X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;f=notes%2Fmemoir-sections.md;h=c4bf50a539a8825cf05678eccbc0bcc16460251a;hb=1cd552c549d3f5c896361521871130ac3cca7b0c;hp=01d045c9364841a876a544972f45477af1364928;hpb=17638259f20059c50db7f69a404da2ce1d3710a5;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/memoir-sections.md b/notes/memoir-sections.md index 01d045c..c4bf50a 100644 --- a/notes/memoir-sections.md +++ b/notes/memoir-sections.md @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ pt. 3 edit tier— ✓ quote Yudkowsky's LW moderation policy ✓ hint at "Yes Requires" objector being trans ✓ quote Jack on timelines anxiety +✓ clarify "A Lesson is Learned" - nuance and FTX epilogue -_ clarify "A Lesson is Learned" ---- _ being friends with dogs (it's good, but do I have the wordcount budget?) _ briefly speculate on causes of brain damage @@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ _ screenshot "pleading, snarky reply" _ GreaterWrong over Less Wrong for comment links pt. 4 edit tier— -_ "Ideology Is Not the Movement" mentions not misgendering +✓ "Ideology Is Not the Movement" mentions not misgendering +✓ mention Nick Bostrom email scandal (and his not appearing on the one-sentence CAIS statement) +✓ explain why he could think of some relevant differences _ body odors comment -_ mention Nick Bostrom email scandal (and his not appearing on the one-sentence CAIS statement) -_ if he wanted to, I'm sure Eliezer Yudkowsky could think of some relevant differences (I should explain) _ emphasize that 2018 thread was policing TERF-like pronoun usage, not just disapproving of gender-based pronouns _ if you only say good things about Republican candidates _ to-be-continued ending about how being a fraud might be a good idea @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ _ "Density in Thingspace" comment in Dolphin War https://www.greaterwrong.com/po _ quote specific exchange where I mentioned 10,000 words of philosophy that Scott was wrong—obviously the wrong play _ Meghan Murphy got it down to four words _ Dolphin War needs more Twitter links: "as Soares pointed out" needs link, "threw an eleven-Tweet tantrum" (probably screenshot), tussling +_ replace anti-black joke with misogynist joke? _ end of voting conversation needs links _ can I rewrite to not bury the lede on "intent doesn't matter"? _ also reference "No such thing as a tree" in Dolphin War section @@ -2289,12 +2290,8 @@ https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/38764-what-are-the-facts-again-and-again-and-ag In October 2016, - if [...] wrote her own 10,600 draft Document explaining why she thought [...] is actually a girl, that would be really interesting!—but rather that no one else seemed _interested in having a theory_, as opposed to leaping to institute a social convention that, when challenged, is claimed to have no particular consequences and no particular objective truth conditions, even though it's not clear why there would be moral urgency to implement this convention if it weren't for its consequences. -https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1634338145016909824 re "malinformation" -> If we don't have the concept of an attack performed by selectively reporting true information—or, less pleasantly, an attack on the predictable misinferences of people we think less rational than ourselves—the only socially acceptable counter is to say the info is false. - I said that I couldn't help but be reminded of a really great short story that I remembered reading back in—it must have been 'aught-nine. I thought it was called "Darkness and Light", or something like that. It was about a guy who gets transported to a fantasy world where he has a magic axe that yells at him sometimes, and he's prophecied to defeat the bad guy, and he and his allies have to defeat these ogres to reach the bad guy's lair. And when they get there, the bad guy _accuses them of murder_ for killing the ogres on the way there. (The story was actually Yudkowsky's ["The Sword of Good"](https://www.yudkowsky.net/other/fiction/the-sword-of-good), but I was still enjoying the "Robin Hanson's blog" æsthetic.) @@ -2306,7 +2303,6 @@ need to fit this in somewhere— Everyone believed this in 2005! Everyone _still_ believes this! - > Dear Totally Excellent Rationalist Friends: > As a transhumanist and someone with a long, long history of fantasizing about having the property, I am of course strongly in favor of there being social norms and institutions that are carefully designed to help people achieve their lifelong dream of acquiring the property, or rather, the best approximation thereof that is achievable given the marked limitations of existing technology. > However, it's also kind of important to notice that fantasizing about having the property without having yet sought out interventions to acquire the property, is not the same thing as somehow already literally having the property in some unspecified metaphysical sense! The process of attempting to acquire the property does not propagate backwards in time! @@ -2776,10 +2772,6 @@ https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/qbcuk8WwFnTZcXTd6/thomas-kwa-s-miri-research-exp Weird tribalist praise for Scott: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/GMCs73dCPTL8dWYGq/use-normal-predictions/comment/ez8xrquaXmmvbsYPi -https://hpmor.com/chapter/97 -> "Or tricks," Harry said evenly. "Statements which are technically true but which deceive the listener into forming further beliefs which are false. I think it's worth making that distinction. - - ------- I like to imagine that they have a saying out of dath ilan: once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; _three times is hostile optimization_. @@ -2825,3 +2817,7 @@ That was the part I couldn't understand, the part I couldn't accept. The man rewrote had rewritten my personality over the internet. Everything I do, I learned from him. He couldn't be so dense as to not even see the thing we'd been trying to point at. Like, even if he were ultimately to endorse his current strategy, he should do it on purpose rather than on accident! (Scott mostly saw it, and had [filed his honorable-discharge paperwork](https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/07/04/some-clarifications-on-rationalist-blogging/). Anna definitely saw it, and she was doing it on purpose.) + +----- + +https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/kuqgJDPF6nfscSZsZ/thread-for-discussing-bostrom-s-email-and-apology?commentId=Z7kyiPAfmtztueFFJ