X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=61fc93041ff49b2c4128a1eaa36cca5e3e4cf49a;hb=da08629ea7a1c521d53a04cc2b1e48f4db2b0bbc;hp=739f705f482f3601ad69e0af9ccf7884d9fe1a1d;hpb=221387a4e3d943573e4a698d7af145c129338ba2;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index 739f705..61fc930 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -708,3 +708,27 @@ https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/15/us/target-transgender-idaho-voyeurism.html?_r On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Zack M. Davis wrote: The family resemblance between me and my sister is quite striking (much more so, I think, than the resemblance between us and either parent); we have the same nose, same dark hair that curls into raidus-half-inch helices, maybe similar mannerisms, probably similar cognitive profiles. Unlike me, my sister is socially well-adjusted. [...] If it's actually the case that one's will is subtly out of alignment with a hypermajority of healthy people in ways that are predictable and causally related to one's medical condition, that might be really disappointing from some grand fun-theoretic universe-design sense, but in the real world where one is not God and everything outside of one's skull is a constant, not being delusional about the degree of alignment might actually be useful in learning how to cooperate better, if mere cooperation is the best we can do. + +https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/10/business/media/charlottesville-jason-kessler-npr.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur + +Scattered Personal Reflections After a Tech Conference; Or, Smile More; https://rust-lang.github.io/rustconf-2018-keynote/#56 + +AGP-motivated radfem alignment https://twitter.com/michaelbeltis/status/1032042346450276352 + +Moldbug's deep rhetorical game: https://theotherlifenow.com/bear-traps/ + +when social-justice people say that language is "outdated", do they have an idea of what changed? There may be an uncomfortable analogy here to programmers who want to insist on the latest version of everything even when the old stuff still works! + +https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/evkwm4/how-to-be-an-ally-to-non-binary-gender-non-conforming-people-support + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inoculation_theory + +---- + +Extracted from one of my SEXNET posts— + +Unrelatedly, Beck et al. note in passing a fascinating finding that I think deserves more examination: + +> Gender portrayal seems to vary based on target audience. In genres and channels targeting boys, girls are more likely to be depicted as smarter, less emotional, and more technically savvy (Baker & Raney, 2007; Gerding and & Signorielli, 2014; Thompson & Zerbinos, 1995). Conversely, genres and channels targeting girl viewers depict boys as more emotional and affectionate than do boy-oriented media (Aubrey & Harrison, 2004; Hentges & Case, 2013). + +The authors go on to state that "[i]n sum, children's media reinforce gender role binaries and suggest that our culture values strictly delineated gender roles." But left unexplained is why a culture that values strictly delineated gender roles would optimize for portraying girls with masculine-coded virtues in boys' media and boys with feminine-coded virtues in girls' media. (An alternative theory that does predict this particular datum is that media producers are incentivized to cater to children's egocentric fantasies of the other sex's psychology being more like their own ...)