker + +you don't even hanged for your actual crimes, just the flashiest thing that can be taken out of context; Moldbug _is_ pretty racist, but his worst parts are written in coded language ("a country X which contains two classes of people, which we’ll call A and B": https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2007/11/why-i-am-not-white-nationalist/) https://archive.is/9Ezk3 + +bundling and marketing channels, negotiation for space; I can keep quiet in a particular venue, but "not in X space" becomes "shut up and die" if X encompasses all spaces + +psychological hazards of embracing the "evil" label + +people just like me who read different books in a different order + +"Everyone is entitled to her religion/belief" is a peace treaty + +tempted to escalate to misgendering just as a protest against mind control (even though I wouldn't be inclined to fight about pronouns if I could get people to agree about the theory), but that's not a winning move + +How strong is the hypothesized "if you ever gerrymander a category, then parsimony is ever after your enemy" effect? + +—the hypothesis that it's a big effect, is just a hypothesis; maybe compartmentalization is safe. If I think I'm doing rationality better than everyone else, then that should _show up_ in me making progress on other subjects! + +"categories are arbitrary" is _generalized anti-epistemology_ that wouldn't have even _occured_ to anyone if they weren't trying to protect a broken belief + +clickthrough rates are bad, which is a point against the bundling strategy of writing good non-gender-war content under the same pseudonym + +lack of a positive vision + +so tempting to endlessly relitigate every minor point of conversation, when I should just let it go + +the "rationalist" banner is a source of huge cognitive dissonance if the majority gets it wrong + +cis women also get surgery / "seems fake" / 13th century word meanings + +I can't be friends with people who are going to gaslight me this hard + +important to notice that the ideological repression narrative is one of microaggressions/exclusion: should be a source of empathy! + +reach for condescending rhetoric: "pretending to be stupid" is emotionally satisfying rhetoric that does point to a real problem, but it's not a precise formulation, and the meta-level "you're irrational" dicussion is already so fraught that it needs all the precision it can get (ridicule might help as a violent appeal to shared values, but you need a coalition for that) + +the relevance of AGP is to provide a non-intersex mechanism for why males might want to be female; it's not "autoerotic people can't be female", to which claim "cis women are AGP too" would be a counterexample + +my obsessive personality (being angry about school felt _just_ like this) + +B.'s advice about the unwarranted assumption of good faith + +summing over three conversations, don't want to get into details because don't want to relitigate object-level points addressed in prev. (and future) posts, and because I don't want to leak too much info about non-public conversations + +part of the reason I've been slow to finish my draft to Ozy is the sense that it doesn't really matter + +I didn't explain the Schelling point thing + +at first I was upset about two-types in 2016/17, but that may have been premature; but now a recent flurry of activity about the hidden-Bayesian-structure-of-cognition thing + +"Wilhelm" told me to give up, but I have a _massive_ homefield advantage that doesn't port; that's an incentive to stand my ground and fight a culture war, unpleasant as that is + +trans women who I love and admire and don't want to hurt—but who are a _different thing_ from actual women—_sufficiently_ different in a way that deserves either a separate noun, _or_ at least https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markedness ("women"/cis-women as the central thing, and "trans" as a wierd version); the "women, cis or trans; neither kind more central than the other" is not going to fly. Which isn't to say that "cis" is a bad word to have (I don't mind having words for "straight" or "heterosexual") (this could be its own post) + +"We're not actually doing the bad reasoning you're accusing us of" dodge is not credible; we had a whole goddamned sequence on this + +https://srconstantin.wordpress.com/2018/12/15/argue-politics-with-your-best-friends/ + +pulling my punches somewhat "Why can't we define 'woman' that way?" I was trying to be conciliatory with, "You can, but sometimes I want to use the word in other ways", but maybe that just got read as a sign of weakness; a more aggressive stance would have been "Because [37 Ways Words Can Be Wrong], that's fucking why" + +https://srconstantin.wordpress.com/2018/12/15/argue-politics-with-your-best-friends/ + +"Beatrice"'s disavowal + +embarrassing myself + +rationalists are _really good_ at free speech norms + +progressive virtue signaling—but when I say it, it's not just a sneer; it's a + +https://twitter.com/zackmdavis/status/1084628483748184064 + +test case: http://web.archive.org/web/20200111125910/https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/04/12/clarification-to-sacred-principles-as-exhaustible-resources/ + +https://www.gnxp.com/blog/2007/10/james-watson-tells-inconvenient-truth_296.php +— + +stepping over the line in babyserver and #arabeth + +most of the ill will is on my side + +From the standpoint of a cultural minority, it feels like the dominant culture is constantly microaggressing against your interests, and sometimes you want to push back in self-defense, with the justification that they started it. But from the dominant culture's perspective, it was just being itself, and the "pushback" is the aggression, and the minority started it. + +Tail didn't even want to Tweet me?!? + +the oragnaizer of the Quillette meetup wanted to talk about black dysfunction, and I felt the discomfort of "Why are you interested in this topic?" + +the pain of being values-aligned but not ideology-aligned