X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=notes%2Fa-hill-email-review.md;h=cd5894e5f183a4f48904d1fe1cd8ab699e9ea1ef;hb=2b00f2c0cf513fad4e8fe5bb85659f34d399121c;hp=eacd99b36560c354ffb4da86076800df4f49aab8;hpb=5bccb16ed47ec92422ebd6cfc15f73bec843ed7c;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/a-hill-email-review.md b/notes/a-hill-email-review.md index eacd99b..cd5894e 100644 --- a/notes/a-hill-email-review.md +++ b/notes/a-hill-email-review.md @@ -145,6 +145,42 @@ Michael: Once people think they know what the political sides are, the political 15 Apr: me—concern about bad faith nitpicking, Jessica says I'm not 15 Apr: Jessica's comment, the lesson of Funk-tunul 15 Apr: trying to recruit Steven Kaas +15 Apr: Signal conversation with Ben— +I'm having some ideas on how I could write my post about disillusionment with the rationalists well still not being too hostile and not leaking info from private conversations + +> Yeah, I think the right target to keep in mind is people like you a few years ago who haven't yet had the experiences you've had +> So they don't actually have to freak out to the point of being imprisoned and then demand help from community leaders and not get it, they can just learn from you +> Like, the actual sympathetic-but-naive people +> Not the people fucking with you + +[...] + +people also deserve credit for the help they did give me (care resources from Alicorn et al.) even if I don't think there intellectual performance was good enough to deserve the Mandate of Heaven implied by the "rationalist" brand name + +> Yes, but we need to keep separate accounts for _personal_ gratitude, and institutional fraud +> Like, I think that if somehow Alicorn gets hurt by the Rationalists dissolving, and we're in a position to help her, we should try to help in any way that _doesn't_ work via continuing to validate the collective narcissistic fantasy that the Rationalists are a thing +> Insofar as that makes things hard, we have to think of it as a hostage situations +> But, it's not obvious that this imposes undue costs on the individuals that have helped you a lot, except maybe Anna +[...] +> And, _not_ doing this is imposing costs on people like Michael (and all of humanity) instead, which is a lot less fair than harming Anna's interests incidentally by breaking up a scam she's drawing power from + +[...] +should I just reread you posts about EA, or is there more? + +> People are systematically conflating corruption, accumulation of dominance, and theft, with getting things done. +[...] + +> These both seem like evidence that CFAR and MIRI see themselves as building an army, not a truth-seeking intellectual community. +[...] + +> This isn't about direct benefit vs harm +> This is about what, substantively, they're doing +> And they claimed to be cultivating an epistemically rational community while in fact building an army of loyalists + +[...] + +last night I was up until 2 a.m. and wrote Anna two paper postscards asking for her to engage with my "... Boundaries?" post when she ahs time and to give me an estimate of when she might have time [...] I figured that spamming people with hysterical and somewhat demanding physical postcards is more polite (and funnier) than my usual habit of spamming people with hysterical and somewhat demanding emails + 16 Apr: I feel sad and gaslighted 16 Apr: Jessica sparks engagement by appealing to anti-lying Ben— I think a commitment to lying is always wrong just straightforwardly leads to deciding that anything power demands you say is true. @@ -249,6 +285,12 @@ my no-contest bullet-biting strategy 15 Sep: Yudkowsky will say, "Whoops, I said the wrong thing" re his interaction with Glen Weyl, which seems more proportional to Weyl's power rather than the magnitude of the offense https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1164275185622507520 16 Sep: SK: "I think there's a gradient where sanity is mostly flowing from core people outward toward non-core people." me—That's what I would have thought, too! I consider this falsified [...] twenty-thousand-word, five-month extraordinary effort [...] The gradient is running in the other direction! + +19/20 Sep: Signal conversation with Ben— +> Van Nostrand mentioned that Merlin has asked you why you're a boy, an dwe're curious what you're answer was now +... I stonewalled him because of my political incentives :'( (semi-consciously mishead the question as "Are you ab boy?" and said "Yes" after a long pause) +I would have preferred a straightforward honest answer like, "Because I have a penis, like you", but that answer felt inappropriately "political", speech I want to avoid in that house (which is an insane situation to be in, but) + 21 Sep: Being widely taken seriously is important if the plan is to lobby Congress to pass Safe AI regulation. Being able to add 6 + 7 is important if the plan is to make unprecedented scientific breakthroughs. Remind me what the plan is? 22 Sep: There are also forces pulling in the direction of not selling out your principles for power and popularity, if there exist valuable people who care about principles. [..] If my actions (implausibly) represent a PR risk to someone else's Singularity strategy, then they're welcome to try to persuade or negotiate with me. 24 Sep: "Heads I Win" was really successful; reasons why you might think this is good besides measuring idea quality democratically @@ -1230,3 +1272,28 @@ I don't think 'people who'd get surgery to have the ideal female body' cuts anyt Elena— "the original thing that already exists without having to try" sounds fake to me + + +I agree that the "SneerClub et al. hates us because they're evil bullies" hypothesis has a grain of truth to it, but stopping the analysis there seems ... _incredibly shallow and transparently self-serving_? + + +------ + +https://www.facebook.com/yudkowsky/posts/pfbid0WA95Anng7UZZEjqYv2aWC4LxZJU7KPvcRnxkTdmNJpH4PoQQgEFtqszPbCiCnqfil?comment_id=10159410429909228 + +If you listen to why _they_ say they hate us, it's because we're racist, sexist, transphobic fascists. The party-line response to seems to trend towards, "That's obviously false (Scott voted for Warren, look at all the social democrats on the LW/SSC serveys, &c.); they're just using that as a convenient smear because they like bullying nerds." (Fair paraphrase?) + +But ... the smears have a grain of truth to them, right? If "sexism" means "it's an empirical question whether innate statistical psychological sex differences of some magnitude exist, it empirically looks like they do, and this has implications about our social world", the "SSC et al. are crypto-sexists" charge is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT (e.g. https://slatestarcodex.com/.../contra-grant-on.../). (Crypto-racist, crypto-fascist, &c. are left as an exercise to the reader.) + +You could plead, "That's a bad definition of sexism", but that's only convincing if you've _already_ been trained in the "use empiricism and open discussion to discover policies with utilitarian-desirable outcomes" tradition; the people with a California-public-school-social-studies-plus-Tumblr education don't already _know_ that. (Source: I didn't know this at age 18 back in 'aught-six, and we didn't have Tumblr then.) + +In that light ... can you see why someone might find "blow the whistle on people who are claiming to be innocent but are actually guilty (of thinking bad thoughts)" to be a more compelling ethical consideration than "respect confidentiality requests"? The "debate ideas, not people" thing is a specific meta-ideological innovation, not baseline human morality! + +If our _actual_ problem is "Genuinely consistent rationalism is realistically always going to be an enemy of the state, because the map that fully reflects the territory is going to include facts that powerful coalitions would prefer to censor, no matter what specific ideology happens to be on top in a particular place and time (https://www.lesswrong.com/.../heads-i-win-tails-never...)", but we _think_ our problem is "We need to figure out how to exclude evil bullies", then we're in trouble!! + + +> We also have an inevitable Kolmogorov Option issue but that should not be confused with the inevitable Evil Bullies issue, even if bullies attack through Kolmogorov Option issues. + +Being transparent about the game theory I see: intuitively, it seems like I have a selfish incentive to "support" the bullies (by publicly pointing out that they have a point, as above) insofar as I'm directly personally harmed by my social network following a Kolmogorov Option strategy rather than an open-dissidence Free Speech for Shared Maps strategy, and more bullying might cause the network to switch strategies on "may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb" grounds? Maybe I should explain this so people have a chance to talk me out of it? +... hm, acutally, when I try to formalize this with the simplest possible toy model, it doesn't work (the "may as well be hung ..." effect doesn't happen given the modeling assumptions I just made up). I was going to say: our team chooses a self-censorship parameter c from 0 to 10, and faces a bullying level b from 0 to 10. b is actually b(c, p), a function of self-censorship and publicity p (also from 0 to 10). The team leaders' utility function is U(c, b) := -(c + b) (bullying and self-censorship are both bad). Suppose the bullying level is b := 10 - c + p (self-censorship decreases bullying, and publicity increases it). +My thought was: a disgruntled team-member might want to increase p in order to induce the leaders to choose a smaller value of c. But when I do the algebra, -(c + b) = -(c + (10 - c + p)) = -c - 10 + c - p = -10 - p. (Which doesn't depend on c, seemingly implying that more publicity is just bad for the leaders without changing their choice of c? But I should really be doing my dayjob now instead of figuring out if I made a mistake in this Facebook comment.)