X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=03e19d55e3888e5879f3dc93830b02f10a77e980;hb=65809fb71c387764e6875101ce3ec992b1494722;hp=f1aad5525cf88bba0194f684cc5d1e47eb7d0f0a;hpb=a76f1ccf7fa0cab89eced422a432dde03d3b87f6;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index f1aad55..03e19d5 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -1556,6 +1556,12 @@ then, everyone will understand 1 March: "When i grow up i'm gonna eat pigs." +14 March: "I'm a pterodactyl dragon." + +17 March: "I was a hospital before but then I went through a metamorphosis...now I'm a crocodile." + +13 June: re "lesbian [...] seems actually just implementable in behavior without other resources" ... not even hormone replacement therapy? Frankly, I think this attitude is cruel (in its effects, however benevolent the intentions). Transitioning, or not-transitioning, is a serious life decision with wide-ranging social and medical implications. In order to help people make the right decision—whatever that turns out to be—I want people to have the most accurate information possible and the most precise concepts possible. Getting this stuff right—not just stopping at the first answer that sounds good to your Tumblr followers—is actually decision-relevant to me. In twelve years, it could very well be decision-relevant to Merlin. + ----- smart fascism— @@ -1633,6 +1639,7 @@ Masterful obfuscation: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ER6TomCW4AIfoNG?format=jpg&na Eric Raymond gets ousted from his own organization: http://lists.opensource.org/pipermail/license-discuss_lists.opensource.org/2020-February/thread.html https://medium.com/@kemenatan/its-just-a-fetish-right-91cb0a4e261 +https://archive.is/AAyxt https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ER8fXJcXkAIn8G9?format=jpg&name=large @@ -1640,3 +1647,104 @@ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ER8fXJcXkAIn8G9?format=jpg&name=large > the people who produce the sort of media which fulfills the demand are themselves socio-demographically exactly like affluent white liberals (to give credit to Ta-Nehisi Coates, he is the exception). Ask yourself, when was the last time you read an op-ed or think-piece from an Indian convenience store clerk or a Bangladeshi cab driver? Almost always the op-eds and think-pieces come from professionals who likely experience the least "macro" aggression and the most "micro" aggression, and, who can speak the language of affluent white liberals and know exactly how to say the correct things > No working-class person says "white presenting." No immigrant says "white presenting." I have had friends in academia tell me that my children "present as white." https://www.brownpundits.com/2020/03/01/the-white-acting-mother-of-a-white-presenting-daughter/ + +Vassar— +> I sometimes say we need 'quantum witch-hunts' where we assess the 'witch quantum number' of a social interaction without declaring anyone to be a witch (because witchcraft is an enactive process, not something associated with individuals) + +Bar chart of sex diffs: https://twitter.com/jurijfedorov/status/1225214491744489474 + +https://twitter.com/NateTreme/status/1234980122727288834 + +Inheritance of consensus: https://traditionsofconflict.com/blog/2018/8/1/the-cause-of-illness + +https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/03/04/i-was-cancelled-for-my-tweets-on-transgenderism/ + +California sex-ed curriculum: https://twitter.com/PeavyPosy/status/1235342626502647809 + +hear this being thrown around: https://twitter.com/LaraAdamsMille1/status/1235391042406490114 + +disanalogy of cis/trans to gay/straight: https://twitter.com/radicalhag/status/1235623170339672065 + +"this is the existence the people that want me to be trans want for me" https://twitter.com/0xCAFEBEEF/status/1235595792481570816 + +NRx koans: https://archive.is/rFDZA + +This is actually a pretty clear example of no-win prejudice: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/fe9rp8/asking_if_its_okay_to_join_a_sub_when_you_are_not/ (if asked, assumed to be seeking validation—but what if they were actually trying to respect the boundary?) + +http://web.archive.org/web/20120717073425/http://www.james-g.com/ + +You know, when a random Twitter person does it, it doesn't bother me much: https://twitter.com/ericlinuskaplan/status/1236740431427203073 It's specifically when it's impinging on rationalist-land that I'm at war. + +The motte-and-bailey: https://twitter.com/SwipeWright/status/1236894909547724800 + +alleged gender dysphoria from cis ppl taking hormones? read later (I doubt) https://twitter.com/BringerOfRot/status/1237018352360579072 + +https://twitter.com/epsalon/status/1237833281631993856 YOU KNOW GODDAMNED WELL WHAT THEY MEANT + +Vancouver Rape Relief https://twitter.com/piscesgurl69/status/1236884846858752000 + +> Intelligence is competence at winning games and leftism-as-intelligence is a set of strategies for winning games where the victory condition is majority consensus +https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1064256082506203137 + +> It's like a newborn duck with wheels +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ffprqc/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_march_09_2020/fk83n3k/ + +it turns out to be surprisingly useful to model the world as being made out of three things: people (who can be friends, enemies, or strangers), evolved social-control mechanisms (which use people as components as well as trains, pieces of paper, credit cards, web forms, &c.), and rocks. Instead of taking the things that people say about the evolved social-control mechanisms literally with respect to what _you_ think the words mean, you should constantly be making predictions (preferably predictions that you can get feedback about on the timescale of seconds or minutes) about what will happen if you interact with the social-control mechanisms in a particular way, and then noticing if the predictions come true or not. It turns out that non-nerds—you know, those people we disdain for being stupid or sexist or voting for Donald Trump or whatever your favorite excuse is—already knew this; they just didn't tell you because they were—correctly—modeling you as a component in the evolved social-control mechanisms rather than as a person. + +https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1239013977146953728 + +https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/shadow-boxing/201611/boys-dressed-girls-who-became-serial-killers + +https://medium.com/@catamphetamine/how-github-blocked-me-and-all-my-libraries-c32c61f061d3 + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/fk5nxt/pregnant_people/fkqzthd/ + +church-state https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1212034852041699331 + +kind of obsessive https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/03/fight-to-make-crosswords-more-inclusive/608212/ +https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/01/nyt-crossword-puzzle-ethnic-slur.html + +mourning MichFest: https://www.reddit.com/r/GCdebatesQT/comments/fkeqy6/question_for_gender_critical_people_and_why_not/fkto0xl/ + +find a cite for FtM heart-attack risk + +Kathleen Stock https://quillette.com/2019/04/11/ignoring-differences-between-men-and-women-is-the-wrong-way-to-address-gender-dysphoria/ + +the real strength of "be charitable to those you disagree with" is that it forces you to clarify your ideas in order to defend against every possible absurd misinterpretation + +I think my feelings for Jessica represent an interesting interaction of the conflict between sex and "gender": my high regard for her is happening because she passes so well that my brain is tagging her as a woman (and women who understand LessWrong stuff to that level are sacred and precious), but I don't feel creepy about so openly expressing it to her or others, because I'm less afraid of hurting her, because I expect that whatever anti-rape adaptation brainware women have (that result in strange males being labeled "creepy" threats) she ... probably just doesn't have it + + +"Winning" arguments is uninteresting, _especially_ arguments about definitions. Everyone knows that the same word can be used in many ways depending on context. What _matters_ is learning about reality, and finding concepts and representations that make reality _less_ confusing rather than _more_ confusing. If, after thousands of words of argument, someone _still_ thinks a concept that I find useful should not be used because I can't provide explicit necessary-and-sufficient conditions to classify a series of ever-more obscure and contrived edge cases and "gotcha"s—or because [it hurts someone's feelings](/2018/Jan/dont-negotiate-with-terrorist-memeplexes/)—then I guess my response is to shrug and say, "Okay, whatever, I'll continue modeling reality using my concepts, and I wish you good luck trying to do the same with yours." + +[TODO: transition sentence about how the map is part of the territory] + +"from the merely naive to the dense to the outright vapid" insults violate a symmetry constraint + +non-rape gratitude https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1243595042557587456 + +---- + +Everyone wants to think they're an agent that's made an informed choice. And when the one comes to them and points out that they're the victim of a hostile memetic environment that's been conceptually gerrymandered to game them into making CRAZY choices for someone else's benefit, they take it personally. I certainly take it personally, and I want to learn how to stop. + +From the inside, you have free choice in the sense that you don't know what you're going to do until you've finished computing it. From the outside, you're a system that can be gamed. + +You're always going to be dominated by _someone's_ memeplex. The question is, if you knew more and thought faster, which parts of your current ideology would extrapolated-you construe as parasites, and which as symbiotes? You should, of course, be very suspicious of anyone who thinks they already know the answer. But perhaps it should not be seen as such a incursion to suggest that the answer may surprise you! + +---- + +(Note the clarifying edit Alexander added at the bottom of the post, albeit only after I [threatened to escalate the civil war in our robot cult and spent Christmas Day yelling at him about it](https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/bSmgPNS6MTJsunTzS/maybe-lying-doesn-t-exist/comment/xEan6oCQFDzWKApt7). I'm not proud of my social behavior here, but when everyone you used to trust is seemingly insistent on selectively playing dumb about their own philosophy of language in a way that's optimized to trick you into cutting your dick off (independently of the empirical facts that determine whether cutting your dick off is a good idea), you tend to get desperate.) + +---- + +"I don't think you're giving my past self enough credit." + +"You were brainwashed by the Malevolent Authority." + +"I mean, yes, but you can't brainwash a human with random bits; they have to be _specific_ bits with something _good_ in them." + +---- + +https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16488877 +> independent of the masculinizing effects of gonadal secretions, XY and XX brain cells have different patterns of gene expression that influence their differentiation and function +