X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;f=notes%2Fmemoir-sections.md;h=f27bf7518dfcbdeb89d47921dd76db4164a8b3d6;hb=e95af9bf7337257bca7fbb0c28fa1c56bf732e06;hp=0f8935b5dcfb086862be9755250b920e10ae25b7;hpb=16c4d53c7cec92df1c17ed1db7f82130d388e5f9;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/memoir-sections.md b/notes/memoir-sections.md index 0f8935b..f27bf75 100644 --- a/notes/memoir-sections.md +++ b/notes/memoir-sections.md @@ -1,17 +1,69 @@ -_ "Lenore" psychiatric disaster -- Eliezerfic fight conclusion +slotted TODO blocks— +✓ psychiatric disaster +✓ "Agreeing With Stalin" intro recap +✓ recap of crimes, cont'd +✓ Dolphin War finish +_ lead-in to Sept. 2021 Twitter altercation _ Michael Vassar and the Theory of Optimal Gossip -_ plan to reach out to Rick -- regrets, wasted time, conclusion +_ plan to reach out to Rick / Michael on creepy men/crazy men _ reaction to Ziz _ State of Steven -_ culture off the rails; my warning points to Vaniver _ complicity and friendship _ out of patience email -_ the hill he wants to die on -_ recap of crimes, cont'd -_ lead-in to Sept. 2021 Twitter altercation -_ Dolphin War finish +- Eliezerfic fight conclusion + +blocks to fit somewhere— +_ the hill he wants to die on (insert somewhere in "Standing") +_ Tail vs. Bailey / Davis vs. Yudkowsky analogy (new block somewhere) +_ mention that "Not Man for the Categories" keeps getting cited + + + +Notes from pt. 3 readthrough— +_ fullname Taylor and Hoffman at start of pt. 3 +_ footnote clarifying that "Riley" and Sarah weren't core members of the group, despite being included on some emails? +_ be more specific about Ben's anti-EA and Jessica's anti-MIRI things, perhaps in footnotes +_ Ben on "locally coherent coordination": use direct quotes for Ben's language—maybe rewrite in my own language (footnote?) as an understanding test +_ set context for "EA Has a Lying Problem" (written by Sarah, likely with Michael's influence—maybe ask Sarah) +_ clarify schism (me and Vassar bros leaving the EA/rat borg?) +_ set context for Anna on first mention in the postq +_ more specific on "mostly pretty horrifying" and group conversation with the whole house +_ paragraph to explain the cheerful price bit +_ cut words from the "Yes Requires" slapfight? +_ better introduction of Steven Kaas +_ "Not the Incentives"—rewrite given that I'm not shielding Ray +_ cut many words from "Social Reality" scuffle +_ is "long May 2020" link still good? +_ better context on "scam" &c. earlier +_ Ben's "financial fraud don't inquire as to the conscious motives of the perp" claim may be false +_ later thoughts on jump to evaluation, translating between different groups' language +_ mention that I was miffed about "Boundaries?" not getting Curated, while one of Euk's animal posts did +_ examples of "bitter and insulting" comments about rationalists +_ cut words from descriptions of other posts! (if people want to read them, they can click through) +_ explicitly mention http://benjaminrosshoffman.com/bad-faith-behavior-not-feeling/ +_ cut words from NRx denouncement Jessica discussion +_ "I" statements +_ we can go stronger than "I definitely don't think Yudkowsky _thinks of himself_ as having given up on Speech _in those words_" +_ try to clarify Abram's categories view (Michael didn't get it) +_ cut lots of words from December 2019 blogging spree +_ in a footnote, defend the "cutting my dick off" rhetorical flourish +_ choice quotes in "end of the Category War" thank you note +_ do I have a better identifier than "Vassarite"? +_ maybe I do want to fill in a few more details about the Sasha disaster, conditional on what I end up writing regarding Scott's prosecution?—and conditional on my separate retro email—also the Zolpidem thing + +Notes from pt. 4 readthrough— +_ mention Nick Bostrom email scandal (and his not appearing on the one-sentence CAIS statement) +_ revise and cut words from "bad faith" section since can link to "Assume Bad Faith" +_ cut words from January 2020 Twitter exchange (after war criminal defenses) +_ revise reply to Xu +_ cut lots of words from Scotts comments on Jessica's MIRI post (keep: "attempting to erase the agency", Scott blaming my troubles on Michael being absurd) + +Notes pt. 5— +_ "as Soares pointed out" needs link +_ can I rewrite to not bury the lede on "intent doesn't matter"? +_ also reference "No such thing as a tree" in Dolphin War section +_ better brief explanation of dark side epistemology +_ "deep causal structure" argument needs to be crystal clear, not sloopy ------ @@ -76,6 +128,7 @@ _ Caliphate / craft and the community _ colony ship happiness lie in https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/AWaJvBMb9HGBwtNqd/qualitative-strategies-of-friendliness _ re being fair to abusers: thinking about what behavior pattern you would like to see, generally, by people in your situation, instead of privileging the perspective and feelings of people who've made themselves vulnerable to you by transgressing against you _ body odors comment +_ worry about hyperbole/jumps-to-evaluation; it destroys credibility _ "Density in Thingspace" comment _ Christmas with Scott: mention the destruction of "voluntary"? _ Christmas with Scott: mention the grid of points? @@ -646,6 +699,7 @@ And if _you_ don't think you can politically afford to acknowledge your faithful > The Other's theory of themselves usually does not make them look terrible. And you will not have much luck just yelling at them about how they must *really* be doing terrible_thing instead. That's woke filter bubble thinking. I stopped talking to Michael when he went that way. https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1435619618052214787 +The fact that I flipped out at Nate's dolphin thing was a misplay on my part, but it generated more Twitter discussion (including Eliezer's "never told anyone to go trans" remarks and Vorobey's comments) makes it a "win" for the cause even if I was out of line? My freaking out was "rational". But I think Eliezer and I _agree_ on what he's doing; he just doesn't see it's bad @@ -653,6 +707,8 @@ Speaking of narcissism and perspective-taking, "deception" isn't about whether y I really appreciated Anatoly Vorobey's comments: +https://twitter.com/avorobey/status/1404769388969054210 + > to provide context how it may (justifiably?) seem like over the last 7-8 years the rat. community largely fell *hard* for a particular gender philosophy > ... fell for it in ways that seemed so spectacularly uncritical, compared to other beliefs carefully examined and dissected, and more so, even justified with a veneer of "rationality" (as in Scott's Categories post) that beautifully coincided with the tumblr dogma of the time... @@ -1375,6 +1431,10 @@ Still citing it (19 Sep 22): https://twitter.com/ingalala/status/156839169106472 https://arbital.greaterwrong.com/p/logical_dt/?l=5gc It even leaked into Big Yud!!! "Counterfactuals were made for humanity, not humanity for counterfactuals." +At least I don't have to link the rebuttal myself every time: +https://www.datasecretslox.com/index.php/topic,1553.msg38755.html +https://old.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/10vx6gk/the_categories_were_made_for_man_not_man_for_the/j7k8fjc/ + ------ If you _have_ intent-to-inform and occasionally end up using your megaphone to say false things (out of sloppiness or motivated reasoning in the passion of the moment), it's actually not that big of a deal, as long as you're willing to acknowledge corrections. (It helps if you have critics who personally hate your guts and therefore have a motive to catch you making errors, and a discerning audience who will only reward the critics for finding real errors and not fake errors.) In the long run, the errors cancel out. @@ -2701,7 +2761,7 @@ I thought I should have avoided the 2022 Valinor party to avoid running into him https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/1684947017502433281 > Keir Starmer agrees that a woman is an adult human female. Will Ed Davey also rejoin the real world, science & the English language by reversing his view that a woman can "quite clearly" have a penis? Inability to face reality in small things bodes ill for more serious matters. -Analysis of my writing mistake (show this to Jackie!!) +Analysis of my writing mistake https://twitter.com/shroomwaview/status/1681742799052341249 ------ @@ -2719,3 +2779,43 @@ At dinner, there was a moment when Koios bit into a lemon and made a funny face, It was very striking to me how, in the case of the baby biting a lemon, Alicorn _immediately_ formulated the hypothesis that what-the-grownups-thought-was-cute was affecting the baby's behavior, and everyone _immediately just got it_. I was tempted to say something caustic about how no one seemed to think a similar mechanism could have accounted for some of the older child's verbal behavior the previous year, but I kept silent; that was clearly outside the purview of my double-dog promise. There was another moment when Mike made a remark about how weekends are socially constructed. I had a lot of genuinely on-topic cached witty philosophy banter about [how the social construction of concepts works](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/edEXi4SpkXfvaX42j/schelling-categories-and-simple-membership-tests), that would have been completely innocuous if anyone _else_ had said it, but I kept silent because I wasn't sure if it was within my double-dog margin of error if _I_ said it. + +> even making a baby ML dude who's about to write a terrible paper hesitate for 10 seconds and _think of the reader's reaction_ seems like a disimprovement over status quo ante. +https://discord.com/channels/401181628015050773/458329253595840522/1006685798227267736 + +Also, the part where I said it amounted to giving up on intellectual honesty, and he put a check mark on it + +The third LW bookset is called "The Carving of Reality"? Did I have counterfactual influence on that (by making that part of the sequences more memetically salient, as opposed to the "categories are made for man" strain)? + +Yudkowsky on EA criticism contest +https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/HyHCkK3aDsfY95MoD/cea-ev-op-rp-should-engage-an-independent-investigator-to?commentId=kgHyydoX5jT5zKqqa + +Yudkowsky says "we" are not to blame for FTX, but wasn't early Alameda (the Japan bitcoint arbitrage) founded as an earn-to-give scheme, and recrutied from EA? + +https://twitter.com/aditya_baradwaj/status/1694355639903080691 +> [SBF] wanted to build a machine—a growing sphere of influence that could break past the walls of that little office in Berkeley and wash over the world as a force for good. Not just a company, but a monument to effective altruism. + +Scott November 2020: "I think we eventually ended up on the same page" +https://www.datasecretslox.com/index.php/topic,1553.msg38799.html#msg38799 + +SK on never making a perfectly correct point +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/P3FQNvnW8Cz42QBuA/dialogue-on-appeals-to-consequences#Z8haBdrGiRQcGSXye + +Scott on puberty blockers, dreadful: https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/highlights-from-the-comments-on-fetishes + +https://jdpressman.com/2023/08/28/agi-ruin-and-the-road-to-iconoclasm.html + +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/BahoNzY2pzSeM2Dtk/beware-of-stephen-j-gould +> there comes a point in self-deception where it becomes morally indistinguishable from lying. Consistently self-serving scientific "error", in the face of repeated correction and without informing others of the criticism, blends over into scientific fraud. + +https://time.com/collection/time100-ai/6309037/eliezer-yudkowsky/ +> "I expected to be a tiny voice shouting into the void, and people listened instead. So I doubled down on that." + +----- + +bullet notes for Tail analogy— + * My friend Tailcalled is better at science than me; in the hours that I've wasted with personal, political, and philosophical writing, he's actually been running surveys and digging into statistical methodology. + * As a result of his surveys, Tail was convinced of the two-type taxonomy, started /r/Blanchardianism, &c. + * Arguing with him resulted in my backing away from pure BBL ("Useful Approximation") + * Later, he became disillusioned with "Blanchardians" and went to war against them. I kept telling him he _is_ a "Blanchardian", insofar as he largely agrees with the main findings (about AGP as a major cause). He corresponded with Bailey and became frustrated with Bailey's ridigity. Blanchardians market themselves as disinterest truthseekers, but a lot of what they're actually doing is providing a counternarrative to social justice. + * There's an analogy between Tail's antipathy for Bailey and my antipathy for Yudkowsky: I still largely agree with "the rationalists", but the way especially Yudkowsky markets himself as a uniquely sane thinker