X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=fe3a3dcc5e8b389122251d0aa46f6277f737f8a8;hb=8d2d2d86f28d570a3e06fc0e30aba3fbba214888;hp=625169ea5e4b80e202d5b46c4bcbd8876f503529;hpb=06dde34a63300ca251c4057f8df42c184a23bdef;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index 625169e..fe3a3dc 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -69,36 +69,26 @@ epistemology— other commentary— psychological sex differences aren't real, but gender identity is?? always nurture except when politically convenient Bucketing (go through Wikipedia list of trans women, categorize everyone) -God, I hope it's just a coincidence that Steven Goldberg gets the fact/value thing right and everyone else gets it wrong horror story about trans activists being pro-porn, &c. indicating how aliens would analyze them as a subtype of males * Engineering possibilities (Anne Lawrence identitfy early); people say they wish they could have transitioned younger if they knew it were possible (https://twitter.com/argumentshop/status/815633404943183872), but part of the reason people don't know it's possible is because AGP fantasy is the strongest diagnostic criterion and everyone is lying about this rachet effect (http://transblog.grieve-smith.com/the-slippery-slope/) (I can't imagine self with short hair) My Story * Collective Debt, Collective Shame (what I wanted to say to /r/GenderCritical, why it didn't work, even if they're not so hostile towards Miranda Yardley or the androphilic MtTs who post) * Someone Has To Say It -* I'm Sick of Being Lied To * Falsifiability and What We Expect Not to See (this is important for the Bayes crowd) -* If I Were Gender Czar (and while we're at it, someone needs to do something about the flying pig population explosion, and let's start array indices at 0.5.) * critique Julia Serano on nature: of course trans genders are less natural; that's the entire fucking point * wait, even Julia Serano can't find cis women to date?? http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/01/14/the-struggle-to-find-trans-love-in-san-francisco.html (I would expect the status boost of being a B-list activist would help; less high-status trans women have even less of a chance) -* the Spirit of the Staircase * the intellectually-honest, transhumanist version of trans rights -* entangled truths, contagious lies: https://autogynephiliatruth.wordpress.com/2016/07/18/gender-identity-exists-to-create-special-framework-for-health-insurance-payments/ - -putting the trans in transdermal -putting the cis in decision +* "Entangled Truths, Contagious Lies": https://autogynephiliatruth.wordpress.com/2016/07/18/gender-identity-exists-to-create-special-framework-for-health-insurance-payments/ criticism— Gender of the Gaps (you can always propose an essence when people knock down your ludicrous rationalization) Time Travel Isn't Real - - cathartic— Napoleon 70s denialists had it right - pages— compile papers @@ -143,8 +133,6 @@ marketing opportunity? https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com/speaking-out-against- _Someone_ has to be _that asshole_ who says the true thing that everyone else is too cowardly to say, and I guess it's going to have to be me, Taylor Saotome-Westlake. -get girl, be girl - tailcalled's survey: https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/6hp72p/are_agps_misogynist_results_from_a_survey/ "I was already presenting as female online, and in the pretty niche stuff I was playing around with it seemed like I was a novelty to devs. I got more than a few questions about how I was a girl – who liked computers! The tone was always friendly, but the undertone was clear: I was weird." https://modelviewculture.com/pieces/there-and-back-again (The devs' surprise is making a _correct prediction_) @@ -169,3 +157,124 @@ http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0118329 https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.05807 (via https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/6xkyyu/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_following/dmk92dw/) prental T and gynephilia in women and women-adj https://twitter.com/SteveStuWill/status/905572666332987392 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X16301222 + +http://www.misfile.com/?date=2007-07-05 + +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40806-017-0120-x + +body measurements dist'ns http://anthro.cs.uni-freiburg.de/#colx=100&coly=6 + +same-sex couples do less assortative mating! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2843104/ + +On Mar 4, 2017 3:23 PM, "Zack M. Davis" wrote: + + Genocide is murder of a class of people. Can you be more specific about the class of people you see being murdered (nerdy men?) and what you think is murdering them (the political-correctness memeplex that evolved as a social-control mechanism to prevent the United States from becoming Yugoslavia)? + + I'm guessing you see a picture where the underlying bug in male sexual psychology that leads to AGP would be far less likely to progress to "gender dysphoria"/actually-doing-something-about-it in a world where it was socially-acceptable for highly-verbal 13-year-old boys to seek out sex instead of taking the you're-not-allowed-to-try verbal rules seriously? I agree with this; Blanchard calls this "developmental competition." It's notable that Robert Heinlein's novels have some very strong AGP themes, but I'm not aware of any evidence that he actually did anything about it real life, whereas I, growing up 80 years later, am about to and feel like it's the right choice on reflection given my historically-anomalous developmental trajectory, even though it probably looks like ideologically-driven self-harm from the perspective of normal men. + + And you think that if the forces of political correctness win and "trans" becomes an entrenched cultural practice, that's like genociding future generations of Robert Heinlein analogues? Whereas from inside the trans-rights social-reality bubble, it looks like you're trying to genocide future generations of Julia Serano analogues. (Julia Serano is a prominent trans activist and author of one of the standard articles that get cited to try to "debunk" autogynephilia.) And from inside my Zack-M.-Davis-personal-eclectic-ideology-bubble, I want to rescue the Julia Serano aesthetic in a way that's compatible with knowledge of science and history. (Robert Heinlein was scientifically- and historically-literate, and Julia Serano is an ignorant ideologue, but Robert Heinlein was a manly man who was OK with being a manly man as his social identity and that's just not my style.) + + On 2017-03-04 14:12, Michael Vassar wrote: +> The ACLU needs to address how plausible the arguments for censorship are. People accepting censorship need to address arguments about how real the harms are. As far as I can tell, you are three maximally concrete and articulate case of a person harness by PC in a context where an impartial summary would call it attempted genocide + +"Years before that, two different transwomen I knew had pressured me into sending nude photos of my breasts to them." https://4thwavenow.com/2016/04/27/shrinking-to-survive-a-former-trans-man-reports-on-life-inside-queer-youth-culture/ + + +---- + +Cut from quitting-hormones post (too repetitive given the rest of the blog?)— + +I think I would prefer not to say it. But given [cultural](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManIFeelLikeAWoman) and [scholarly]((https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15859369)) evidence that the underlying psychological phenomenon is not that uncommon, and given that trans rights is perhaps _the_ culture war issue of our time, of which the psychological phenomenon is of some relevance to, _someone has to say it_. + +And I guess it's going to have to be me, Taylor Saotome-Westlake. + +----- + +Tail: "zack logic: I don't want an AGP wife because they act too male and that'd be insufficiently female-aligned, I want a cis wife who acts like an AGP wife instead +have you considered just giving in to the AGP life?" + +'conditional on "we somehow eliminate all homophobia and bullying of gnc people and so on", how realistic does the following sound? +Gay men no longer repress their GNC, which means they end up socially a lot more like HSTS trans women. (Exactly like HSTS trans women? Or would they be different because lower h on average?) This switches the west to """transgender homosexuality""", as, uh, the newHSTSs (that is, the HSTS-spectrum people who're now feminine in that society but aren't in ours) are now less attractive to each other but more attractive to straight men, and the straight men are less opposed to having sex with them because less homophobia. The newHSTSs are probably going to use HRT, if nothing else then because it makes them more attractive to straight men +because that's the impression I got from TMWWBQ' + +----- + +The problem is not social engineering! The problem is _incompetent_ social engineering! The problem is not experimenting on children! The problem is experimenting on children in the service of an ideological crusade rather than in the service of finding out what happens! + +----- + +> And in the online communities I encountered on my journey, and still follow today, I see the same question, repeated over and over, as sweet scared humans pour their vulnerability into a text box, entrusting a group of strangers to help them make the decision of a lifetime: +> +> What if this is just a fetish? +> +> —https://medium.com/gender-shrug/just-1b8c09a11f18 + +https://player.fm/series/opening-up-behind-the-scenes-of-our-open-marriage/8-johns-kink-with-consequences + + +https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/72vi36/foia_request_for_wansink_emails_show_how_an_ivy/dnmp0q9/ (relate to Conchran on lost knowledge?) + + +Vee String review: still ... noticeably not part of my body. + +(That was the same thing I thought about breastforms. Considering how that escalted, maybe it would be better for my health and bodily integrity to not pursue this line of thinking ...) + +---- + +tail: secretly, all AGP trans women are clockable because you can just look at the hobbies + +https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/78zw2h/how_many_of_you_were_confused_by_a_transformation/ + +He has a wife and kids to support (if this is 1998) or her FFS bill to pay off (if this is (2018) + +etymology fun fact: "male" comes from the Latin malus, meaning "bad" + +--- + +on a Facebook thread about female-dominated gym classes, a female acquaintance writes, "My class focuses on weightlifting and it's still all women (including one trans, oddly enough)." (You wouldn't say "oddly enough" if you actually believed that trans women are women!) + +This is so great http://criticaltheology.tumblr.com/post/159472778625/poem-by-a-jewish-trans-woman-written-in-1322 + +https://theestablishment.co/yes-trans-women-can-get-period-symptoms-e43a43979e8c + +Rya comes out as AGP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ferdf6iRTOg + +---- + +I really hope there's a way to use frequencies and Bayes nets to disprove dysphoria→AGP causal direction, particularly because then I'll be able to call the post "Algebraic Typology" + +I thought of this pun first/independently: https://twitter.com/WildStoryWoman/status/927514752405737474 + +BIID: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/28711223/?i=1&from=body%20integrity%20identity%20disorder + +the heartbreaking misogyny of my native subculture (not that I'm any different): https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/7bjywe/wellness_wednesday_8th_november_2017/dpitpnu/ + +Christian AGP repressor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG7sNHEv-HMKwGQE9RS2byQ + +Binnie-ism: https://twitter.com/FioraAeterna/status/928664101013790720 + +---- + + +but now I'm watching TV +and I have a new actress crush +Lauren Ash +maybe it's just the character she's playing, but she seems slightly facially masculinized? +but so curvy +so my type +America Ferrera is also in this show +I remember her from Ugly Betty, which I would watch at the University in 2007 +before the personality-altering nervous breadown that led me to quit +there was a trans woman character on that show, but she was played by Rebecca Romijn +there was a poignant line (you know it's poignant when you can remember a line from a TV show you saw ten years ago) where she says to her brother, "Look into my eyes, Danny; it's the only thing they couldn't change" +and how do I put this +my blog would sound a lot less transphobic if we had the technology to make AGPs look like Rebecca Romijn +Trent - Today at 11:17 PM +it would sound more transphobic, no? you'd have transitioned, so you wouldn't be concerned with some of the signalling you do now (e.g. woman as a gender rather than transwoman as one) and may indeed be actively signalling that you haven't signed the contract, Yardley-style; the idea it'd be less transphobic assumes becoming Romijn would put you more in line with trans topics as well +(unless I'm misinterpreting something, which is a reasonable assumption) +Carrie Zelda-Michelle Davis - Today at 11:19 PM +you're right; I wasn't taking the hypothetical seriously enough + +(Actual line from someone's script: "Look into my eyes, Danny, 'cause that's about the only thing they couldn't change.") + +sex diffs in paraphilias: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/669634/pdf