X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=7e14a693f8be092416c187510b571b95d9b56a26;hb=cf6b528131c01dbfb43e92e93225367eb0ac30a9;hp=55549656dc51ec73dcdaa65d44c6538ba1efbb8f;hpb=d15a3559265f40e0efdc6f6d0616e04a1563e7f5;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index 5554965..7e14a69 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -1792,9 +1792,6 @@ Muscle strength, size and composition following 12 months of gender-affirming tr He didn't actually transition. -https://archive.is/7Wolo -> the massive correlation between exposure to Yudkowsky’s writings and being a trans woman (can’t bother to do the calculations but the connection is absurdly strong) - https://americanmind.org/essays/children-and-transgenderism/ https://quillette.com/2019/09/24/no-one-is-born-in-the-wrong-body/ @@ -1891,6 +1888,8 @@ https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/hef5es/hi_what_was_slate_star_c > But the blog wasn't always on that 'side', either. Scott wrote one of the best analyses/defenses of trans identity and nonbiological definition of gender that I've ever read, and which ultimately convinced me. Yet again someone citing "Categories Were Made" as influential: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/he96rm/star_slate_codex_deleted_because_of_nyt_article/fvr7h7w/ +people are STILL citing this shit! (14 Nov): https://twitter.com/Baltimoron87/status/1327730282703835137 + Even the enemies respect that post! https://twitter.com/KirinDave/status/1275647936194654208 > And finally, I strongly disagree that one good article about accepting trans-ness means you get to walk away from writing that is somewhat white supremacist and quite fascist without at least awknowledging you were wrong. @@ -1911,6 +1910,13 @@ People are still citing it! https://twitter.com/churrundo/status/128357866642580 Another new cite: https://twitter.com/FollowSamir/status/1289168867831373825 +Another new cite: https://applieddivinitystudies.com/2020/09/05/rationality-winning/ + +Another new cite: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/kdxbyd/this_blog_is_incredible/gg04f8c/ "My personal favorites among these are [ ], [... Not Man for the Categories], 10, and 2 in that order." + +31 December +"SSC also helped me understand trans issues" https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/kng0q4/mixed_feelings_on_scott_alexander/ + darwin2500 "Women's leagues are for women, trans women are women. That's all the justification needed" https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/hym5xb/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_july_27_2020/fzvfres/ another "Categories Were Made" cite, just as an example post: https://old.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/i10p4m/survey_on_moving_ssc_to_substack/fzwkfqk/ @@ -1993,3 +1999,349 @@ the model must have learned the features somehow in order to produce such realis https://twitter.com/zackmdavis/status/1165832120784146432 the sad, continuous pain of seeing both sides, yet being on this one + +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/i2r8qo/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_august_03_2020/g0tp7wq/ +> As an aside, sometimes it's great if English isn't your first language, because then, all of this stuff immediately stands out. [...] In Dutch, there is no word for 'gender' as opposed to 'sex'. [...] The local woke then imported the term from English along with the concept. So now, when e.g. the [...] city council of Amsterdam puts out press releases, the English word "gender" stands out like a sore thumb from the otherwise Dutch sentences and it's completely obvious to everyone what's going on. + +https://web.archive.org/web/20071013171416/http://www.singinst.org/blog/2007/06/11/the-stamp-collecting-device/ + +Um, given our shared cultural context, I feel compelled to mention that I see myself as mostly making empirical and logical claims rather than being intrinsically value-unaligned? Such that, if you have specific counterarguments against my crusade (especially ones I'm not likely to have considered before), I'd be very grateful to hear them! + +(Because if the counterarguments are good, then I'm wrong and I should stop. Obviously.) + +And, like, the pure philosophy of language part in particular looks REALLY solid (and note that Jessica Taylor, who helped me with the math, agrees), even if empirical disagreements affect exactly how the philosophy applies to complex contemporary social issues—love to know what you think in the comments: + + +But I guess you probably don't trust my rationality that much? Like, I expect us to agree that if you're not a topic-specialist, you're not likely to say things that I haven't heard before, whereas I am likely to say things you haven't heard before (even if you've read my blog, there's more I haven't written up yet)—but that's just a matter of me sinking compute into the particular topic; if I'm opposing a consensus that you trust, you might be confident that I'm in the wrong, even if it's not worth your time to pin down exactly why. + +Sorry if that observation was boring. + +https://uncommongroundmedia.com/deconstructing-the-good-transwomen/ + +NYT—"Who Should Compete in Women's Sports? There Are 'Two Almost Irreconcilable Positions'": https://archive.is/Ckygw + +https://saidit.net/s/GenderCritical/comments/677z/the_clothesstealing_lesbianobsessed_agp/ + +https://www.jbhe.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html + +Andrew Sullivan profile https://archive.is/qviCi + +"Fluidity of gender identity induced by illusory body-sex change" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-71467-z + +I want to be careful not to fall into the trap of being a generic social conservative. My gender crusade becomes much less interesting insofar as it can be explained simply by me being born too early and not getting "kids these days." It's not that cultural change is necessarily bad; it's that I want culture to innovate in the direction of "achieving godlike understanding of objective reality and optimizing the hell out of it" rather than "playing mind games on each other to make it artificially harder to notice that we don't actually live in a Total Morphological Freedom tech regime." + +Doctoral thesis on TG/TF fantasy! +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/io1iih/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_07/g4codai/ +https://researchbank.swinburne.edu.au/file/065cf404-3114-4a42-a433-558eec179159/1/richard%20pilbeam%20thesis.pdf + +https://reclaimthenet.org/threats-of-violence-censorship-for-womens-rights-groups/ +https://archive.vn/hQFh1 + +pee fantasy: https://ericatgswapcaps.blogspot.com/2020/09/swap-clinic-favorite-thing.html + +https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/f0dfmt/has_anyone_ever_wrestled_with_guys_and_be/ + +> Make a mistake, suffer a disaster, learn a lesson. Make two mistakes, suffer a disaster, learn half a lesson. +https://twitter.com/spaceandgames/status/210229439395659776 + +Oftentimes you genuinely happen to run out of time for a particular conversation, and that's fine: if your stopping algorithm is based on how busy you are that day and the expected information value of the remaining conversation, then we should expect to get accurate shared maps _eventually_, even if some topics get "unlucky" that you were busy that day. If your stopping algorithm is based on political convenience (you leave the conversation _because_ the other party made a good point that you're not allowed to admit in Berkeley), then we _don't_ converge to accurate shared maps! + +https://www.fastcompany.com/90455454/im-a-trans-woman-google-photos-doesnt-know-how-to-categorize-me + +more Reiner: +https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1421517/ +https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1421518/ "Genetic males with maletypical prenatal androgen effects should be reared male." + +Tail said only a third of the variance in personality self-report is real; I asked how we know, and he says you can do math on multiple informants— +https://replicationindex.com/2019/07/21/hidden-invalidity-of-personality-measures/ +https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227671578_What_multi-method_data_tell_us_about_construct_validity +https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.0022-3506.2004.00282.x + +https://psyarxiv.com/f2wkt/ + +https://ideasanddata.wordpress.com/2020/09/30/on-proposed-environmental-causes-of-the-american-black-white-iq-gap/ + +https://www.gnxp.com/WordPress/2020/09/22/men-of-character-on-the-rise-cold-numbers-fading/ + +https://gript.ie/female-guards-raped-in-prison-by-trans-inmates-says-former-minister/ + +https://uncommongroundmedia.com/the-four-horsemen-of-the-gender-critical-apocalypse/ + +https://www.interfluidity.com/v2/7333.html "Markets launder history"—the analogy to trans history-rewriting makes me way more sympathetic to leftists + +https://carcinisation.com/2020/07/04/the-ongoing-accomplishment-of-the-big-five/ + +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13178-020-00502-5 +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13178-020-00489-z + +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/j165sq/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_september_28/g7iydmv/ +> But your family, clan, kin are naturally biased in your favor by simple oxytocin-driven mechanics of attachment, and family provides you with more support as it grows; and men have been helplessly biased in favor of their women since time immemorial (but you can think no farther than Esther). Your "identity", on the other hand, owes you nothing: instead, you owe everything to it, as it is in the power of your identity's political representatives to paint you a champion or a traitor, and you become more replaceable the bigger your alliance grows. It is a much less robust, much more adversarial and suspicious and cold, much less humane way to run a society + +https://transfemscience.org/articles/ + +https://defmacro.substack.com/p/against-xkcd-1357 +https://defmacro.substack.com/p/from-corporate-politics-there-is +https://handleshaus.wordpress.com/2020/10/06/review-of-rod-drehers-live-not-by-lies/ +https://bonald.wordpress.com/2016/03/11/die-hard-a-model-of-the-enemys-motivation/ + +robot cult influence: +https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/2corc0/just_in_case_hes_a_reddit_troll/ (compare https://www.lesswrong.com/users/grendelkhan) +https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/a/16457 (compare https://www.lesswrong.com/users/wizzwizz4) + +https://www.ginamaya.co.uk/transgender-life/on-adopting-a-more-gender-critical-transgender-activism.html + +https://reason.com/2020/10/09/coupled-barred-from-fostering-their-1-year-old-great-granddaughter-because-of-their-opposition-to-homosexuality-and-gender-transitioning/ + +egregore capture +https://twitter.com/ElaineAtwell/status/1314261010547695620 + +https://blog.jim.com/war/the-way-through-to-the-other-side-of-the-left-singularity/ +> Every tenured academic everywhere in the world abruptly changes position overnight when the wind from Harvard and Yale changes. + +https://male-to-female.org/en/philosophy + +https://www.abajournal.com/magazine/article/duty-to-disclose-adverse-legal-authority + +https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/jeky8e/voxs_kelsey_piper_on_being_called_a_tradwife_i/g9hoi6p/ +> Leftists don't need a Quiverfull movement, because we can count on each of our Vile Offspring to seduce and ruin at least four Quiverfull kids each. +[the brood-parasite strategy made explicit!] + +https://www.overcomingbias.com/2016/09/write-to-say-stuff-worth-knowing.html +> If you can then get other influential writers in overlapping topic areas to read and be persuaded by your argument, you might contribute to a larger process whereby we all learn faster by usefully dividing up the task of learning about everything. + +Motta-Mena and Puts has the awesome probability-of-gynephilia-by-intersex-condition graph, "Endocrinology of human female sexuality, mating, and reproductive behavior" + +listen later: https://amgreatness.com/2020/10/15/whats-the-matter-with-liberalism-talking-with-alex-kaschuta/ + +"still having Donna's brain" +http://theinsomniactg.blogspot.com/2020/10/not-body-id-have-chosen.html + +https://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/talia-mae-bettcher-professor-and-chair + +https://www.fast.ai/2020/10/28/code-of-conduct/ + +"World Rugby Bars Transgender Women, Baffling Players" https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/26/sports/olympics/world-rugby-transgender-women.html + +kayfabe: https://www.edge.org/response-detail/11783 + +https://web.archive.org/web/20200705203105if_/https://reddit.com/r/GenderCriticalGuys/comments/hhcs34/autogynephilic_male_here_big_rant_about_denial_of/ + +Idaho plantiff: https://uploads.ovarit.com/91cd2b5b-f8e9-52b0-86e4-b1b5104e5350.jpg + +https://www.christianpost.com/news/gofundme-removes-puberty-is-not-a-medical-condition-billboard.html + +https://quillette.com/2020/10/31/i-signed-up-to-study-sexual-health-what-i-got-was-gender-ideology-fetishism-and-porn/ + +https://www.ladyscience.com/essays/the-dangers-of-categorizing-trans-desire + +> Importantly, the team cannot know the individual's gender identity, but rather only biological sex (which like gender doesn't always exist on a binary). In other words, they can't say whether the individual lived their life 9,000 years ago in a way that would identify them within their society as a woman. +https://archive.is/ocQWg + +thread on the clothing-swap problem +https://twitter.com/liminal_warmth/status/1323837794259619842 +including a DM about AGP: https://twitter.com/liminal_warmth/status/1324016024019062790 + +https://ericatgswapcaps.blogspot.com/2020/11/swap-clinic-pay-piper.html + +help me understand: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/jnxgm3/genuinely_please_help_me_understand/ + +https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/02/reader-center/nonbinary-teens-reporting.html + +"Voter Fraud a Myth? That's Not What New York Investigators Found": https://archive.is/biahk + +https://quillette.com/2020/11/07/gender-activists-are-trying-to-cancel-my-book-why-is-silicon-valley-helping-them/ + +> social upheaval means it's time to go all in on crypto, precious metals +https://twitter.com/HiFromMichaelV/status/1324693317188308993 + +"The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis and Probabilistic Inference: Evidence from the Domain of Color"—study, summarize, and apply this to gender!!! +https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0158725 + +citation engine https://scite.ai/ + +https://herandrews.com/2015/03/01/women-against-suffrage/ + +https://www.christianpost.com/news/ministry-sue-bank-over-dropping-account-due-to-reparative-therapy.html +https://unherd.com/2020/10/how-corporations-can-delete-your-existence/ + +I'm currently planning on donating $500 to Kelly Loeffler +[...] +So, I agree that Orange Man Bad. But, Orange Man Gone! (Okay, there are some lawsuits to wrap up, but I don't think anyone expects those to go anywhere.) + +https://www.out.com/news/2020/11/11/norway-has-made-biphobic-transphobic-speech-illegal + +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/jdvqk5/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_october_19/g9jw30k/?context=3 +> This is because once they hit puberty, no one wants young men around unless they're recruiting for a terrorist cell. [...] Whereas literally everyone wants young women. They come off as determined to be fuckups because they're being actively courted/recruited. Boys are left to fuck up their own lives. + +A vote for Kelly Loeffler is a vote for gridlock! A vote for gridlock is a vote to hit the brakes on our ongoing cultural revolution! A vote to hit the brakes is vengeance for Steve Hsu! A civilization that can't avenge Steve Hsu is DEAD (sooner or later and probably sooner) 2/2 + +> Somebody can be born with a wiener, but not be a boy. Somebody else can be a boy, but not have a wiener. +https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-do-boys-have-wieners/ + +Is the Culture War lost? https://letter.wiki/conversation/930 + +https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/05/ray-blanchard-transgender-orthodoxy/ + +> we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred +https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/170990-suppose-one-reads-a-story-of-filthy-atrocities-in-the + + +If you demand that people change how they think and talk about the world specifically in order to prove they're on your side (rather than because you have evidence and arguments explaining why your model is more accurate in the relevant domain), then people who care about thinking clearly will may reluctantly conclude they're not, in fact, on your side? + +Note, this is compatible with trans rights insofar as "more accurate in the relevant domain" can include grouping transsexuals with their social gender rather than their developmental sex, because it's possible for social transition to actually succeed on the merits of actually passing (or getting "close enough"), rather than acquiecing to demands. (Isn't that the goal? To successfully transition, and organically be perceived as your target sex?) + +If someone looks like a man, and sounds like a man, and I can model him as a man in the range of circumstances I interact with him without making any grievous prediction errors, then I call him a man even if he's technically a female on testosterone—not as a favor, but because it genuinely seems like the best word to describe what I'm seeing. Futhermore, if I don't perceive someone as a man, but everyone else does (or speaks as if they do), I'll usually go along with the majority's language usage for game-theoretic reasons (explanation: http://unremediatedgender.space/2019/Oct/self-identity-is-a-schelling-point/). But if he further demands that I'm not even allowed to use the phrase "female on testosterone" to describe what I think is going on in this situation, then we have a problem. + +Trump— +> devastating in their percentage and power of destruction + +Like I said, it would seem the disagreement centers around how robust the trait-clusters are, and how useful it is to be able to use simple language to talk about the overwhelming-majority case, and I'm wary of these standards being selectively varied for political reasons that, however well-intentioned, actually in-practice interfere with our collective ability to make sense of the world. + +When I say "selectively varied", I mean that the same standards aren't being applied evenhandedly to different topic-areas. For example, when talking about the anatomy of the hands, you might end up offhandedly saying something like, "Humans have ten fingers." I think it's good for people to be able to say "Humans have ten fingers" in most contexts without it being construed as a denial of the facts that polydactyly exists and that some people lose fingers in accidents. (It's true that polydactyly exists! And it's true that some people lose fingers in accidents! I enthusiastically affirm both of those facts! But I think it's also true that ... you know what I meant.) + +This is also my rationale for wanting "Men are the ones with penises" to be considered "true" in most contexts. The claim isn't that trans men don't exist; the claim is that adult human males are the prototypical thing that trans men are imitating (to the limits of available technology), such that it's useful for many unmarked usages of "man"/"men" to be understood to refer to the prototype unless there's some contextual reason to think otherwise. + +https://www.berkeleyside.com/2020/11/18/uc-berkeley-strips-the-names-of-professors-with-racist-views-off-3-buildings + +(I remember Logan Brienne recommended Will Powers on Facebook) +https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/jx9io9/my_official_post_on_my_personal_opinion_on/ +https://archive.is/DnxUM +He thinks AGP is erotic-only, but gender euphoria is OK + +Funny exchange— https://twitter.com/The_WGD/status/1329872398087303173 +> You're slipping into the Sailer zone, and while he's not exactly canceled...it's your risk to take, but if you drift slowly enough, you won't notice when you're past the line. +> What's the worst thing that Sailer has ever said? +> we don't know because he said it on his alt + +Pay gap among Uber drivers: https://nber.org/papers/w26380 + +Millenials are children: https://archive.fo/KOHS3 + +I should read the new Julia Serano paper. Serano, J. (2020). Autogynephilia: A scientific review, feminist analysis, and alternative ‘embodiment fantasies’ model. The Sociological Review, 68(4), 763–778. (Note on skimming: it's actually significantly less mendacious than her previous work!) + +The map is not the territory. For an ideal observer passively viewing the world from behind a Cartesian veil, the map reflects the territory, and never the other way around: beliefs and reality interact in only one direction. Unfortunately, human social life is a little more complicated than this: when our beliefs about the world affect the reality of what people do, then we can have self-fulfilling prophecies: the territory bulldozed to fit the map. But self-fulfilling prophecies are still only a second-order effect: reality affects your thoughts directly (via sensory perception), whereas your thoughts only affect reality insofar as someone cares what you think. + +https://www.transgendertrend.com/trans-kids-reject-family-not-other-way-around/ + +https://rewirenewsgroup.com/article/2020/11/23/is-there-a-terf-at-your-thanksgiving-gathering/ + +https://medium.com/@Chican3ry/female-embodiment-fantasies-1e4bab7dc3f0 + +https://nypost.com/2020/11/24/florida-woman-charged-in-machete-attack-wanted-to-be-with-mans-wife/ + +https://www.cato.org/blog/history-crowdfunding-wake-violence + +Julia Serano: "Women who have struggled against patriarchal ideals of what makes a 'real' woman think nothing of turning around and using the world 'real' against trans women." The problem with the patriarchal ideals was not the word 'real'! + +https://world.wng.org/content/washington_erasing_parents_from_the_equation + +"Trans women dropkicked & beat a racist throwing slurs at them. The judge said he deserved it." https://archive.is/MWyIB + +https://unherd.com/2020/11/why-i-had-to-leave-the-guardian/ +https://www.theguardian.com/society/commentisfree/2020/mar/02/women-must-have-the-right-to-organise-we-will-not-be-silenced +https://www.buzzfeed.com/patrickstrudwick/guardian-staff-trans-rights-letter + +"Transgender Population Size in the United States: a Meta-Regression of Population-Based Probability Samples" https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/AJPH.2016.303578a + +https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/where-have-all-the-lesbians-gone-0a7 + +This is actually good storytelling: https://ericatgswapcaps.blogspot.com/2020/11/magic-friend-zone-curse.html + +> Lesbian culture required the taboo to exist, and since it no longer does as religious objections faded, gay and bisexual women overwhelmingly meet and socialize in normal female company like straight women do. +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/jzbis2/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_november_23/gdtfzuz/ + +https://eev.ee/blog/2020/06/11/rowling-is-dangerously-wrong/ +https://medium.com/@notCursedE/7-things-trans-people-never-actually-said-1ab5e5ce11da + +https://twitter.com/jesstheunstill/status/1334942407897587712 +> This was impressive! I was just in an Software Engineering boot camp at a tech company, and it was lead by two women of color, and the attendees were appx 10 women, 4 men, one non-binary person, and at least half were not white. + +https://theprovince.com/news/national/hunter-trans-jailbird-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-female-con/wcm/83654fa7-ef24-475a-a725-c56420a15e46 + +The tragedy: we do want to help women and minorities, but not the ideological victimhood-identity mind-virus. But if the mind-virus captures all the smart women and minorities at our universities (which women and minorities feel even more pressure to go to than I did!—part of what made my autodidacticism feasible was my white male privilege, that autodidact male geniuses are more believable) + +recommended on /r/TheMotte about gestures https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/364 + +article about the Timnit Gebru paper: https://archive.is/6TX2Y + +"Smith College alumni demand 'further training' for white staffer who decried anti-white work environment": https://archive.vn/wzlZD + +---- + +> Do you agree with [people only act confused about biological sex when men wanted something] +> Do you think that, if you look at the history of biological sex problematization/denialism (in academia, social media, etc), there's more influence from DMAB people than DFAB people? + +To your first question: the Tweet says "only reason", which is usually false. (Nodes in a Bayesian network can have multiple parents!) If we amend to "a significant reason, plausibly the most significant reason", then yes, in the following sense. + +In the possible world where the parameters of male sexual psychology are such that autogynephilia doesn't exist "but everything else is the same", then I don't think you get the kind and scope of trans-activism movement that Saotome-Westlake's and Adams-Miller's writing is a reaction to. In this world, you still get Judith Butler (AFAB, Gender Trouble published 1990) and Anne Fausto-Sterling (AFAB, Sexing the Body published 2000), but I think you don't get pronoun stickers at conferences in 2018 and you don't get a "three-year-old Merlin Blume is a girl now; she verbally confirmed it!" social-reality enforcement campaign in 2020. + +To your second question, it might actually depend on how you operationalize "influence"! Notably, the campaign to trans Merlin (whose parents met on lesswrong.com) is being run predominantly by AFAB people; they're just combatants in the service of an ideology that I don't think would have been so memetically fit if it weren't such a convenient accommodation for AGP. (At least, that's my theory under the doctrine of "algorithmic intent"; the people involved don't think of themselves as combatants in the service of anything.) + +---- + +Two years ago, you wrote: "I wonder how would the rationalist movement (I meant the LessWrong cluster of folks) approach AGP if they could have a completely fresh start? Could there be a way to use the correlation between being intelligent/quantitative and being AGP to break the irrationalist trans ideology?" + +Well, I tried. I failed. I'm all out of cards. I blogged; I argued, many times, with everyone who would listen, including local celebrities (Yudkowsky, Scott Alexander). I still have a lot more writing to do for my own scholarly ambitions, but political/education efforts on my native subculture in particular are almost certainly saturated: if we were going to start a Zeitgeist change here, it would have already happened by now. + +There hasn't been no effect (people are aware of the typology as a hypothesis, with much thanks to Tailcalled and Ozy's Intellectual Turing Test), but I can't point to anyone doing anything meaningfully differently re impacts on women, our ability to think about sex. + +I'm still pretty horrified that the sticking point in discussions seems to have been not the AGP etiology itself (which is what I was focusing on in 2016/2017), but the category-boundaries-are-arbitrary "insight." So it's not just that we failed to break the irrationalist trans ideology: we actually invented something arguably worse! (Ordinary trans activists at least try to make (confused) truth claims; we invented a fully general counteragument against truth claims that's all the more dangerous thanks to the virtue of a very narrow kind of technical correctness.) + +----- + +https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/12/20691957/mastodon-decentralized-social-network-gab-migration-fediverse-app-blocking + +https://www.wired.com/story/science-journals-are-purging-racist-sexist-work-finally/ +https://archive.is/beD9M + +https://4w.pub/my-whole-conversation-with-kaitlyn-tiffany-for-the-atlantic/ +https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/12/reddit-ovarit-the-donald/617320/ +https://archive.is/lqKUe + +https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/keira-bell-s-victory-is-an-important-one-for-trans-teenagers + +https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9041725/Mum-called-trans-woman-Twitter-CLEARED-wrongdoing.html + +"Transgender Women in the Female Category of Sport: Perspectives on Testosterone Suppression and Performance Advantage" +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-020-01389-3 + +https://impossiblehq.com/well-see/ + +https://harvardpress.typepad.com/hup_publicity/2020/06/black-lives-matter.html + +https://fairplayforwomen.com/transgender-male-criminality-sex-offences/ + +social pressure on judges +https://shylockholmes.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-thorny-problem-of-inconstant-judges.html + +"The part is subordinate to the whole: female outliers" +https://archive.is/UKNjx + +https://priceonomics.com/why-did-san-francisco-schools-stop-teaching/ + +"Failed Assignments — Rethinking Sex Designations on Birth Certificates" https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2025974 + +you think you're pumping against the incentive gradient, but actually you're just facing a weird dark-matter incentive landscape +https://www.facebook.com/zmdavis/posts/10154648983465199 + +https://graymirror.substack.com/p/61-the-nomos-of-the-earth +> The past can inspire us; it can teach us; but it can never be our destination. + +https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/12/22/the-gender-heretics-are-finally-winning-the-terf-wars/ + +https://thoughtsofstone.com/the-day-the-logic-died/ + +http://bostonreview.net/race-philosophy-religion-gender-sexuality/robin-dembroff-dee-payton-why-we-shouldnt-compare + +https://old.reddit.com/r/CultureWarRoundup/comments/khaseo/offtopic_and_loweffort_cw_thread_for_the_week_of/gh8kd5q/ +> Give a bunch of men the option to couch their fetish in the trappings of womanhood and they will do so with gusto, and bully their way to the top. Then give women the choice between siding with the men and winning constantly, or side against the men and become a pariah, and the outcome is inevitable. + +https://medium.com/@Siltha1.0/caroline-criado-perez-is-a-terf-35c489e59ad9 + +https://twitter.com/av_rose_ev/status/1340393165090516992 +> Years 3-5 of transition for trans women is recognizing how much of your relationship to your community is contingent upon you performing reproductive labor for your friends because it's the only way they continue to engage you as a woman and yes that includes cracking eggs. + +"Richer color vocabulary is associated with better color memory but not color perception" (h/t Sailer https://www.unz.com/isteve/orwell-got-it-right-about-sapir-whorf/) +https://www.pnas.org/content/117/49/31046 + +The "Finer-grained sterotypes" point seems to be a point in favor of "there are more than two genders", but the lack of a clear truth condition is a point against