X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=b9b8c281c52ff9f42775a91430c6076bf57b47bc;hb=487747536477520aff4e958599f8b347169b9f4e;hp=40802bda95b18902bd444e94b9de95a369c8acd1;hpb=d9dc97d28aa8ae44e445ba537a7d3ec5783288de;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index 40802bd..b9b8c28 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ body measurements dist'ns http://anthro.cs.uni-freiburg.de/#colx=100&coly=6 same-sex couples do less assortative mating! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2843104/ + On Mar 4, 2017 3:23 PM, "Zack M. Davis" wrote: Genocide is murder of a class of people. Can you be more specific about the class of people you see being murdered (nerdy men?) and what you think is murdering them (the political-correctness memeplex that evolved as a social-control mechanism to prevent the United States from becoming Yugoslavia)? @@ -612,6 +613,9 @@ the recording here also has stop-recording exchange: https://gendertrender.wordp Blanchard on the record about "homosexual" terminology: https://twitter.com/BlanchardPhD/status/999680624817508352 + +https://twitter.com/RachelRMoran/status/1060311474780946432 + http://abc30.com/homeless-women-harassed-in-shower-lawsuit-says/3514544/ https://medium.com/@maybekatz/on-the-design-of-womens-spaces-72bf8f396dc0 @@ -647,6 +651,7 @@ https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/991707514294194176.html https://mashable.com/2018/06/23/charlotte-clymer-twitter-thread-cuba-libre/#HzX3Kmpl3PqB https://www.metroweekly.com/2018/06/transgender-woman-says-she-was-kicked-out-of-popular-d-c-restaurant-for-using-womens-restroom/ https://twitter.com/ChelseaClinton/status/1010596357093117953 +https://twitter.com/cmclymer/status/1060699882506383360 "It’s officially impossible to find regular real lesbians unless you happen to stumble upon them in the wild ..." https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/8mahdy/peak_trans_vii_tell_your_story_here/e1jtuqz/ @@ -699,3 +704,439 @@ I should read Li Kung and Hines 2017 https://twitter.com/rftbk/status/1027314120 The Rust survey asks: "If you find it difficult to participate in the Rust community, and feel comfortable giving more details, please tell us what makes it difficult" with the subhead "Optional. Please share only what you are comfortable sharing". I write: "I have some nuanced and detailed views on transgender issues that I suspect might make me a target for exclusion if people knew about them? Mostly this doesn't matter (the community is focused on technology, as it should be), but it does feel slightly sad to be socially incentivized to separate the technology-focused and sociopolitically-focused aspects of one's public intellectual persona (by having a second blog under a pseudonym, &c.) in a way that people with other views probably aren't." what can go wrong: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/95z2zj/i_dont_think_im_going_to_my_girls_hobby_club/ + +Tail pasted a graph from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7895384_Masculine_Girls_and_Feminine_Boys_Genetic_and_Environmental_Contributions_to_Atypical_Gender_Development_in_Early_Childhood that showed heritable/shared/nonshared bars + +https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2018/08/online-dating-out-of-your-league/567083/ + +https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/15/us/target-transgender-idaho-voyeurism.html?_r=0 + +On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Zack M. Davis wrote: +The family resemblance between me and my sister is quite striking (much more so, I think, than the resemblance between us and either parent); we have the same nose, same dark hair that curls into raidus-half-inch helices, maybe similar mannerisms, probably similar cognitive profiles. Unlike me, my sister is socially well-adjusted. [...] If it's actually the case that one's will is subtly out of alignment with a hypermajority of healthy people in ways that are predictable and causally related to one's medical condition, that might be really disappointing from some grand fun-theoretic universe-design sense, but in the real world where one is not God and everything outside of one's skull is a constant, not being delusional about the degree of alignment might actually be useful in learning how to cooperate better, if mere cooperation is the best we can do. + +https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/10/business/media/charlottesville-jason-kessler-npr.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur + +Scattered Personal Reflections After a Tech Conference; Or, Smile More; https://rust-lang.github.io/rustconf-2018-keynote/#56 + +AGP-motivated radfem alignment https://twitter.com/michaelbeltis/status/1032042346450276352 + +Moldbug's deep rhetorical game: https://theotherlifenow.com/bear-traps/ + +when social-justice people say that language is "outdated", do they have an idea of what changed? There may be an uncomfortable analogy here to programmers who want to insist on the latest version of everything even when the old stuff still works! + +https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/evkwm4/how-to-be-an-ally-to-non-binary-gender-non-conforming-people-support + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inoculation_theory + +---- + +Extracted from one of my SEXNET posts— + +Unrelatedly, Beck et al. note in passing a fascinating finding that I think deserves more examination: + +> Gender portrayal seems to vary based on target audience. In genres and channels targeting boys, girls are more likely to be depicted as smarter, less emotional, and more technically savvy (Baker & Raney, 2007; Gerding and & Signorielli, 2014; Thompson & Zerbinos, 1995). Conversely, genres and channels targeting girl viewers depict boys as more emotional and affectionate than do boy-oriented media (Aubrey & Harrison, 2004; Hentges & Case, 2013). + +The authors go on to state that "[i]n sum, children's media reinforce gender role binaries and suggest that our culture values strictly delineated gender roles." But left unexplained is why a culture that values strictly delineated gender roles would optimize for portraying girls with masculine-coded virtues in boys' media and boys with feminine-coded virtues in girls' media. (An alternative theory that does predict this particular datum is that media producers are incentivized to cater to children's egocentric fantasies of the other sex's psychology being more like their own ...) + + +----- + +Extracted from reply to Ozy on categories— + +> Conversely, as far as I can tell, there has yet to be a single transgender NFL football player, while statistically there ought to be five currently playing. + +A side note, but—this doesn't actually seem hard to explain. If the ought-to-be-five means MtFs, well, you _can't_ transition MtF and _stay_ in the NFL—HRT is going to kill your performance. Even if you think the effect size of hormones is overhyped, this is a _very_ competitive area, you can't say, "Oh, it only affected performance like ten percent, that's nothing—ten percent is _huge_." This doesn't rule out Jenner-class eggs in the NFL. + +And if it means FtMs, well, people get into football as teenagers: there are going to be structural reasons making that difficult even if gynephilic FtMs _are_ the sort of people who would like to play (difficulty of transitioning _that_ early _and_ being stealthy about it, and difficulty of being accepted as one of the guys if you're not stealthy—let alone NFL/NCAA policy about steroid use, if the matter has even come up, which is probably hasn't) + +The tone of the video news report here makes me nervous (_deception_ is a crime, but the fetish itself shouldn't disqualify him from being a _crossing guard_) https://www.abc15.com/news/crime/pd-gilbert-man-fakes-down-syndrome-hires-caregivers-to-bathe-him-and-change-diapers + +This is basically the _Quillette_ article that I wanted to write: https://quillette.com/2018/09/12/stereotypes-are-often-harmful-and-accurate/ + +https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ijop.12529 + +https://lesbian-rights-nz.org/shame-receipts/ + +Has someone done the game-theoretic microfoundations of radical feminism? + +another ROGD referral graph: https://twitter.com/LavenderVerse/status/1042573498592501763 + +https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/unisex-changing-rooms-put-women-in-danger-8lwbp8kgk + +CoC thread (I donated $10 to the author for this): https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1041668315947708416.html +https://mobile.twitter.com/unconed/status/1045325718056554498 + +https://metro.co.uk/2018/09/19/transgender-teen-to-admit-murdering-parents-who-refused-to-accept-her-transition-7960036/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/8mahdy/peak_trans_vii_tell_your_story_here/e69oh83/ + +dystopia where all women call themselves nonbinary and men call themselves trans women + +https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9ejzkm/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_10/e64jjos/?context=3&sort=best + +https://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/Transgender-woman-in-San-Antonio-files-13244056.php?utm_campaign=twitter-mobile&utm_source=CMS%20Sharing%20Button&utm_medium=social "male or female gender should be self-identified and self-reported for the purpose of blood donation" + +https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2018/09/how-i-was-hounded-off-campus-for-saying-women-dont-have-penises/ + +https://www.econlib.org/you-dont-understand-our-culture/ + +https://twitter.com/tvandreacross/status/1043603304763351041 made me wonder why I haven't heard "Make it easier to get a GRC, but revoke it as part of the penalty for crimes, especially sex crimes" proposed as a compromise + +WTF _Nature_ redux https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06784-5?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+nature%2Frss%2Fcurrent+%28Nature+-+Issue%29 + +https://law.justia.com/cases/california/court-of-appeal/2017/b263563.html + +https://mobile.twitter.com/JamesCantorPhD/status/1012722559874486272 + +Damore is working again https://twitter.com/JamesADamore/status/1034623633174478849 + +HSTS doesn't like being asked pronouns https://twitter.com/Kinesis/status/1046485034113220608 + +Numbers 31:15–18 + +וַיֹּאמֶר אֲלֵיהֶם מֹשֶׁה הַֽחִיִּיתֶם כָּל־נְקֵבָֽה׃ + +"Have you allowed all the women to live?" he asked them. + + + וְעַתָּה הִרְגוּ כָל־זָכָר בַּטָּף וְכָל־אִשָּׁה יֹדַעַת אִישׁ לְמִשְׁכַּב זָכָר הֲרֹֽגוּ + +Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, + + + וְכֹל הַטַּף בַּנָּשִׁים אֲשֶׁר לֹא־יָדְעוּ מִשְׁכַּב זָכָר הַחֲיוּ לָכֶֽם + +but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man. + + +What actual women are like vs. feminist power fantasy: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8tpcyn/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_june_25_2018/e1f67ky/ +https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/2013/08/i-hate-strong-female-characters + +reading the famous Flight 93 essay and coming across a scare-quoted "cis-genderism", I want to say, "You mean _cisnormativity_" + +my insufficiently-requited love retweeted this: https://twitter.com/EscapologistFi/status/1052650770624118785 + +http://www.jbhe.com/features/53_SAT.html + +Singal on pediatrics society statement: https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1052939041069588480 (follow-up for critique of Ozy on ROGD!!!) + +https://twitter.com/rachelvmckinnon/status/1053633641161678848 + +Rachel McKinnon documents say she's a woman https://archive.is/PWmOP https://twitter.com/rachelvmckinnon/status/1053633641161678848 +Rachel McKinnon on her opponents making gender-identity https://archive.is/mmhwU + +https://doesnthavetobethisway.wordpress.com/2014/07/19/nametags-pronouns-and-lifting-the-burden/ + +EUGENICS https://www.wired.com/story/pinterest-skin-tone-search/?fbclid=IwAR27gG2-MZOuYjRBxcZCGK2J4x9rEcrD6rM-8W8H37b5GS5UWJnZEqffUjI + +Request for social technology: again, we really need to do something about the problem where civil-and-charitable discourse culture tends to degenerate into "I accept a belief from you, if you accept a belief from me" social exchange, which rewards dogmatic incumbents. (Submissive people trying to be charitable think, "The incumbent didn't respond to my argument! Maybe I'm wrong!" when maybe they should be less submissive and instead think, "The incumbent is being willfully stupid! No update!") So, we know that personal character attacks are bad and need to be quashed. But maybe "arrogance and contempt towards worldviews which I claim have bugs in addition to their already well-known features" is OK? We know that argument NEVER gets bullet. We know that argument NEVER gets personal attack. But a lot of people seem to think that if argument doesn't get counterargument, that means that argument wins. And that's not right! Maybe sometimes argument deserves, "No update, no time to explain; I falsifiably predict that you'll thank me later." Sometimes this prediction will be wrong! But sometimes it will come true eight years later! + +("And he cried out, one last cry under the consciousness of Odeen, except that somehow it was the cry of Dua. 'No, we can't stop the market. We are the market. We—'") + +"Transsexualism is primarily a type of individual psychopathology. It secondarily acquires the properties of a political or religious movement when individual transsexuals form up into networks."— https://twitter.com/BlanchardPhD/status/1056219179399962631 + +https://www.essence.com/news/16-year-old-black-teen-tells-dr-phil-shes-white-and-hates-black-people/ + +https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/10/30/transgender-woman-gets-18-month-sentence-for-sexually-assaulting-daughter.html + +https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/trans-man-sauna/amp/?__twitter_impression=true + +https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07238-8 + +more Yearwood: https://abcnews.go.com/US/transgender-teens-outrun-track-field-competitors-critics-close/story?id=55856294 +https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2810857-andraya-yearwood-knows-she-has-the-right-to-compete + + +https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6179341/Outrage-transgender-child-groomer-legally-female-womens-jail.html + +https://www.wweek.com/news/2018/11/07/a-transgender-powells-employee-says-the-bookstore-refused-to-designate-a-gender-neutral-restroom-in-its-corporate-office/ + +HSTS typology-discovering narrative: https://twitter.com/Kinesis/status/1060452237967675392 + +https://m.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/UC-Berkeley-campus-senator-abstains-from-a-vote-13378621.php?t=bd81bb94a4#photo-16472734 + +https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/drunken-transgender-women-stamp-defenceless-13566104 + +https://truethingsiwishicouldsay.tumblr.com/post/179846906643/this-is-the-new-queer-compulsory-heterosexuality + +https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/midwives-rail-against-proposal-to-call-women-persons-in-new-code-of-conduct/news-story/0c3b37b55934effcfc48498b64a1256f + +skeleton sex denialism: https://www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/575536/ + +medical records: https://twitter.com/HairyLeggdHarpy/status/1062360988702466048 + +https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7724502/cop-child-sex-offences-woman/amp/ + +https://janeclarejones.com/2018/11/13/the-annals-of-the-terf-wars/ + +http://academicrightswatch.com/?p=2871 + +https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/canadian-man-claiming-to-be-female-sues-16-women-for-refusing-to-wax-his-ge + +Marcus points out that out the "balls-at-12" 5-alpha-reductase people + +intersex stats: https://twitter.com/mrkhtake2/status/1063454985147613187 + +---- + +unused /r/slatestarcodex comment fodder— + +More generally, I'm not sure what to do about the problem of how to _break out_ of the existing Culture War narratives, when you think the reigning narrative is wrong and that you have a better one. The immortal Robin Hanson writes that if you want to make an outsized difference in debates, you sould [pull in a direction that few others are in the high-dimensional policyspace](http://www.overcomingbias.com/2007/05/policy_tugowar.html), but I worry that this model overlooks certain difficulties in _marketing_. If you don't want to join the "trans dykes are good and pure; maximize the number of trans people" coalition _or_ the "trans-identified males are bad men; minimize the number of trans people" coalition, the typical reaction is _not_ that people rally around your [third alternative](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/erGipespbbzdG5zYb/the-third-alternative) in the orthogonal direction, but rather: "Good God you're a fucking unicorn." + +Well, I _guess_. But then what's a unicorn to do? I feel _guilty_ about posting too many variants of the same "read [Anne Lawrence](http://www.annelawrence.com/autogynephilia_&_MtF_typology.html)!" comment whenever trans issues come up in the Culture War thread—it feels too repetitive, too agenda-driven. But _given_ an agenda (people should be aware of the true nature of late-onset gender dysphoria in males so that they can use the knowledge to make better decisions, even if I'm not wise enough to specify in advance what those decisions should be) and wanting to pursue that agenda in good-faith and with an absolute minimum of war, + +---- + +Ideally, the Watsonian and Doylist views should be consilient (social-justice people have a Doylist view of Damore et al. as trying to justify male privilige; Scott Alexander et al. have a Doylist view of social-justice as being about victimhood competition) + +deep learning can sex your retina: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-018-0195-0 + +http://www.womaninterruptedapp.com/en/ + +https://twitter.com/plantkid_/status/1065016189980721152 + +https://medium.com/the-establishment/dont-judge-a-girl-for-what-s-between-her-legs-24f6b6c8cc6 + +how come I've never heard of this Hogancamp guy on Trans Day of Rememberance? oh, right, AGP erasure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marwencol + +read later: https://medium.com/@juliaserano/refusing-to-tolerate-intolerance-f24c1bff513f + +https://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2012-11-15/online-paedophile-jailed-for-14-years/ + +http://valleywag.gawker.com/twitter-engineer-dana-mccallum-pled-guilty-to-two-misde-1643207780 + +https://www.philpercs.com/2016/02/autogynephilia-a-critique-and-personal-narrative.html + +https://medium.com/@Betsulimo/i-was-one-of-the-transactivists-on-the-channel-4-documentary-i-regret-what-i-did-this-is-why-7e12350ab6d3 + +https://www.reddit.com/r/itsafetish/ + +https://www.thestranger.com/slog/2018/11/30/36431918/if-the-future-is-nonbinary-its-a-bleak-one-for-women + +"Obviously I socially gender him as male as per his preference." + +"I wouldn't call it a 'preference' exactly." + +"I gender him male as per his philosophical commitments" + +https://www.theverge.com/2014/4/28/5661118/lab-mice-fear-men-not-women-big-problem-for-science + +Mad Ouroboros on the Somewhere Else Discord speculates that "don't call me cis" gendercrits and AFAB enbies are having the same internal gender experience + +CAIS in sport: https://twitter.com/FondOfBeetles/status/1070097483408248835 + +the evolutionarily ancient process of noticing secondary sex characteristics is less legitimate than "Because I said so" + +https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/zmynd9/stop-gendering-your-baby?utm_campaign=sharebutton + +https://twitter.com/terristrange/status/1068887491812290560 + +http://www.publicseminar.org/2018/11/the-performance-of-transgender-inclusion/ + +https://www.afterellen.com/general-news/568221-how-i-became-the-most-hated-lesbian-in-baltimore + +https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2018/06/sexism-racism-never-diminishes-even-everyone-becomes-less-sexist-racist.html + +https://trialeterror.home.blog/2018/11/25/alternatives-to-transition-a-step-by-step-guide-to-thinking-your-way-out-of-dysphoria-without-repressing-it/ + +Kinesis on the vibe: https://twitter.com/Kinesis/status/1074361907060957184 + +------ + +New from me: ["Trying to Be Explicit"](), a short story that starts out being about the frustration of trying to be objective about a hot-button social issue and facing what one believes to be bad-faith criticism while simultanously acknowledging that _everyone_ thinks their critics are acting in bad faith, but then degenerates into specialized erotica interspersed with commentary on how the details of the erotic fantasy have important implications for the hot-button social issue. + +... I don't know, guys. I'm really sorry. + +----- + +I don't understand why it's so hard to _either_ get the _minimal_ flag out in public, _or_ shut up about all related topics. Obviously, I can't fault anyone for not wanting to put potentially-controversial content under their own name, because I use a pseudonym myself. (I also believe in genetic-ancestry-mediated intelligence differences, and I _don't write about it_.) The problem that I'm trying to rally against is that if _all_ the nice-famous-shiny "rationalists" repeat flawed philosophy in support of the "pro-trans" political coalition (I linked four specific examples in a previous email; it really seems to be the consensus position), and _none_ of them loudly, publicly correct themselves when confronted with better philosophy (because the better philosophy happens to be more easily construed to support the "anti-trans" political coalition), then _we have lost the Mandate of Heaven_. + +----- + +Duolingo gave me the sentence "Ihre Frau schreibt" ("Her wife/woman writes") and I was very confused for a few moments. ("Well, the mouseover tooltip hint gives 'Her wife' and 'Your wife' as phrase translations, so it has to be 'your wife'—but wait, 'ihre' is similar to 'ihr', which is the plural you-all, so ...") + +the MADTv sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgcLfohtFbE + +field report on TIMs in lesbian spaces: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/9zgivf/peak_trans_viii_tell_your_story_here/ec8zecy/ + +And like, I share all the same moral ideals (I was born in 1987 and grew up in California; I'm not some [bigoted redneck](http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/30/i-can-tolerate-anything-except-the-outgroup/)). + +Yearwood again: https://www.theday.com/article/20170530/SPORT03/170539907 + +looking through scrollback with "Wilhelm"— + + "Politics Is the Mind; Loyalty to Existing Political Coalitions Is the Mind-Killer" + +genuine improvements and noise, and that we should be looking for clever strategies to roll back some of the noise while keeping the good parts + +"Wilhelm": "The preliminary results are not good, and they only look good inside a holiness bubble that is going to pop" + +I hate you guys so much +I'm making a pointed and deliberate effort to hate you so that I can continue to learn from you without getting eaten by your egregore + +Roissy says that the sum of masculinity and femininity in a relationship must sum to zero, and I can see how putting all of the masculinity in the man and all of the femininity in the woman is kind of useful in that it lets you reap the benefits of comparative advantage +but I don't want to be the guy, and like everyone else, I want my preferences to be high-status, which the status quo is sort of doing for me, albeit in a delusional self-destructive way that I hope is fixable + +"Restore patriarchy!" "Never! I mean, I see the point you're trying to make, but the real solution is embryo selection for more nerd girls!" + +I hear what you're saying, but, but, without bones of sympathy and approval from feminist women, where am I going to get my bones of approval and sympathy from feminist women?? It's like you're telling me to make fewer paperclips! + + +"Power that is not aligned with natural law leads to evil, because it requires constantly denying reality and punishing dissenters." +"OK, but I still want my own breasts" + +Scott got a lot of pushback just for including the blog that I showed him in a links post (Times have changed! BBL is locally quasi-mainstream after Ozy engaged) + +but I am starting to get a more detailed appreciation of how the thing-that-is-good-that-I-want-to-call-"individualism" has a lot of missing implementation details; "Everyone's self-reported self-identity must be uncritically respected" social norms are trying to maximize a certain kind of individual choice (you not only get to choose your gender, you can even write-in a new one!), but that choice is taking place in the context of a very specific delusional cultural environment that penalizes other kinds of individual choices (like criticizing the delusions) + +I'm sad that my update from "Blanchard is probably wrong because everyone's self-report says it's wrong" to "self-reports are pretty crazy" probably has implication for "Red Pill is probably wrong because everyone's self-report says it's wrong" + +when I asked the Licensed Clinical Social Worker how rare I was (wanting to try HRT while loudly denouncing trans ideology as retarded), he said he gets lots of nonbinary/"transfeminine", but had never met anyone who identified as AGP +he wants to talk to the team and have another appt before endocrinologist referal + +we should ban identities until we can figure out what's going on + +that would require taking power, which is hard + +but it's a good thought experiment... if you were appointed Gender Czar, what would you do? This is a rhetorical question, but I think what any decent person with good judgment would do is very, very different from what's happening. + +also, it's really personally convenient for me that the delusional identity politics happen to be favorable to my life-defining paraphilia, so I kind of have incentives to play along a bit + +as long as you don't describe yourself fully accurately + +yeah, it's really annoying, because in addition to my obligately autogynephilic sexuality, I'm also an obligate ultra positivist nerd who doesn't like playing along with cultural narratives that "she" thinks are false +you don't want me as Gender Czar, because I kind of like what's happening (to the extent that we can get away with it without being punished by Gnon), just not how people talk about it +if I get to be Eugenics Czar at the same time, I might be able to make up for it? + +You being Gender Czar would be an improvement to what's happening now. I'm not comparing you to my ideal Gender Czar, the thought experiment is that you compare your own judgment to Gender Moloch. +even if you didn't have any power over people, just the ability to give high status public statements would improve the rationality of the general area and shut down some of the holiness spirals occurring + +so while you're being successfully marginalized by the currently-reigning egregores, I'm happy to learn some sociology from you NRx guys, because I am an aspiring rationalist, and you have a lot of insights +but if you start gaining power in spaces that I care about, I kind of have to fight you to the death +for her + +W: 'Roles require that people support a consistent interface and contracts (in the programming sense). "Identities", "spectrums", "questioning", "finding oneself", and individualism in general break down the contracts and interfaces that others used to be able to rely on. The result is atomization, alienation between genders, and below replacement fertility. It's like a class in a dynamically typed language, where you have no idea what the methods or returned types are.' + +unless you have lots of fine-grained roles, "make sure the fence-sitters take the typical route" is really bad for me (screws over everyone who doesn't like the standard role, but isn't weird enough to qualify for a nonstandard one, and statistically, there are a lot more sort-of weird people than really-really weird people) + +Yes, exactly: https://twitter.com/pangmeli/status/1079097805250224130 + +perceiving sex: https://twitter.com/janeclarejones/status/1079334679411675136 + +"thru a conversation with my sister, I was, for the first time ever, able to distinguish between My Type and My Transition Goals" https://twitter.com/esten/status/1080709264899923968 + +Consequences for other people: I don't know! That's for those other people to decide, not me! But whatever they decide, they'll probably get more of what they want if they have more accurate beliefs! Rationality, motherfuckers! Do you speak it! + +I'm saying that the thing that the Zeitgeist is encouraging people to interpret as an atomic identity is almost certainly actually some kind of very specific bug in male sexual psychology that can be interpreted and acted on in various ways! One possible interpretation/action-plan is to split it into two parts: (1) a happy romantic fantasy that I want to indulge somewhat without taking it too far, and (2) a moral responsibility to self-modify at least somewhat in the direction of being more aligned with women (in the sense of AI alignment) even if my volition would naturally be less aligned in the absence of the perceived moral responsibility! + + I agree that I'm being socially disruptive, because I think there are sufficiently serious problems with the current equilibrium of what people are doing, that I've decided to gamble my reputation on staging an intervention! Pretty foolhardy, huh? Well, as evolutionary biologists could tell you, men are all about risk! + + Charity is _not_ about using polite language. Charity is about trying to _see_ what the other motherfucker is doing right! + + misinterpretation of misdirected male sexuality + +I agree that a lot of people seem perform the verbal behavior of saying, "A woman is anyone who wants to be!" But like, you know, maybe they're lying! + +Human psychology is a very high-dimensional configuration space! If you've bought into an ideology that says that everyone is equal and that therefore psychological sex differences must be small-to-nonexistent, then you can choose to selectively ignore the dimensions along which sex differences are relatively large, and when you're locked into that worldview, it does indeed genuinely look to you like individual personality differences swamp sex differences! And when you're locked into that worldview, looking at the dimensions along which the differences are relatively large is genuinely painful! Once you notice this, maybe you can think of clever strategies to better serve the moral ideal that makes psychological-sex-differences denialism so appealing, while making use of the additional power you gain by letting yourself look at the whole configuration space! + +https://arcdigital.media/what-is-gender-identity-10ce0da71999 + +One way of describing the trigger for me having gone bezerk starting in February is that I'm horrified that my neoreactionary friends are visibly way smarter than my rationalist friends. This is terrible, because kabbalistically, neoreaction is about being evil, and rationality is about being smart. It is written that being smart is more important than being good for humans (because trying to be good typically involves artificially restricting your hypothesis space; if good people don't permit themselves to even consider X, then they'll have trouble modeling a world in which lots of people make their living off X). But I really didn't expect that, in practice, trying to be evil makes you smarter than trying to be smart does! + +(Okay, I was brainwashed by progressivism pretty hard, but ideologies need to appeal to something in human nature; you can't brainwash a human with random bits; they need to be specific bits with something good in them.) + +the oscillation between "I'm embarrassed and upset about {thing} that I don't want to acknowledge or explain, but that makes me not want to acknowledge or explain the fact that I feel embarrassed an upset" vs. "Yes, {thing} is real; real things are allowed to appear on maps" + +Goodhart's Lawyer (credit "Wilhelm") + +the ugly gray communist 90% crap superstimuli aren't a threat to the values of our ancestors, but the really well done ones, are +I am the threat +(the cartoons with female superheroines that make the AGP male heart melt ... but who are noticeably not drawn from the same distribution as ACTUAL WOMEN) + +Taking a sabbatical; I'll try to think of it as being a housewife supported by my past self of the past three years + +Siezing the Means of Home Production: http://archive.li/9NRrS + +!!Con speakers: I count 1 "they/them" woman, 9 probably-actual-women, 3 known/obvious MtF, and 3 "they/them" men (implied 16 normal men remaining (including me?!)) + +https://abc30.com/homeless-women-harassed-in-shower-lawsuit-says/3514544/ + +If you ever find yourself saying, "Even if Hypothesis H is true, it doesn't have any decision-relevant implications," YOU ARE RATIONALIZING! The fact that H is interesting enough for you to be considering the question at all (it's not some arbitrary trivium like the 1923th binary digit of π, or the low temperature in São Paulo on September 17, 1978) means that it must have some relevance to the things you care about. It is VANISHINGLY IMPROBABLE that your optimal decisions are going to be the SAME in worlds where H is true and worlds where H is false. The fact that you're tempted to SAY they're the same is probably because some part of you is afraid of some of the imagined consequences of H being true. But H is already true or already false! If you happen to live in a world where H is true, and you make decisions as if you lived in a world where H is false, you are thereby missing out on all the extra utility you would get if you made the H-optimal decisions instead! + +If you can figure out exactly what you're afraid of, maybe that will help you work out what the H-optimal decisions are. Then you'll be a better position to successfully notice which world you ACTUALLY live in. http://lesswrong.com/lw/o4/leave_a_line_of_retreat/ + + +"Jesse Singal is a transphobic piece of shit!" + +Separately, may also be worth considering https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preference_falsification … when deciding what merits "piece of shit" status? Who knows if some of the ppl you follow are (e.g.) autogynephilia truthers, but don't write about it under their real name because they see the reaction to Singal? + +"That's a suspiciously specific hypothetical." + + +There were a couple of young black women ahead of me at the convenience store who I found physically attractive; I'm given to understand that there's a whole PUA literature about "day game" where you talk to random women, and whether you could have an intellectual conversation with them (across that kind of culture and IQ gap) is besides the point?? It's just so unthinkable to me +I'm not claiming that my upbringing got the right answer +Rather, that I'm actually incapable of thinking of other answers independent of rightness +such that I'll never, ever get to hit that +I can barely speak of this to anyone but you (I mean, I could, but I do have you as my designated-evil friend) +one of them was wearing spandex pants +never get to hit that or be that + +Every year, the people who are isomorphic in opinions to you become more masculine (because of everyone moving left), which means they are going to have more inferential distance on gender dysphoria. + +Contra affirms self-ID: https://twitter.com/ContraPoints/status/1086351168123621376 + +divorce court required pronouns: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/9zgivf/peak_trans_viii_tell_your_story_here/eea6imc/ + + +Maybe blame my father (a Bernie Sanders supporter) for accidentally having a copy of _Atlas Shrugged_ on the family bookshelf where I could get at it when I was sixteen. + +a man whose initials are B. D. once wrote, "Ultimately, for me, it comes down to a simple moral question: does my right to have a model that accurately predicts your behavior trump your right to control your own narrative? Because if your narrative doesn't match your behavior, then I have to either doublethink around my own perceptions, or reject your narrative. And which way I choose has consequences." (https://www.facebook.com/zmdavis/posts/10154814383695199?comment_id=10154814575900199&reply_comment_id=10154815175090199&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D) + + +----- + +https://www.scottishathletics.org.uk/42874-2/ + +https://drethelin.tumblr.com/post/129304925958/gods-actually-exist + +---- + +the analogy my brain came up with is "yes, I understand that we are genetically aimed at protecting and allying with our kin to increase our inclusive genetic fitness, and that this has caused lots of followon effects in human psychology, including in me and my family. however, please stop calling her my 'fake kid'." + +yeah, that's a pretty good analogy +oooh +under this analogy, "nonbinary people who aren't successfully androgynous are less legitimate" seems to map to "interracial adoption is less legitimate" +which +is not the most comfortable bullet to bite +it took a little bit of deliberate effort to do the thing of spontaneously generating the uncomfortable bullet and saying "ooooh" rather than flinching away from it + +----- + +"I'm not at war with trans _people_; I'm at war with the trans-activism memeplex" is a great motte, but to what extent can you war a culture without hurting the people who are devoting their lives against it? + + incentivized/selected for self-delusion, which is really unfair to the people who aren't delusional about it + +https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/24/technology/amazon-facial-technology-study.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur "Amazon’s system had more difficulty identifying the gender of female and darker-skinned faces" Do humans have the same problem?! (it's easier to pass FtM than MtF) + + +You have some latitude because you have a pony tail and don't come off as a dudebro, so this makes you look ingroup and non-threatening +However, watch out for the zeitgeist shifting to where those signifiers might not be enough in the next few years to get away with as much +I also kind of have breasts?? Does that help??? + +https://www.kesq.com/news/female-water-polo-players-confronted-by-naked-man-at-palm-springs-swim-center/987276858 + +woman wanted roller derby as women's space: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/9zgivf/peak_trans_viii_tell_your_story_here/eesm1d7/ + +https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2019/01/is-it-now-a-crime-to-like-a-poem-about-transgenderism/ + +he/him lesbian also pissed off at trans community: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/9zgivf/peak_trans_viii_tell_your_story_here/efo1z6g/ + +"damn one extremely bad way to start my day is having the receptionist at slack say I look like a male celebrity [...] I'm so mad. wow. like. I look like this right now, how could anyone ever think that was an okay thing to say???" (It was a compliment, dummy!!) https://twitter.com/esten/status/1092472430465929216 + +another UK arrest: https://twitter.com/BustedWench/status/1092435717555437569 + +https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2019/02/why-are-the-police-stopping-a-74-year-old-tweeting-about-transgenderism/ + +argument seen on Twitter: "transwomen are transwomen" is like "gays can be civil-unioned". Counter: marriage is wholly socially-constructed, but biological sex is real + +"ffs I'm legally practicing ...": https://twitter.com/FeministRoar/status/1092850802299936768 (patient doesn't care about legal fiction)