X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;f=notes%2Fa-hill-of-validity-sections.md;h=4b10acd15d7f546dffd21d3b4b3ef010d12e6c94;hb=e3cbb6d35838cfb47e2880031ddf1021b9529d23;hp=3c64573a21e86ec029ce42b578a475ab0b38be11;hpb=b20ecc2958895d159f6923322375aeece933c69a;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/a-hill-of-validity-sections.md b/notes/a-hill-of-validity-sections.md index 3c64573..4b10acd 100644 --- a/notes/a-hill-of-validity-sections.md +++ b/notes/a-hill-of-validity-sections.md @@ -1,39 +1,22 @@ -on deck— -_ Let's recap -_ If he's reading this ... -_ Perhaps if the world were at stake -_ ¶ about social justice and defying threats -_ ¶ about body odors -_ regrets and wasted time -_ talk about the 2019 Christmas party -_ excerpt 2nd "out of patience" email - - -with internet available— -_ Sarah Barellies cover links -_ "watchful waiting" -_ Atlantic article on "My Son Wears Dresses" https://archive.is/FJNII -_ in "especially galling" §: from "Changing Emotions"—"somehow it's always about sex when men are involved"—he even correctly pinpointing AGP in ordinary men (as was obvious back then), just without the part that AGP _is_ "trans" -_ "look at what ended up happening"—look up whether that exact quote from from http://www.hpmor.com/chapter/47 or https://www.hpmor.com/chapter/97 -_ Discord history with Scott (leading up to 2019 Christmas party, and deferring to Tailcalled on SSC survey question wording) -_ Gallileo "And yet it moves" -_ Discord logs before Austin retreat +With internet available— +_ debate with Benquo and Jessicata +_ Prudentbot § from "Robust Cooperation" paper +_ compile Categories references from the Dolphin War Twitter thread +_ tussle with Ruby on "Causal vs. Social Reality" +_ when did I ask Leon about getting easier tasks? _ examples of snarky comments about "the rationalists" -_ screenshot Rob's Facebook comment which I link _ 13th century word meanings -_ compile Categories references from the Dolphin War Twitter thread _ weirdly hostile comments on "... Boundaries?" _ more examples of Yudkowsky's arrogance -_ "The Correct Contrarian Cluster" and race/IQ -_ taqiyya -_ refusing to give a probability (When Not to Use Probabilities? Shut Up and Do the Impossible?) -_ retrieve comment on pseudo-lies post in which he says its OK for me to comment even though +_ dath ilan conspiracy references far editing tier— +_ tie off Anna's plot arc? _ quote one more "Hill of Meaning" Tweet emphasizing fact/policy distinction _ conversation with Ben about physical injuries (this is important because it explains where the "cut my dick off rhetoric" came from) _ context of his claim to not be taking a stand +_ clarify "Merlin didn't like Vassar" example about Mike's name _ rephrase "gamete size" discussion to make it clearer that Yudkowsky's proposal also implicitly requires people to be agree about the clustering thing _ smoother transition between "deliberately ambiguous" and "was playing dumb"; I'm not being paranoid for attributing political motives to him, because he told us that he's doing it _ when I'm too close to verbatim-quoting someone's email, actually use a verbatim quote and put it in quotes @@ -84,7 +67,7 @@ _ maybe SK (briefly about his name)? things to bring up in consultation emails— _ dropping "and Scott" in Jessica's description of attacking narcissim -_ I think it's OK to copy my friend's language from emails; plagiarism instincts +_ I think it's OK to copy my friends' language from emails; plagiarism instincts ------- @@ -862,13 +845,12 @@ My 28 November 2018 text to Michael— > just a thread reply to Eliezer that says "I trust Zack's rationality and think you should pay attention to what he has to say" (if and only if you actually believe that to be true, obviously)? -(don't know how to summarize the part with Ian—) -I remember going downstairs to impulsively confide in a senior engineer, an older bald guy who exuded masculinity, who you could tell by his entire manner and being was not infected by the Berkeley mind-virus, no matter how loyally he voted Democrat—not just about the immediate impetus of this Twitter thread, but this whole _thing_ of the past couple years where my entire social circle just suddenly decided that guys like me could be women by means of saying so. He was sympathetic. - helping Norton live in the real world -Scott says, "It seems to me pretty obvious that the mental health benefits to trans people are enough to tip the object-level first-pass uilitarian calculus."; I don't think _anything_ about "mental health benefits to trans people" is obvious +Scott says, "It seems to me pretty obvious that the mental health benefits to trans people are enough to tip the object-level first-pass uilitarian calculus. + +"; I don't think _anything_ about "mental health benefits to trans people" is obvious ] [TODO: connecting with Aurora 8 December, maybe not important] @@ -1227,3 +1209,199 @@ https://trevorklee.substack.com/p/the-ftx-future-fund-needs-to-slow > changing EA to being a social movement from being one where you expect to give money when I talked to the Kaiser psychiatrist in January 2021, he said that the drugs that they gave me in 2017 were Zyprexa 5mg and Trazadone 50mg, which actually seems a lot more reasonable in retrospect (Trazadone is on Scott's insomnia list), but it was a lot scarier in the context of not trusting the authorities + +I didn't have a simple, [mistake-theoretic](https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/01/24/conflict-vs-mistake/) characterization of the language and social conventions that everyone should use such that anyone who defected from the compromise would be wrong. The best I could do was try to objectively predict the consequences of different possible conventions—and of _conflicts_ over possible conventions. + +http://archive.is/SXmol +> "don't lie to someone if you wouldn't slash their tires" is actually a paraphrase of Steven Kaas. +> ... ugh, I forgot that that was from the same Black Belt Bayesian post where one of the examples of bad behavior is from me that time when I aggro'd against Phil Goetz to the point were Michael threatened to get me banned. I was young and grew up in the feminist blogosphere, but as I remarked to Zvi recently, in 2008, we had a way to correct that. (Getting slapped down by Michael's ostracism threat was really painful for me at the time, but in retrospect, it needed to be done.) In the current year, we don't. + + +_Less Wrong_ had recently been rebooted with a new codebase and a new dev/admin team. New-_Less Wrong_ had a system for post to be "Curated". Begging Yudkowsky and Anna to legitimize "... Boundaries?" with a comment hadn't worked, but maybe the mods would (They did end up curating [a post about mole rats](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/fDKZZtTMTcGqvHnXd/naked-mole-rats-a-case-study-in-biological-weirdness).) + + + + +Yudkowsky did [quote-Tweet Colin Wright on the univariate fallacy](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1124757043997372416) + +(which I got to [cite in a _Less Wrong_ post](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/cu7YY7WdgJBs3DpmJ/the-univariate-fallacy) + + +"Univariate fallacy" also a concession +(which I got to cite in which I cited in "Schelling Categories") + + + +"Yes Requires the Possibility of No" 19 May https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/WwTPSkNwC89g3Afnd/comment-section-from-05-19-2019 + +scuffle on LessWrong FAQ 31 May + +"epistemic defense" meeting + +[TODO section on factional conflict: +Michael on Anna as cult leader +Jessica told me about her time at MIRI (link to Zoe-piggyback and Occupational Infohazards) +24 Aug: I had told Anna about Michael's "enemy combatants" metaphor, and how I originally misunderstood +me being regarded as Michael's pawn +assortment of agendas +mutualist pattern where Michael by himself isn't very useful for scholarship (he just says a lot of crazy-sounding things and refuses to explain them), but people like Sarah and me can write intelligible things that secretly benefited from much less legible conversations with Michael. +] + +8 Jun: I think I subconsciously did an interesting political thing in appealing to my price for joining + +REACH panel + +(Subject: "Michael Vassar and the theory of optimal gossip") + + +Since arguing at the object level had failed (["... To Make Predictions"](/2018/Feb/the-categories-were-made-for-man-to-make-predictions/), ["Reply on Adult Human Females"](/2018/Apr/reply-to-the-unit-of-caring-on-adult-human-females/)), and arguing at the strictly meta level had failed (["... Boundaries?"](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/esRZaPXSHgWzyB2NL/where-to-draw-the-boundaries)), the obvious thing to do next was to jump up to the meta-meta level and tell the story about why the "rationalists" were Dead To Me now, that [my price for joining](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/Q8evewZW5SeidLdbA/your-price-for-joining) was not being met. (Just like Ben had suggested in December and in April.) + +I found it trouble to make progress on. I felt—constrained. I didn't know how to tell the story without (as I perceived it) escalating personal conflicts or leaking info from private conversations. So instead, I mostly turned to a combination of writing bitter and insulting comments whenever I saw someone praise "the rationalists" collectively, and—more philosophy-of-language blogging! + +In August's ["Schelling Categories, and Simple Membership Tests"](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/edEXi4SpkXfvaX42j/schelling-categories-and-simple-membership-tests), I explained a nuance that had only merited a passion mention in "... Boundaries?": sometimes you might want categories for different agents to _coordinate_ on, even at the cost of some statistical "fit." (This was of course generalized from a "pro-trans" argument that had occured to me, [that self-identity is an easy Schelling point when different people disagree about what "gender" they perceive someone as](/2019/Oct/self-identity-is-a-schelling-point/).) + +[TODO— more blogging 2019 + +"Algorithms of Deception!" Oct 2019 + +"Maybe Lying Doesn't Exist" Oct 2019 + +I was _furious_ at "Against Lie Inflation"—oh, so _now_ you agree that making language less useful is a problem?! But then I realized Scott actually was being consistent in his own frame: he's counting "everyone is angrier" (because of more frequent lying-accusations) as a cost; but, if everyone _is_ lying, maybe they should be angry! + +"Heads I Win" Sep 2019: I was surprised by how well this did (high karma, later included in the best-of-2019 collection); Ben and Jessica had discouraged me from bothering after I + +"Firming Up ..." Dec 2019: combatting Yudkowsky's not-technically-lying shenanigans + +] + + +Scott said he liked "monastic rationalism _vs_. lay rationalism" as a frame for the schism Ben was proposing. + +(I wish I could use this line) +I really really want to maintain my friendship with Anna despite the fact that we're de facto political enemies now. (And similarly with, e.g., Kelsey, who is like a sister-in-law to me (because she's Merlin Blume's third parent, and I'm Merlin's crazy racist uncle).) + + +https://twitter.com/esyudkowsky/status/1164332124712738821 +> I unfortunately have had a policy for over a decade of not putting numbers on a few things, one of which is AGI timelines and one of which is *non-relative* doom probabilities. Among the reasons is that my estimates of those have been extremely unstable. + + +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/nCvvhFBaayaXyuBiD/shut-up-and-do-the-impossible +> You might even be justified in [refusing to use probabilities](https://www.lesswrong.com/lw/sg/when_not_to_use_probabilities/) at this point. In all honesty, I really _don't_ know how to estimate the probability of solving an impossible problem that I have gone forth with intent to solve; in a case where I've previously solved some impossible problems, but the particular impossible problem is more difficult than anything I've yet solved, but I plan to work on it longer, etcetera. +> +> People ask me how likely it is that humankind will survive, or how likely it is that anyone can build a Friendly AI, or how likely it is that I can build one. I really _don't_ know how to answer. I'm not being evasive; I don't know how to put a probability estimate on my, or someone else, successfully shutting up and doing the impossible. Is it probability zero because it's impossible? Obviously not. But how likely is it that this problem, like previous ones, will give up its unyielding blankness when I understand it better? It's not truly impossible, I can see that much. But humanly impossible? Impossible to me in particular? I don't know how to guess. I can't even translate my intuitive feeling into a number, because the only intuitive feeling I have is that the "chance" depends heavily on my choices and unknown unknowns: a wildly unstable probability estimate. + + + + +I don't, actually, know how to prevent the world from ending. Probably we were never going to survive. (The cis-human era of Earth-originating intelligent life wasn't going to last forever, and it's hard to exert detailed control over what comes next.) But if we're going to die either way, I think it would be _more dignified_ if Eliezer Yudkowsky were to behave as if he wanted his faithful students to be informed. Since it doesn't look like we're going to get that, I think it's _more dignified_ if his faithful students _know_ that he's not behaving like he wants us to be informed. And so one of my goals in telling you this long story about how I spent (wasted?) the last six years of my life, is to communicate the moral that + +and that this is a _problem_ for the future of humanity, to the extent that there is a future of humanity. + +Is that a mean thing to say about someone to whom I owe so much? Probably. But he didn't create me to not say mean things. If it helps—as far as _I_ can tell, I'm only doing what he taught me to do in 2007–9: [carve reality at the joints](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/esRZaPXSHgWzyB2NL/where-to-draw-the-boundaries), [speak the truth even if your voice trembles](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/pZSpbxPrftSndTdSf/honesty-beyond-internal-truth), and [make an extraordinary effort](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/GuEsfTpSDSbXFiseH/make-an-extraordinary-effort) when you've got [Something to Protect](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/SGR4GxFK7KmW7ckCB/something-to-protect). + +ReACT seems similar to Visible Thoughts Project: https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.03629 + + +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/jAToJHtg39AMTAuJo/evolutions-are-stupid-but-work-anyway?commentId=HvGxrASYAyfbiPwQt#HvGxrASYAyfbiPwQt +> I've noticed that none of my heroes, not even Douglas Hofstadter or Eric Drexler, seem to live up to my standard of perfection. Always sooner or later they fall short. It's annoying, you know, because it means _I_ have to do it. + +But he got it right in 2009; he only started to fall short _later_ for political reasons + +https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1580278376673120256 +> Your annual reminder that academically conventional decision theory, as taught everywhere on Earth except inside the MIRI-adjacent bubble, says to give in to threats in oneshot games. Only a very rare student is bright enough to deserve blame in place of the teacher. + +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/9KvefburLia7ptEE3/the-correct-contrarian-cluster +> Atheism: Yes. +> Many-worlds: Yes. +> "P-zombies": No. +> +> These aren't necessarily simple or easy for contrarians to work through, but the correctness seems as reliable as it gets. +> +> Of course there are also slam-dunks like: +> +> Natural selection: Yes. +> World Trade Center rigged with explosives: No. + +I wonder how the history of the site would have been different if this had included "Racial differences in cognitive abilities: Yes." (It's worse if he didn't think about it in the first place, rather than noticing and deciding not to say it—it doesn't even seem to show up in the comments!!) + + +https://www.facebook.com/yudkowsky/posts/pfbid0tTk5VoLSxZ1hJKPRMdzpPzNaBR4eU5ufKEhvvowMFTjKTHykogFfwAZge9Kk5jFLl +> Yeah, see, *my* equivalent of making ominous noises about the Second Amendment is to hint vaguely that there are all these geneticists around, and gene sequencing is pretty cheap now, and there's this thing called CRISPR, and they can probably figure out how to make a flu virus that cures Borderer culture by excising whatever genes are correlated with that and adding genes correlated with greater intelligence. Not that I'm saying anyone should try something like that if a certain person became US President. Just saying, you know, somebody might think of it. + + +commenting policy— +> I will enforce the same standards here as I would on my personal Facebook garden. If it looks like it would be unhedonic to spend time interacting with you, I will ban you from commenting on my posts. +> +> Specific guidelines: +> +> Argue against ideas rather than people. +> Don't accuse others of committing the Being Wrong Fallacy ("Wow, I can't believe you're so wrong! And you believe you're right! That's even more wrong!"). +> I consider tone-policing to be a self-fulfilling prophecy and will delete it. +> If I think your own tone is counterproductive, I will try to remember to politely delete your comment instead of rudely saying so in a public reply. +> If you have helpful personal advice to someone that could perhaps be taken as lowering their status, say it to them in private rather than in a public comment. +> The censorship policy of the Reign of Terror is not part of the content of the post itself and may not be debated on the post. If you think Censorship!! is a terrible idea and invalidates discussion, feel free not to read the comments section. +> The Internet is full of things to read that will not make you angry. If it seems like you choose to spend a lot of time reading things that will give you a chance to be angry and push down others so you can be above them, you're not an interesting plant to have in my garden and you will be weeded. I don't consider it fun to get angry at such people, and I will choose to read something else instead. + +I do wonder how much of his verbal report is shaped by pedagogy (& not having high-quality critics). People are very bad at imagining how alien aliens would be! "Don't try to hallucinate value there; just, don't" is simpler than working out exactly how far to push cosmopolitanism + + +couldn't resist commenting even after I blocked Yudkowsky on Twitter (30 August 2021) +https://www.facebook.com/yudkowsky/posts/pfbid02AGzw7EzeB6bDAwvXT8hm4jnC4Lh1te7tC3Q3h2u6QqBfJjp4HKvpCM3LqvcLuXSbl?comment_id=10159857276789228&reply_comment_id=10159858211759228 +Yudkowsky replies (10 September 2021)— +> Zack, if you can see this, I think Twitter is worse for you than Facebook because of the short-reply constraint. I have a lot more ability to include nuance on Facebook and would not expect most of my statements here to set you off the same way, or for it to be impossible for me to reply effectively if something did come up. +("impossible to me to reply effectively" implies that I have commenting permissions) + + +"Noble Secrets" Discord thread— +> So, I agree that if you perform the experimental test of asking people, "Do you think truthseeking is virtuous?", then a strong supermajority will say "Yes", and that if you ask them, "And are you looking for memes about how to do actually do it?" they'll also say "Yes." +> +> But I also notice that in chat the other day, we saw this (in my opinion very revealing) paragraph— +> +> I think of "not in other people" [in "Let the truth destroy what it can—but in you, not in other people"] not as "infantilizing", but as recognizing independent agency. You don't get to do harm to other people without their consent, whether that is physical or pychological. +> +> My expectation of a subculture descended from the memetic legacy of Robin Hanson's blog in 2008 in which people were _actually_ looking for memes about how to seek truth, is that the modal, obvious response to a paragraph like this would be something like— +> +>> Hi! You must be new here! Regarding your concern about truth doing harm to people, a standard reply is articulated in the post "Doublethink (Choosing to be Biased)" (). Regarding your concern about recognizing independent agency, a standard reply is articulated in the post "Your Rationality Is My Business" (). +> +> —or _something like that_. Obviously, it's not important that the reply use those particular Sequences links, or _any_ Sequences links; what's important is that someone responds to this _very obvious_ anti-epistemology () with ... memes about how to actually do truthseeking. +> +> And what we _actually_ saw in response to this "You don't get to do harm to other people" message is ... it got 5 :plus_one: reactions. + +Yudkowsky replies— +> the Doublethink page is specifically about how you yourself choosing not to know is Unwise +> to the extent you can even do that rather than convincing yourself that you have +> it specifically doesn't say "tell other people every truth you know" +> the point is exactly that you couldn't reasonably end up in an epistemic position of knowing yourself that you ought to lie to yourself + + +-------- + +My last messages in late-November fight with Alicorner Discord was 4:44 a.m./4:47 am. (!) on 28 November; I mention needing more sleep. But—that would have been 6:44 a.m. Austin time? Did I actually not sleep that night? Flipping out and writing Yudkowsky was evening of the same calendar day. + +Sam had said professed gender was more predictive. + +Bobbi has claimed that "most people who speak the involved dialect of English agree that ‘woman’ refers to ‘an individual who perceives themselves as a woman’" + +Kelsey 27 November +> I think you could read me as making the claim "it's desirable, for any social gender, for there to be non-medical-transition ways of signaling it" + +27 November +> I don't think linta was saying "you should believe ozy doesn't have a uterus" +that would be really weird + +> well, for one thing, "it's okay to not pursue any medical transition options while still not identifying with your asab" isn't directed at you, it's directed at the trans person +My reply— +> that's almost worse; you're telling them that it's okay to gaslight _everyone else in their social circle_ + +1702 27 November +> Stepping back: the specific statement that prompted me to start this horrible discussion even though I usually try to keep my personal hobbyhorse out of this server because I don't want it to destroy my friendships, was @lintamande's suggestion that "it's okay to not pursue any medical transition options while still not identifying with your asab". I think I have a thought experiment that might clarify why I react so strongly to this sort of thing +> Suppose Brent Dill showed you this photograph and said, "This is a photograph of a dog. Your eyes may tell you that it's a cat, but you have to say it's a dog, or I'll be very unhappy and it'll be all your fault." +> In that case, I think you would say, "This is a gaslighting attempt. You are attempting to use my sympathy for you to undermine my perception of reality." + +> Flight about to take off so can't explain, but destroying the ability to reason in public about biological sex as a predictive category seems very bad for general sanity, even if freedom and transhumanism is otherwise good + +https://discord.com/channels/401181628015050773/458329253595840522/516744646034980904 +26 November 14:38 p.m. +> I'm not sure what "it's okay to not pursue any medical transition options while still not identifying with your asab" is supposed to mean if it doesn't cash out to "it's okay to enforce social norms preventing other people from admitting out loud that they have correctly noticed your biological sex" + +In contrast to Yudkowsky's claim that you need to have invented something from scratch to make any real progress, this is a case where the people who _did_ invent something can't apply it anymore!!