X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=notes%2Fpost_ideas.txt;h=77571f55bb2666448947332753aeac2160bba606;hb=8e77d0f6a684630ee8fad47150763ef9f49c0b05;hp=9cafd08e554e1d7976ae2bfbac38d0d74cad203d;hpb=06dde34a63300ca251c4057f8df42c184a23bdef;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/post_ideas.txt b/notes/post_ideas.txt index 9cafd08..8bcb61e 100644 --- a/notes/post_ideas.txt +++ b/notes/post_ideas.txt @@ -1,48 +1,254 @@ -MAIN SEQUENCE (16)— - -11 Sep: There's a Land That I See; Or, the Spirit of Intervention -18 Sep: Q Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, Why I Don't Care About Your Feelings -25 Sep: Q Time Travel Isn't Real; Or, Yes, the Only Real Trans Woman Is a Transitioned Trans Woman -26 Sep: Q As Well for a Sheep as a Lamb: Charity, Objectivity, and the Strategic Landscape - 2 Oct: Q The View From Nowhere - 9 Oct: Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History Yelling, "Wait! I Like the Idea, But the Implementation Details Need Work!" -16 Oct: Q This Is Worth a Fight -23 Oct: _ Stereotypes, Models, and Cognition -30 Oct: _ Against Maximum-Entropy Psychology; Or, High-Dimensional Social Science and the Cluster Concept of Concepts - 6 Nov: _ The Neglect of Probability Fallacy; Or, You Do Not Have an Intersex Condition -13 Nov: Q Simple Models Plus Noise Are Better Than Pretending Not to Have a Model -20 Nov: * Mary's Room -27 Nov: Q The Hand I Was Dealt - 4 Dec: Q Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer; Or, Could Self-Reports Really Be That Wrong?? -11 Dec: Q Reduce Gender Identities to Gender Goals -18 Dec: The Categories Were Made for Man in Order to Make Predictions - - -NON-SEQUENCE SOLID IDEAS (17)— - -The Nadir of Reading Comprhension -Doubts, Hopes, and Trajectories; Or, Hormones Day 1XX -Imperfect Trait Measurements Regress to the Mean -A Common Misunderstanding; Or, the Spirit of the Staircase (24 January 2009) -Q Memoirs of My Recent Madness, Part II: Friendship Survived -Grim Trigger; Or, the Parable of the Honest Man and the God of Marketing -Q Review of Nevada -Review of Whipping Girl -Q I Want to See You Be Brave +Scheduled— +27 Apr Peering Through Reverent Fingers +28 Apr Book Review: Charles Murray's Human Diversity +29 Apr Teleology + + +Main path (important posts)— +_ Intrumental Categories, Wireheading, and War (LW) +_ Elision _vs_. Choice (working title) +_ Phenotypic Identity and Memetic Capture +_ Sexual Dimorphism in Yudkowsky's Sequences, in Relation to My Gender Problems +_ "I Tell Myself to Let the Story End"; Or, A Hill of Validity ... (UUT) +_ "More Than We Can Say": High-Dimensional Social Science and ... + + +UUT— +_ Beyond the Binary +_ Hrunkner Unnerby and the Shallowness of Progress +_ Walker correspondence +_ The Feeling Is Mutual +_ I, Too, Dislike It (Captions): sexuality stays with the body— http://theinsomniactg.blogspot.com/2019/07/knocked-out-of-my-body.html +_ Travis's Trilemma: Creepy, Crazy, or Protected-Class (working title) +_ Reply to Ozymandias on Lesbians and on Single-Sex Spaces +_ Friendship Practices of the Secret-Sharing Plain Speech Valley Squirrels +_ Answers on Great Divides: http://www.overcomingbias.com/2010/08/questions-for-great-divides.html +_ Challenges of Mounting an Ideological Crusade + +LW/aAL— +_ Algorithmic Intent: A Hansonian Generalized Anti-Zombie Principle (LW) +_ Zoom vs. EMH (LW) +_ Comment on "Endogenous Epistemic Factionalization" +_ Skyrms on Deception + +_ Contra Scott Alexander on Mental Illness; Or, Oh God, Please Don't (aAL/LW) +_ Selective Reporting and Clustering +_ Butting Heads; Or, Selective Reporting and the Tragedy of Cause Prioritization—marginally neglected truths are more + +_ Social Construction is an Embedded Agency Problem + +it's important to have language for psychology because you can't point to pictures + +Training Data—"get used" to the new definitions, in time + + +if pro-reality trans people are allied with more numerous anti-reality trans people, that incentivizes me to join an anti-trans coalition, when what I actually (should) want is to cherry-pick the pro-reality people + +another thing keeping me from trans-IDing: trans is "marked"; choosing it would mean associating with the crazy. Normal Society (with men named Zack) has its own madnesses and crimes, but + +Vocabulary as Capital Investment + +B.F. being smart-but-dense + +how taxonomy/typology emerges from Bayesian networks + +_ On Being Stereotyped Badly (working title) + +Angelic Irony + +Memetics vs. Discourse + +Honesty Is Activism +The Motte-and-Bailey Doctrine as Compression Artifact + +The Wisdom of Nature (I like the idea of transhumanism, but in practice, biology is just too complicated) https://nickbostrom.com/evolution.pdf + + +_ Product Review: FaceApp + +_ The Strategy of "Apartment Patty" — the outrage strategy only works if you have a coalition to back you up + +you regress to your group's mean—but that depends on how you draw the category boundaries around group membership! This could be a good math post!! https://humanvarieties.org/2017/07/01/measurement-error-regression-to-the-mean-and-group-differences/ + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agalmatophilia "An important fantasy for some individuals is being transformed into the preferred object (such as a statue) and experiencing an associated state of immobility or paralysis." + +address accusation that I conflate "passing" and biosex + +----- + +Positioning (don't want to prematurely alienate people you're trying to rescue) + +conservatives complain about low-time preference ppl having too many kids—but from a evolutionary perspective, they're more evolutionarily fit + +A Science Fiction Story Idea I'm Not Skilled Enough to Write + +Names and Genders Are Not Relevantly Analogous + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agalmatophilia didn't make it into Lawrence's erotic target location paper, did it? + +PR-driven plagiarism + +Anne Lawrence on AGP Teen Transition +Anne Lawrence on Unapologetic Autogynephilic Transsexualism + +Butting Heads; Or, Selective Reporting and the Tragedy of Cause Prioritization + +One-Way Trolls + +explain my blunder in https://twitter.com/jessi_cata/status/1188567229987577856 + +reply to https://surveyanon.wordpress.com/2019/10/27/the-mathematical-consequences-of-a-toy-model-of-gender-transition/ + +testimony on trans girl periods: http://www.onwednesdays.net/trans-girl-periods/ + + + + +Reading Comprehension Is Rape Culture + +Reply to David R. MacIver on Gendering + +Trying to Be Explicit + +Instrumental Categories, and War + +(lit-search strategy: go through the del Guidice "Multivariate Misgivings" article and its citations; the Archer paper also mentioned this) + +Commentary on "Blegg Mode" + Faster Than Science (Transgender Edition) + +(https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/GEJzPwY8JedcNX2qz/blegg-mode) + +karaoke, celebrity, cognitive load; I don't want people to do that for me + +Option?! https://web.archive.org/web/20160731010249/https://qntm.org/gay + + +_ "Lies to Cis People", a.k.a., "Lies" +_ I Mean, Yes, I Agree That Man Should Allocate Some More Categories, But + + +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/4ZvJab25tDebB8FGE/you-have-about-five-words : well, that explains the TWAW mantra + +The Parable of the Good Witch + +First-Offender Models and the Unilateralist's Blessing +The Parable of the Faithful Man and the Cowardly Priest + +Game Theory of "Apartment Patty" + +Virtue Signaling Is Costly and Honest + (in response to Kosoy's objection) + +Servants of the Egregore (write-up of egregore theory as told by "Wilhelm") + +Kolmogorov's Iron Triangle; Or, the Not-Being-a-Worthless-Coward Option (epigraph quote: Raleigh's "The Lie")—(include analogy: the fear that atheism would lead to immortality given that ppl don't have to fear Hell, wouldn't have seemed obviously absurd at the time) — honesty, ability to think, and mainstream credibility. The Kolmogorov option sacrifices a lot of honesty in exchange for mainstream credibility. This might seem like a good trade until you consider that "honesty" and "ability to think" aren't independent (because people are bad at compartmentalization and we need to talk to each other to think together). + +Research Question: Complicity + + +Where to Segment a Conversation When There's Stuff You Won't Touch, Without Violating the Virtue of Evenness +In Praise of Cartesianism (you need to _really_ understand "A Human's Guide to Words" before you can do high-grade good-faith social constructionism) + +Sex Differences and Commonsense Priors (I have parsimony intuitions that make "AGP is caused by pollution" or "AGP is normal in cis women" or "hormone receptors distributions are the same" seem not worth considering) + +In the Presence of Mimickry, Extension and Intension Simplicity Trade-Off + +Objectivity as a Rhetorical Strategy: probability, words, morality +Focus on the Simple Case (accurate maps can have bad effects, but that's a weird second-order analysis) +Self-Identity as Focal Point; Or, Schelf-Identity +It Was a Complement! +Willie McCovington +A Human's Abridged Guide to Gender Words + + + +in a world where we _actually had_ sex change technology, self-identity doctrine _wouldn't even occur to anyone_ + +Operationalization of Bad Faith: if people make reasoning errors that they wouldn't make with another topic having the same underlying structure + + + +The Charity Convergence Trap + +butterflies + +the thing to deny + +Laser 13 + +a big essay about Batesian mimickry + + +_ Codes of Convergence; Or, Smile More +_ "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology +_ "I Will Fight [...]": LGBT Patriotism and the Moral Fine-Tuning Objection + +_ ℝ40 + + +_ + +_ The View From Nowhere + +game theory pain + +_ reply to Ozy on https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2017/08/03/rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-is-bad-science/ (when marketing in Culture War thread, maybe hat tip https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9cir3w/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_03/e5c1h2c/ ) +_ Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History ... +_ 5150 +Q Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer; Or, Could Self-Reports Really Be That Wrong?? +apartment patty + + +✓ Interlude XVII (not all men) + +can the comment on "Bit Players" actually fit on this blog (I didn't empathize with offense at fake physics, but I can take offense at maximum-entropy psychology): epigraph quote, "It's Only a Paper Moon" + +Q As Well for a Sheep as a Lamb; Or, Charity, Objectivity, and ... +Demibuoy + +_ Stereotypes, Models, and Cognition: Beyond Maximum-Entropy Psychology +Imperfect Trait Measurements Regress to the Mean +Q The Gender Czar's Compromise +"Love Like You" +Blindspot + +Q Book Review: Nevada +Product Review: Oculus Go + +All You Had to Say https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/8xa97t/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_july_09_2018/e228vyj/ + + + +IDEAS STOCKPILE— +AGP flags +Q Time Travel Isn't Real; Or, Yes, the Only Real Trans Woman Is a Transitioned Trans Woman +_ The Neglect of Probability Fallacy; Or, You Do Not Have an Intersex Condition +Q Simple Models Plus Noise Are Better Than Pretending Not to Have a Model +Falsifiability and What We Expect Not to See +* Mary's Room +Q The Hand I Was Dealt +"diagonalize" http://gender-decoder.katmatfield.com/ by running the research paper it was based on through it +Q Reduce Gender Identities to Gender Goals +Threnody for the Transhumanism of My Youth +of course trans genders are less natural; that's the entire fucking point People Really Don't Know Why They Do Things -Lies to Cis People Are, Unfortunately, Still Lies -The Gender Czar's Compromise -Lesser-Known Demand Curves +Q I Want to See You Be Brave Passing Is Legitimacy, Legitimacy Is Passing All Men Benefit From Patriarchy -Servants of the Egregore; Or, the Joy of Static Analysis +(the story about my name) +Review of Nerve Endings: The New Trans Erotic +on the poor literary quality of TG captions +"Another Me I Haven't Met" (SacAnime cosplay review) +go back to east bay tg club night? +Product Review: Glamour Boutique's Vee-String Bladder +Q This Is Worth a Fight +"Trans Women Are Women" is a Positive-Affect Instance of the Noncentral Fallacy FICTION QUEUE (6)— -* fictionalized version of the male vs. female rape / War on Optimization for Generalized Secrecy anecdote -* Blame Me for Trying -* Blindspot -* Freakshow -* "Love Like You" -* Friendship Practices of the Secret-Sharing Plain Speech Valley Squirrels +story of Gina and Vern selected for GNC +story about women engineers and male businesspeople +story about race of humans who have a "sneaky" camoflauge form and someone with their analogue of AGP tries to deliberately lower his status to get it +fix fic for that one episode of _The Orville_