X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=notes%2Fsexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-notes.md;h=f50a500ea438431542593750c34076f6d9b49ad8;hb=c67e84a4b60df7d53112646ebab1c71a6b87e655;hp=b2dd90ae8ecc5d1948bec090110e0d631bf7005f;hpb=999a53e5494a23a3ad349c8b611ec0b5df226d58;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/sexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-notes.md b/notes/sexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-notes.md index b2dd90a..f50a500 100644 --- a/notes/sexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-notes.md +++ b/notes/sexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-notes.md @@ -2,63 +2,57 @@ Resolved: publish "Sexual Dimorphism" soon as just the first part, the political TODO for "Sexual Dimorphism"— - https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/vjmw8tW6wZAtNJMKo/which-parts-are-me +-------- -A common theme in female transformation erotica (search for _tg caption blog_ if you want examples) is that sexuality "goes with the body": in these stories, men who have been magically swapped bodies with women, often express excitement or horror (depending on the story and the author) about the discovery that they're attracted to guys now. But how would that work? That experience would be something you'd predict if sexuality was implemented in a separate brain module that could stay with the rest of the body even while the "soul" (the implementation of someone's personality, memory, _&c._) gets swapped out. +While [the Sequence explaining Yudkowsky's metaethics](https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/metaethics-sequence) was being published (which a lot of people, including me, didn't quite "get" at the time; a [later précis](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/zqwWicCLNBSA5Ssmn/by-which-it-may-be-judged) was perhaps more successful), I was put off by the extent to which Yudkowsky seemed to want to ground the definition of value in [the evolved design of the human brain](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/cSXZpvqpa9vbGGLtG/thou-art-godshatter), as if culturally-defined values were irrelevant, to be wiped away by [the extrapolation of what people _would_ want if they knew more, thought faster, _&c._](https://arbital.com/p/normative_extrapolated_volition/). -But if the brain isn't actually modularized in that particular way, the magical transformation would have to do a lot more engineering work +And the _reason_ I felt that way was because I was aware of how much of a historical anomaly my sacred ideological value of antisexism, and felt threatened by it. Contrast to Yudkowsky's [casual sex-realist speculation in the comment section](https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/BkkwXtaTf5LvbA6HB/moral-error-and-moral-disagreement/comment/vHNejGa6cRxh6kdnE): +> If there are distinct categories of human transpersonal values, I would expect them to look like "male and female babies", "male children", "male adults", "female children", "female adults", "neurological damage 1", "neurological damage 2", not "Muslims vs. Christians!" -_ transformation details matter: accents and homonyms, sexual orientation changing emotions/accent fantasies: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/wAW4ENCSEHwYbrwtn/other-people-s-procedural-knowledge-gaps/comment/pheakgvLbFndXccXC +You can see why this view would be unappealing to an ideologue eager to fight a culture war along an "Antisexism _vs._ Sexism" axis. --------- +Looking back, while I had a point that culturally-inculcated values might not wash out under extrapolation, I was vastly underestimating the extent to which your current sacred ideology _can_ be shown to be wrong with better information—and, by design of the extrapolation procedure, this _shouldn't_ be threatening. -_ morality and culturally-defined values - --------- +Suppose it _is_ true that female adults and male adults have distinct transpersonal values. At the time, I found the prospect horrifying—but that just shows that the design of male transpersonal values _contains within it_ the potential (under appropriate cultural conditions) to be horrified by sex differences in transpersonal values. The thing to be committed to is not any potentially flawed object-level ideology, like antisexism or Christianity, but [the features of human psychology that make the object-level ideology _seem like a good idea_](http://zackmdavis.net/blog/2017/03/dreaming-of-political-bayescraft/). -_ Vassar clapback anecdote +If, naïvely, [I don't _want_ it to be the case that women are a different thing that I don't understand](/2019/Jan/interlude-xvi/), but that preference _itself_ arises out of -------- -_ playing dumb initials anecdote +Like when someone in the _Overcoming Bias_ comment section addressed me as "Mr.", and I +_ playing dumb initials anecdote +Me pretending to be dumb about someone not pretending to be dumb about my initials https://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/04/inhuman-rationa.html ; contrast that incident (it's not an accident that he guessed right) to Yudkowsky: "I try to avoid criticizing people when they are right. If they genuinely deserve criticism, I will not need to wait long for an occasion where they are wrong." (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/MwQRucYo6BZZwjKE7/einstein-s-arrogance) -------- -"The Opposite Sex" (https://web.archive.org/web/20130216025508/http://lesswrong.com/lw/rp/the_opposite_sex/), Yud on "men should think of themselves as men" / "I often wish some men/women would appreciate"] +_ Vassar clapback anecdote +https://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/06/why-do-psychopa.html#comment-518267438 ------------ +When I introspect on the _causes_ of my gender problems, I see three parents in the causal graph: autogynephilia, being a sensitive boy rather than a macho guy, and my committment to antisexist ideology (wanting to treat feminism as a religion, as a special case of egalitarianism as our state religion). -_ AGPs dating each other is the analogue of "Failed Utopia 4-2" (but phrased in a way that's agnostic about -_ more empathic inference: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/qCsxiojX7BSLuuBgQ/the-super-happy-people-3-8 -_ If I want to stay aligned with women, then figuring out how to do that depends on the facts about actual sex differences; if I want to do the value-exchange suggested in +------- -* Moral Error and Moral Disagreement - -* wipe culturally defined values: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/BkkwXtaTf5LvbA6HB/moral-error-and-moral-disagreement (this might have to go after Failed-Utopia #4-2) -* https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/LRKXuxLrnxx3nSESv/should-ethicists-be-inside-or-outside-a-profession "Anyone who gives a part of themselves to a profession discovers a sense of beauty in it." same thing with an ideology; http://zackmdavis.net/blog/2017/03/dreaming-of-political-bayescraft/ -* the moment in October 2016 when I switched sides http://zackmdavis.net/blog/2016/10/late-onset/ http://zackmdavis.net/blog/2017/03/brand-rust/ -https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/jNAAZ9XNyt82CXosr/mirrors-and-paintings +If I want to be aligned with women in the sense of AI alignment, and genuinely do right by them, how to accomplish that _depends on_ the actual facts of the matter about sex differences and similarities. +----- +(During the vicissitudes of [my 2017 psychotic episode](/2017/Jun/memoirs-of-my-recent-madness-part-i-the-unanswerable-words/), [I wrote a note](/images/cooperate_note.jpg): "cooperate with men who cooperate with women [who] cooperate with men who cooperate with women who cooperate with men".) ------ +-------END OF NEEDED SCENES------- -Points to work in— +_ more empathic inference: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/qCsxiojX7BSLuuBgQ/the-super-happy-people-3-8 -* papal infallability / Eliezer Yudkowsky facts -https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/Ndtb22KYBxpBsagpj/eliezer-yudkowsky-facts?commentId=Aq9eWJmK6Liivn8ND -Never go in against Eliezer Yudkowsky when anything is on the line. -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Norris_facts * Scott Alexander Understands Language -cooperate with men who cooperate with women + Terminology/vocab to explain before use— * Singularity/paperclip/Methods/existential risk @@ -68,32 +62,19 @@ Terminology/vocab to explain before use— * everyone who wants to talk about AGP to call us predators -* too big to fail - -* claims to victimhood are leveraged into claims to power - * I need to put this behind me * not a theory of trans men -* [the autogynephilic analogue of romantic love](/papers/lawrence-becoming_what_we_love.pdf) - - - - https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/FBgozHEv7J72NCEPB/my-way/comment/AEZaakdcqySmKMJYj I read everything I could about the James Watson affair in 2007 -Aren't those trans women going to be _embarrrassed_ after the Singularity, when telepathy tech makes everything obvious -like the time I snuck a copy of _Men Trapped in Men's Bodies: Narratives of Autogynephilic Transsexualism_ into the [MIRI](https://intelligence.org/) office library. (It seemed like something Harry Potter-Evans-Verres would do—and ominously, I noticed, not like something Hermione Granger would do.) [AGP is used as a weapon, but I think it's an actual claim] -[TODO: Freaky Friday, differentiating between "my type" and transition goals anecdotes—maybe cis people can be fooled into not knowing what that means, but _I know what that means_] -[the political incentives propagate recursively, a phase transition: in a culture it's normal for AGP males to transition, any sub-culture where they don't is subject to attack as transphobic I want to stay aligned with _actual women_, many of whom have an interest in excluding me] https://sinceriously.fyi/intersex-brains-and-conceptual-warfare/ @@ -101,24 +82,17 @@ the causal theory here is _retarded_ https://slatestarcodex.com/2020/02/10/autogenderphilia-is-common-and-not-especially-related-to-transgender/ -"Conservative Men in Conservative Dresses" are doing better in some ways. Tri-S was explicitly not for transsexuals + > The vast majority of men are not what the vast majority of women would most prefer, or vice versa. I don’t know if anyone has ever actually done this study, but I bet that both gay and lesbian couples are happier on average with their relationship than heterosexual couples. (Googles… yep, looks like it.) -Anne Lawrence described autogynephiles as ["men who love women and want to become what they love."](/papers/lawrence-becoming_what_we_love.pdf) But it's worse than that. We're men who love what we _wish_ women were, and want to become _that_. * EY was right about "men need to think about themselves _as men_" (find cite) * Superhappies empathic inference for not wanting to believe girls were different - -[TODO: my pseudobisexual moments (it's California in the year 2015) -our analogues would make a good couple in a nearby alternate universe where at least one of us is female. "Exactly one," he said. "It's California in the year 2015," I said.] - https://fairplayforwomen.com/pronouns/ -Normal straight men also have positive-valence thoughts about women when they're not immediately horny. - my vocabulary is trained on the robot cult really hard; I can't talk to anyone else nothing left to lose @@ -150,9 +124,6 @@ _ https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/FBgozHEv7J72NCEPB/my-way https://www.lesswron * pronouns do have truth conditions * The text of this blog post is not something a woman could have written - -* The lie will rot, maybe ppl will be honest after the convention has set in?? - https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/r3NHPD3dLFNk9QE2Y/search-versus-design-1 https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/JBFHzfPkXHB2XfDGj/evolution-of-modularity @@ -324,8 +295,6 @@ You might ask, what do I mean by "as a first approximation"? /2018/Jan/dont-negotiate-with-terrorist-memeplexes/#a-thing-about-me -> The absolute inadequacy of every single institution in the civilization of magical Britain is what happened! You cannot comprehend it, boy! I cannot comprehend it! It has to be seen and even then it cannot be believed! -http://www.hpmor.com/chapter/108 > The realization blasted through Harry like a vast dam breaking, releasing out all its water, bursting through his mind in an irresistible flood that swept everything away. > There is only one reality that generates all of the observations. @@ -339,8 +308,6 @@ The level above "Many-worlds is obviously correct, stop being stupid" is "Racial https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/03/24/guided-by-the-beauty-of-our-weapons/ - - Anyway, four years later, it turns out that this whole "rationality" subculture is completely fake. The thing that convinced me of this was not _even_ the late-onset-gender-dysphoria-in-males-is-not-an-intersex-condition thesis that I was originally trying to talk about. Humans are _really complicated_: no matter how "obvious" something in psychology or social science to me, I can't write someone off entirely simply for disagreeing, because the whole domain is so complex that I always have to acknowledge that, ultimately, I could just be wrong. But in the _process_ of trying to _talk about_ this late-onset-gender-dysphoria-in-males-is-not-an-intersex-condition thesis, I noticed that my conversations kept getting _derailed_ on some variation of "The word _woman_ doesn't necessarily mean that." _That_ part of the debate, I knew I could win. @@ -480,13 +447,11 @@ it's all so tiresome Everyone else shot first -EGS?? + > First, it is not enough to learn something, and tell the world about it, to get the world to believe it. Not even if you can offer clear and solid evidence, and explain it so well that a child could understand. You need to instead convince each person in your audience that the other people who they see as their key audiences will soon be willing to endorse what you have learned. https://www.overcomingbias.com/2020/12/social-proof-but-of-what.html - - Cross-gender identity is a virtually sustained or intermittently occurring wishful fantasy about being a person of the opposite sex.” Freund, K., Steiner, B.W. & Chan, S. Two types of cross-gender identity. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 11, 49–63 (1982). DOI: 10.1007/BF01541365 twenty-one month Category War is as long as it took to write the Sequences https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/9jF4zbZqz6DydJ5En/the-end-of-sequences @@ -536,3 +501,12 @@ https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/vjmw8tW6wZAtNJMKo/which-parts-are-me https://www.overcomingbias.com/2021/03/our-default-info-system-status-and-gossip.html And because the brain and body are an integrated system, people's intuitive sense of [which parts are "me"]() and which parts are "just" "my body" (which can be swapped out without changing who "I" am), may be much less straightforwardly connected with reality than they'd like to think. + + +But how would that work? The experience described by this trope would be something you'd predict if sexuality was implemented in a separate brain module that could stay with the rest of the body even while the "soul" (the implementation of someone's personality, memory, _&c._) gets swapped out. But if the brain isn't actually modularized that way, the magical transformation process would have to do a lot more custom engineering work (to "fit" the brainware-construed-as-"soul" with sexuality-brainware that matches the body) to get the particular outcome portrayed in the stories. + +The problem is that, in the real world, the guys who are jacking off to the _fantasy_ of knowing what it's like to be female, are being motivated by a variation in _male_ sexuality. + +A common trope in female transformation erotica (search for _tg caption blog_ if you want examples) is that sexuality "goes with the body": in these stories, men who have been magically swapped bodies with women, often express excitement or horror (depending on the story and the author) about the discovery that they're attracted to guys now—or alternatively, express gratitude that the woman he swapped with was a lesbian. + +Intuitively, when I imagine how I want transformation technology to work, I imagine speaking accents "going with the body". Native speakers of a language are more likely to confuse homophones, because https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/wAW4ENCSEHwYbrwtn/other-people-s-procedural-knowledge-gaps/comment/yTdJm7JjPJPynwS3a