X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=a7429c1872af96fe01361b9fab6d8ef8ff1edf0b;hb=82cb2ad175aeaf94f8ac7621133db9e22d431d1e;hp=72a05adcb59562cd340a1571be0841b23d1f081f;hpb=5ea420a4c756cb1c8100228119a9885a71c3492b;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index 72a05ad..a7429c1 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ El Goonish Shive (http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2328 http://www.egscomi Choir +It's actually HELPFUL when friends point out an insonsistency between my self-report and my behavior. Ben asked, "Do you care about that?" And I said, "No", and Ben said, "I think you partially care, which is why you're so upset about this" + + + "The Distance Between Mars and Venus: Measuring Global Sex Differences in Personality" http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0029265 Stop Expecting Social Reality to Make Sense @@ -1064,11 +1068,6 @@ Siezing the Means of Home Production: http://archive.li/9NRrS https://abc30.com/homeless-women-harassed-in-shower-lawsuit-says/3514544/ -If you ever find yourself saying, "Even if Hypothesis H is true, it doesn't have any decision-relevant implications," YOU ARE RATIONALIZING! The fact that H is interesting enough for you to be considering the question at all (it's not some arbitrary trivium like the 1923th binary digit of π, or the low temperature in São Paulo on September 17, 1978) means that it must have some relevance to the things you care about. It is VANISHINGLY IMPROBABLE that your optimal decisions are going to be the SAME in worlds where H is true and worlds where H is false. The fact that you're tempted to SAY they're the same is probably because some part of you is afraid of some of the imagined consequences of H being true. But H is already true or already false! If you happen to live in a world where H is true, and you make decisions as if you lived in a world where H is false, you are thereby missing out on all the extra utility you would get if you made the H-optimal decisions instead! - -If you can figure out exactly what you're afraid of, maybe that will help you work out what the H-optimal decisions are. Then you'll be a better position to successfully notice which world you ACTUALLY live in. http://lesswrong.com/lw/o4/leave_a_line_of_retreat/ - - "Jesse Singal is a transphobic piece of shit!" Separately, may also be worth considering https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preference_falsification … when deciding what merits "piece of shit" status? Who knows if some of the ppl you follow are (e.g.) autogynephilia truthers, but don't write about it under their real name because they see the reaction to Singal? @@ -1411,8 +1410,6 @@ http://www.trans.cafe/posts/2016/6/27/17-signs-i-was-transgender-but-didnt-know- https://medium.com/@transstyleguide/alternatives-to-afab-and-amab-d7cf8fe20a72 -changing emotions/accent fantasies: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/wAW4ENCSEHwYbrwtn/other-people-s-procedural-knowledge-gaps/comment/pheakgvLbFndXccXC - There are Facts About Males that neurotypicals probably don't explain in words? Something about how a gentleman who doesn't want to be more specific, if he were going to be more specific, might end up using the word curvature. But maybe I've already said too much. support group can't mention anatomy: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/bripts/peak_trans_ix_tell_your_story_here/f6wjry3/ @@ -1550,17 +1547,8 @@ then, everyone will understand ----- -19 February, the kid reportedly said, "I'll put a piglet in my salad because I want to kill lots of animals." None of the grownups construed this as a reversal of the earlier vegetarianism claim, because none of the grownups took the earlier claim seriously. - -1 March: "When i grow up i'm gonna eat pigs." - -14 March: "I'm a pterodactyl dragon." - -17 March: "I was a hospital before but then I went through a metamorphosis...now I'm a crocodile." - -13 June: re "lesbian [...] seems actually just implementable in behavior without other resources" ... not even hormone replacement therapy? Frankly, I think this attitude is cruel (in its effects, however benevolent the intentions). Transitioning, or not-transitioning, is a serious life decision with wide-ranging social and medical implications. In order to help people make the right decision—whatever that turns out to be—I want people to have the most accurate information possible and the most precise concepts possible. Getting this stuff right—not just stopping at the first answer that sounds good to your Tumblr followers—is actually decision-relevant to me. In twelve years, it could very well be decision-relevant to Merlin. - -"The problem is not social engineering! The problem is _incompetent_ social engineering! The problem is not experimenting on children! The problem is experimenting on children in the service of an ideological crusade rather than in the service of finding out what happens!" https://www.facebook.com/zmdavis/posts/10154963540980199 (Mike Liked it) +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/SqNvmwDxRibLXjMZN/and-say-no-more-of-it +> Anything done with an ulterior motive has to be done with a pure heart. ----- @@ -1766,3 +1754,137 @@ https://www.jehsmith.com/1/2020/01/gendered-animal-names-a-postscript.html marketing opportunity: https://www.peaktrans.org/contact/ https://web.archive.org/web/20160406094634/http://mariacatt.com/2016/03/31/the-adult-baby-story/ + +> If you want to change a culture, think in terms of the evolutionary aspects of it. You might be able to do it by just shaking things up and letting it slide into a new equilibrium, but this only works if there's an equilibrium where you want to be. Fighting the adaptation pressure is a losing game. —https://notebook.drmaciver.com/posts/2020-02-28-06:33.html + +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/g4mse5/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_april_20_2020/fo0oug1/ +> a higher proportion of millionaires (5%) than women (4.9%). In addition, the proportion who want to have more than 4 children in the end (13.5%) is greater than the proportion who currently have more than 0 (13.3%) + +---- + +https://www.facebook.com/strohl89/posts/10158118341274598?comment_id=10158118460954598&reply_comment_id=10158118537469598 +> it's not terribly surprising if many autistic people are like "please just stop with the gender stuff", in which case it seems insensitive to talk about the "autistic women" category when i don't mean exactly that. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/g53fgy/qt_which_pronouns_should_be_respected/fo6yk5i/ +> It's possible that I would grow acclimated to this usage of singular "they" after sufficient exposure, but there are other reasons that I try to minimize my social interactions with people who use singular "they"--basically the same reasons that I try to minimize my social interactions with hardline cultural conservatives and evangelical Christians. We fundamentally disagree about some very basic principles, which means that every interaction is an exercise in biting my tongue. + +https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2020/04/25/no-more-lies-dissenting-from-gender-ideology-and-the-trans-phenomenon/ +> by making non-procreative sex the new norm for everyone, a norm achieved primarily by chemical interference with female bodily functions, we ceased to be men and women and became merely heterosexuals and homosexuals. It was no very large step from there to seeing our dimorphic nature, our sexual complementarity, as lacking any real significance next to the pursuit of sexual pleasure and emotional thrills. + +Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land, pitied the in-betweeners + +https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/T8eKL6xdfL4yA2kvg/genetic-enhancement-as-a-cause-area + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/gc6iye/im_a_lesbian_and_a_leftist_but_mtf_trans_lesbians/ + +https://newthoughtcrime.com/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/dy7241/peak_trans_x_tell_your_story_here/fp37ft6/ + +https://web.archive.org/web/20180418215634/https://www.pride.com/viral/2018/4/17/internet-head-over-heels-adorable-openly-gay-3-year-old + +https://www.nationalreview.com/news/attorneys-for-connecticut-high-school-runners-ask-judge-to-recuse-after-he-forbids-them-from-describing-trans-athletes-as-male/ + +Muscle strength, size and composition following 12 months of gender-affirming treatment in transgender individuals: retained advantage for the transwomen + + +> And then bam, [author of https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/60gvph/culture_war_roundup_for_week_of_march_20_2017/df7el54/] show up a few months later as a trans girl. + +He didn't actually transition. + +https://archive.is/7Wolo +> the massive correlation between exposure to Yudkowsky’s writings and being a trans woman (can’t bother to do the calculations but the connection is absurdly strong) + +https://americanmind.org/essays/children-and-transgenderism/ + +https://quillette.com/2019/09/24/no-one-is-born-in-the-wrong-body/ +> For instance, up until age 7, many children often believe that if a boy puts on a dress, he _becomes_ a girl. + + +From "The Psychological Foundations of Culture"— +> This, of course, reflects folk biology, captured in the two dictionary definitions of innate as "present from birth" and as "intrinsic." Social constructivist arguments frequently take the form that because thus-and-such is absent at birth, or doesn't appear until after age seven, or until after puberty, it is obviously "learned" or "socially constructed." AS a result, a common, but generally irrelevant feature of "nativist" versus "environmentalist" debates is over what is "present from birth." This confuses (among other things) the question of whether something is expressed at the time of birth with whether there exists in the individual evolved devel- opmental mechanisms that may activate and organize the expression of an adaptation at some point in the life cycle. Developmental processes continue to bring additional adaptations on line (as well as remove them) at least until adulthood, and there is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that agedriven adaptive changes in psycho- logical architecture continue throughout adulthood (see, e.g., Daly & Wilson, 1988). Thus, just as teeth and breasts are absent at birth and develop later in an individual's life history, perceptual organization, domain-specific reasoning mechanisms, the language acquisition device, motivational organization, and many other intricate psychological adaptations mature and are elaborated in age-specific fashions that are not simply the product of the accumulation of "experience." Consequently, psychological adaptations may be developmentally timed to appear, disappear, or change operation to mesh with the changing demands of different age-specific tasks, such as parenting, emotional decoding of the mother's voice, language acquisition, species-appropriate song learning, and so on (Daly & Wilson, 1988; Fernald, this volume; Marler, 199 1; Newport, 1990). +> For any particular gender difference, many psy- chologists are interested in whether it was caused (1) by sexually monomorphic psy- chologies encountering differential treatment by the social world, or (2) by sexually differentiated developmental mechanisms encountering treatment from the social world, whether that treatment was uniform or differential. As interesting as this ques- tion may be, however, the fact that an expressed gender difference may first appear after birth, or even late in life, is evidence neither for nor against either of these views. + +Somni gets it! https://somnilogical.tumblr.com/post/189782657699/legally-blind + + +> Do you consent to peristalsis or apoptosis or the Krebs cycle? +https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/glg1o7/qt_blind_spots_and_hypocrisy_in_gc_ideology/fqz1om6/ + + +https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2007/05/roth-castes-chimps-and-rangordnung/ +> The losers in this struggle may keep their actual gonads, but they lose their repeaters, i.e., the institutions which install values and beliefs in the young. + +religion security hole https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/2007/05/two-kinds-of-repeaters/ + +https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/a-penn-law-professor-wants-to-make-america-white-again + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/gmpzr4/gc_what_part_of_being_trans_do_you_consider_it/fr6ejj0/ + +https://tracieokeefe.com/autogynephilia-and-autoandrophilia-in-non-sex-and-gender-dysphoric-persons/ + +> There was ONE space that was ours and that was a safe space +https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/gkcmhj/peak_trans_xi_tell_your_story_here/frb8smz/ + +"The value in framing is thought to account for the majority of defensive value behind the plate." (i.e., decieving the umpire) +https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/catcher-is-baseballs-most-endangered-position/ +https://www.beyondtheboxscore.com/2008/4/5/389840/framing-the-debate +https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/catcher-is-baseballs-most-endangered-position/ + +bioleninism stack +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/glv7wt/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_18_2020/frknefk/ + +https://medium.com/@ebolo/heres-why-the-black-white-iq-gap-is-almost-certainly-genetic-fb8cdf032655 + +Razib on race— +"What do you call a black doctor?" https://www.gnxp.com/MT2/archives/001391.html +"Individual impact of affirmative action" https://www.gnxp.com/MT2/archives/000724.html + +https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-coopers-park-20200526-m4yhi6vkcfea3kxk3ntjc736s4-story.html +https://www.facebook.com/671885228/posts/10158742137255229/ + +https://web.archive.org/web/20200527112443/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/15/us/coronavirus-testing-seattle-bill-gates.html + +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/e85hvr/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_december_09/famxd26/?context=3 + +complicity: https://chainsawsuit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/20141015-theperfectcrime.png + +https://openpsychometrics.org/_rawdata/ + +http://www.cbc-network.org/2020/04/lets-talk-about-lupron/ + +https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-nhs-has-quietly-changed-its-trans-guidance-to-reflect-reality + +https://heterodoxacademy.org/seizing-means-knowledge-production/ + +https://randomcriticalanalysis.com/2015/04/19/understanding-the-academic-achievement-gaps/ + +https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/after-months-of-pleading-for-coronavirus-social-distancing-health-officials-supportive-of-protests-black-lives-matter-calls-them-too-dangerous/ + +one thing I do remember is that many different Bayesian networks can represent the same probability distribution. And the reason I've been running around yelling at everyone for nine months is that I've been talking to people, and we _agree_ on the observations that need to be explained, and yet we explain them in completely different ways. And I'm like, \"My network has SO MANY FEWER ARROWS than your network!\" And they're like, \"Huh? What's wrong with you? Your network isn't any better than the standard-issue network. Why do you care so much about this completely arbitrary property 'number of arrows'? Categories were made for the man, not man for the categories!\" And I'm like, \"Look, I didn't get far enough in the _Daphne Koller and the Methods of Rationality_ book to understand why, but I'm PRETTY GODDAMNED SURE that HAVING FEWER ARROWS MAKES YOU MORE POWERFUL. + +> Impressive that left and right have executed their second swap of positions on the pandemic. +https://twitter.com/SilDogood/status/1268233007737036800 + +https://mustreadalaska.com/fairbanks-espresso-doubles-down-calls-its-pro-trump-customers-fascists-nazis/?fbclid=IwAR15fblt79rVCdEB-j1MlYtPk7NhascdCQ8TWwsp8zji5C-OiAvVIaT411E + +https://thevelvetchronicle.com/anonymous-letter-from-a-terrified-lesbian-thoughtcrime/ +https://thevelvetchronicle.com/why-is-nobody-talking-about-cognitive-brain-development-in-the-rush-to-transition-kids/ + +"Defund the police" follows the logic of "give less money to orgs that do bad things", but they wouldn't say "Defund CPS" +https://twitter.com/CharlesFLehman/status/1269964759606210560 + +https://www.quantamagazine.org/males-are-the-taller-sex-estrogen-not-fights-for-mates-may-be-why-20200608/ + +"Black" but "white": https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1272984924686110720 + +https://medium.com/@kittyit/on-hurting-trans-women-a4a0ef1ef8d4 +https://medium.com/@kittyit/re-twitter-terms-of-service-c681356d0809 + +https://twitter.com/sgrif/status/1273090735122927616 + +https://medium.com/@dave_45588/response-to-andrew-carter-re-j-k-rowling-pt-2-556d9b9113b1 + + + +