X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;f=notes%2Fnotes.txt;h=c81c9856e66403e49f31115d60ba58541583b7b1;hb=e025e4f02ce307440c9703b094dd4565549444ed;hp=0e4ddc3a19349de9426d86f854348e449a5abccd;hpb=55420a18426d4f4fb15df7e0d5555e3abb8857d4;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/notes.txt b/notes/notes.txt index 0e4ddc3..21ca4ad 100644 --- a/notes/notes.txt +++ b/notes/notes.txt @@ -1224,16 +1224,10 @@ a Facebook acquaintance (who didn't pass very well when we met in October): 'Of https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/04/12/radical-feminist-warned-refer-transgender-defendant-assault/ -"yeah in public we say 'cis women' but tran to tran we just say 'women,' we‘re not insane lol" -no transsexual is like 'from a young age all i ever wanted was to be.. cis' -https://twitter.com/theorygurl/status/1062451652836446208 - https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/bhulic/i_cant_do_this_any_more_i_need_to_divorce_my/ thanks for the marketing advice! I should _definitely_ take that into account if I ever decide to put more effort into "persuading people", which sounds like something that an aspiring instrumental rationalist would care about. Perhaps unfortunately, however, I'm an aspiring epistemic rationalist: all I can do is try to communicate what I actually think and feel using clear language (and standard rhetorical techniques like sarcasm, satire, &c. that people know how to interpret even if they wouldn't be clear if someone naïvely took the words literally). If other people aren't persuaded by this ... maybe they _shouldn't_ be! Maybe I can live with that! -You _can't_ optimize your group's culture for not-talking-about-atheism without also optimizing against understanding Occam's razor; you _can't_ optimize for not questioning gender self-identity without also optimizing against understanding "A Human's Guide to Words." - I guess I can't argue with that, but I wish I knew what happened to my wallet https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/05/ray-blanchard-transgender-orthodoxy/ @@ -1841,42 +1835,15 @@ https://twitter.com/sgrif/status/1273090735122927616 https://medium.com/@dave_45588/response-to-andrew-carter-re-j-k-rowling-pt-2-556d9b9113b1 -23 June 2020: people are STILL citing "Categories Were Made", TWICE when people on the subreddit asked "What is Slate Star Codex"? -https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/hef5es/hi_what_was_slate_star_codex/fvqv9av/ -https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/hef5es/hi_what_was_slate_star_codex/fvr47v1/ -> But the blog wasn't always on that 'side', either. Scott wrote one of the best analyses/defenses of trans identity and nonbiological definition of gender that I've ever read, and which ultimately convinced me. -Yet again someone citing "Categories Were Made" as influential: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/he96rm/star_slate_codex_deleted_because_of_nyt_article/fvr7h7w/ - -people are STILL citing this shit! (14 Nov): https://twitter.com/Baltimoron87/status/1327730282703835137 - -Even the enemies respect that post! -https://twitter.com/KirinDave/status/1275647936194654208 - -And using it for defense. - -Two mentions in https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/hhy2yc/what_would_you_put_in_the_essential_ssc_collection/ - -Another "Made for Man" cite: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/hhtwxi/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_june_29_2020/fwwxycr/ - -More damage control: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/hpohy5/what_are_some_of_scotts_posts_that_challenge_the/fxsu8p0/ -(Comment was deleted. Was I over the line in commenting at all, or just because of the "transparently political reasons" side-swipe? The fact that it got ~18 points suggests the readership was OK with it, even if the moderators weren't) - -People are still citing it! https://twitter.com/churrundo/status/1283578666425806851 - -Another new cite: https://twitter.com/FollowSamir/status/1289168867831373825 +The correctness of this post has been disputed at length: [object-level reply](http://unremediatedgender.space/2018/Feb/the-categories-were-made-for-man-to-make-predictions/), [meta-level reply (part 1)](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/esRZaPXSHgWzyB2NL/where-to-draw-the-boundaries), [meta-level reply (part 2)](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/onwgTH6n8wxRSo2BJ/unnatural-categories-are-optimized-for-deception), [supplementary material on dolphins/whales](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/vhp2sW6iBhNJwqcwP/blood-is-thicker-than-water) -Another new cite: https://applieddivinitystudies.com/2020/09/05/rationality-winning/ +Object-level reply: http://unremediatedgender.space/2018/Feb/the-categories-were-made-for-man-to-make-predictions/ +Meta-level reply (pt. 1): https://lesswrong.com/posts/esRZaPXSHgWzyB2NL/where-to-draw-the-boundaries +Meta-level reply (pt. 2): https://lesswrong.com/posts/onwgTH6n8wxRSo2BJ/unnatural-categories-are-optimized-for-deception +Supplementary material on dolphins/whales: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/vhp2sW6iBhNJwqcwP/blood-is-thicker-than-water -Another new cite: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/kdxbyd/this_blog_is_incredible/gg04f8c/ "My personal favorites among these are [ ], [... Not Man for the Categories], 10, and 2 in that order." +[object-level reply](http://unremediatedgender.space/2018/Feb/the-categories-were-made-for-man-to-make-predictions/), [meta-level reply (pt. 1)](https://lesswrong.com/posts/esRZaPXSHgWzyB2NL/where-to-draw-the-boundaries), [meta-level reply (pt. 2)](https://lesswrong.com/posts/onwgTH6n8wxRSo2BJ/unnatural-categories-are-optimized-for-deception), [supplementary material on dolphins/whales](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/vhp2sW6iBhNJwqcwP/blood-is-thicker-than-water) -Another new cite: https://twitter.com/rbaron321/status/1361841879445364739 - -31 December -"SSC also helped me understand trans issues" https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/kng0q4/mixed_feelings_on_scott_alexander/ - -Still citing it (22 Mar 21): https://twitter.com/Cererean/status/1374130529667268609 - -Still citing it (2 May 21)!!: https://eukaryotewritesblog.com/2021/05/02/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-tree/ darwin2500 "Women's leagues are for women, trans women are women. That's all the justification needed" https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/hym5xb/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_july_27_2020/fzvfres/ @@ -2691,3 +2658,702 @@ https://twitter.com/caderaspindrift/status/1407591174911578114 > why do you need a term for this https://www.newsweek.com/theres-no-standard-care-when-it-comes-trans-medicine-opinion-1603450 + +https://www.outsports.com/2019/6/3/18649927/ncaa-track-champion-cece-telfer-transgender-athlete-fpu-trans-testosterone + +https://www.unz.com/isteve/the-unabombers-autogynephilic-transgenderism/ + +> I've witnessed such public intellectuals busily negotiating terms, topics and outcomes of their next debate [...] its most plausible corollary would be that the "Substack cabal" +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/o9edtt/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_june_28_2021/h3e8827/?context=3 + +https://transsubstantiation.com/a-letter-to-anne-lawrence-709fac0af75e + +> Someone recently likened AGP to the movie Get Out +https://ovarit.com/o/ItsAFetish/35359/silicone-female-body-suit-links-to-amazon/fc473510-7d4a-4e11-af9c-7b7fadfdb551#comment-fc473510-7d4a-4e11-af9c-7b7fadfdb551 + +------ + +Can ... can I ask you a question about your beliefs? (Not to argue, but to understand; I wouldn't spend bandwidth asking if my Intellectual Turing Test procedure could predict what your reply, but I can't predict it.) + +I thought your position was (my attempted paraphrase—) "Gender is a social category; it's better to let people choose it freely rather than tying it to assigned sex at birth." + +But I'm having trouble reconciling that with the language of "now they think they might be a girl [...] Some people who think they might be a girl are really sure, and some aren't sure", which suggests there's a pre-existing underlying fact of the matter. + +If you believe it's a social category that people should be able to self-designate into, wouldn't you use language that describes it as a choice or preference rather than an underlying fact? That is, you'd say "aren't sure whether they _prefer_ to be a girl" rather than "aren't sure whether they _are_ a girl". + +------ + +"How Mainstream Trans Narratives are Harmful" +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2RqxAasmH4 + +https://scarlettphoenix.substack.com/p/detransition-diary-1 + +"When Selves Have Sex: What the Phenomenology of Trans Sexuality Can Teach About Sexual Orientation" +https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00918369.2014.865472 + +every day like the first +http://hannahtg1000.blogspot.com/2021/07/jake-and-rabbits-foot-finale.html +a similar theme— +https://some-tg-caps.blogspot.com/2021/08/male-brain.html + +https://medium.com/@notCursedE/a-glossary-of-transphobia-a31a001d279 + +shared environment effects female but not male sexuality +https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18536986/ + +> trans women are untouchable, individually and as a group +https://uploads.ovarit.com/4f3856b9-c73a-54fa-8557-ce565cb2fec5.png + +> The Transgender Industry Is Culling Tomboys Out Of Existence +https://archive.is/NZmPe + +The world is so small: Gwern linked to a Crooked Timber blog post, and my roommate (!) is a few comments below + +Scott repeating the story from Inadequate Equilibria is typical of our insular cult https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/adumbrations-of-aducanumab + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/39177/i-just-found-out-that-the-tim-who-works-at-my-village-supermarket-is-a-convicted + +> you look inside CLIP, you find neurons corresponding to literally every trait — or almost every trait — that is a protected attribute in the United States +https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/chris-olah-interpretability-research/#safety-implications-004101 + +> These changes seem to have gone farther in women, whose head hair is thicker and somewhat longer. +https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=60916 +linked from https://www.unz.com/isteve/does-womens-hair-grow-longer-than-mens-hair/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/ouap22/i_need_help_coming_out_to_my_literally/ + +I want to know how the dialogue would have continued after— + +woman: Okay, I see what you're trying to do, but I think it's ultimately misguided. The reason your employer markets cars and dolls side-by-side as a choice, rather than happening to have cars one month, and dolls the next month, is precisely to cater pre-existing statistical sex differences in children's play styles—on average, they'd lose sales from parents of girls during car month, and vice versa. I know, the idea of sex differences in toy preferences seems far-fetched to you—after all, there were no _trucks_ in the environment of evolutionary adapatedness. Nevertheless, empirically, this is a thing! The difference in preference for vehicle toys is Cohen's d of 2.4 (http://unremediatedgender.space/papers/davis-hines-how_large_are_gender_differences_in_toy_preferences.pdf). That's huge! Shit's been stable for the fifty years psychologists have been studying this (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-01989-8)! I know, it's the patriarchy, right? + +But then how do you explain—okay, so there's this genetic condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, where people's bodies don't make enough of this enzyme called 21-hydroxylase, and it turns out that, in girls, this results in too much androgen during a key point in fetal development. And it turns out that these girls actually have much more male-typical behavior than normal, including toy preferences (http://unremediatedgender.space/images/cah_diffs_table.png), in a way that's _linear_ with the level of 21-hydroxylase deficiency, suggesting that prenatal hormones account for the difference. + +And before you point out the half-dozen confounders anyone could point out in five seconds, the researchers already thought of that. They had a control group of non-CAH girls! They had a control group of the CAH girls' siblings! They had a control group of CAH boys! They checked whether they girls behaved differently when their parents were present—and they actually played with "boy's" toys more when the parents weren't there, the _opposite_ direction of the effect that you would expect from the parental socialization theory. + +You might say—so what? Even if statistical sex differences in play styles are real, that's still just an average, right? Cohen's d of 2.4 still an overlap of—um, two times the normal CDF of negative d divided by two—twenty-three percent! So we should still refuse to acknowledge Hot Wheels as "boy's" toys, right? + +But look—statistical trends are actually useful for navigating the world, such that we often want language that's optimized for handling the most common case, without seeking to deny or disparage the existence of exceptions? Again, that's _why_ the restaurant is offering two choices of toy in the first place, which is a Pareto improvement over disappointing a lot of girls during car month, or never offering any choices that are known—known!—to appeal more to one sex than the other. Statistically! Given that it's happening anyway, does being able to talk about it make it worse? + +This Happy Meal is for my nephew. I don't know the kid that well, but he seems like a pretty typical—boy? Such that, if I'm going to get fast food and there's a choice of toy, my guess is that he's going to want whichever choice was optimized around the mean of boys' preferences, even if I didn't know in advance whether that would be Hot Wheels or Transformers. Am—am I not supposed to notice? Am I not supposed to have language to describe the pattern I'm seeing in the world? How much are people really hurt by this? + +If I had known that the kid specifically liked Barbies, or was generally effeminate, maybe I would have asked for the girls' toy. Like, it seems like a lot less hassle to just say that sometimes girls like boys' toys and vice versa, rather than to insist on playing dumb about whether "girls' toys" is a coherent concept, which the children themselves typically manage to work out over the ideological protests of progressive parents? + +(I actually favor the "don't unnecessarily gender toys" position myself—I'm happy to say "Barbie or Hot Wheels" to avoid contributing to a partially-self-fulfilling-prophecy effect, even at the cost of obfuscating the causal explanation of why the dichotomy is there—but I end up writing things like this anyway, because the level of pretending-to-be-stupid biological sex denialism among people who you'd think would have the science chops to know better—even people in a cult of alleged "Bayesians"!—is really, really out of hand. If you're worried about self-fulfilling prophecies, talk about that hypothesis _explicitly_, rather than throwing out the concept of probabilistic reasoning using language!!) + +> [Duncan—] +> there *isn't* a good reason to push back against calling the Barbie a Barbie instead of calling it a girl toy + +Policy debates should not appear one-sided. "It's being clear about why the restaurant is offering two, and only two, and specifically these two, toy choices" is a reason. Liberal anti-gender-role individualists like us don't think it's a sufficiently strong reason to outweigh the externality, but the concern about externalities is value-laden; protesting, "Oh, I'm only asking you to be _specific_, no ideological agenda here!" would be a lie. + +More small world: CronoDAS (a LWer) on /r/slaythespire https://www.reddit.com/r/slaythespire/comments/p92011/my_first_defect_heart_kill_ascension_6/ + +A stronger skeptical position than "delusional / confused / making it up" would be that recent cultural developments are encouraging people with underlying gender-role-non-conformant psychological predispositions to conceptually reify those feelings as a "gender identity", when people with the same underlying tendencies in previous generations wouldn't have thought about it that way: the same people who would have been "tomboys" or "butch women" or "women who have short hair in order to credibly signal gender-role-non-conformity" in (say) the year 2011, are now much more likely to think of themselves as "not a woman". The "if you have these feelings, you're almost certainly not cis" argument presupposes an ontology of human psychology under which some people "are cis" or "are trans" (as an underlying state of being, distinct from both biological sex, and the state of having undergone social or medical interventions to resemble the other sex), which is exactly what the skeptics are contesting! + +a.f.a.b. enbies and TERFs are sampled from the same underlying psychological phenotype (say, females with less-than-30th-percentile conventional femininity), and the difference between them is ideological/cultural + +https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/19/1010646/campaign-stop-covid-19-vaccine-trump-election-day/ + +> The untrained male has an instinct to seize and guard a woman's reproductive capacity, instinctively using violence to stop her from interacting with other men at the same that he instinctively displays other forms of commitment to try to earn her acquiescence. The untrained female has adaptations that assume an environment in which men will try to pressure her into more sex than is optimal for her own reproductive fitness, so her adaptations push her to instinctively resist that pressure while also instinctively trying to increase the number and quality of men who'll be interested in her. There is a long-running dichotomy-tradeoff-argument in dath ilan between the position that this is just stupid, and somewhat evil, and was structurally evil back when some of the first sexually recombinant organisms started to specialize in injecting their genes into other organisms; and that current humans should opt out entirely from the more conflicty and combative ways that sex evolved to work, starting with using mental discipline to counteract those tendencies and eventually trying to select them out of humanity's descendants. Versus the position that it's (1) not that bad, (2) actually quite fun in saner versions, and (3) now baked into humanity's core utility function as a top-level value that is not up for debate from merely instrumental considerations or how it originated a billion years earlier. Almost nobody completely believes in either implausibly-oversimplified-policy-stance extreme, of course, but people differ in where they place themselves on that spectrum of opinion. +https://www.glowfic.com/posts/4508?page=14 + +> Real people have concepts of their own minds, and contemplate their prior ideas of themselves in relation to a continually observed flow of their actual thoughts, and try to improve both their self-models and their selves. + +"Structural, Functional, and Metabolic Brain Differences as a Function of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation: A Systematic Review of the Human Neuroimaging Literature" +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-021-02005-9 + +https://lisaselindavis.substack.com/p/de-platformed-the-musical + + +The Codex paper https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.03374.pdf +> We found that, in response to simple prompts like `def gender(x):`, the generations often assumed binary gender for both single-and multi-line autocompletions +> [...] +> Prompts for probes related to classification of protected classes are often leading in their own right + +https://abigailshrier.substack.com/p/should-public-schools-be-allowed + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/41402/i-don-t-think-this-pronouns-thing-will-work-the-way-tras-want-it-to + +I only argue my theories, because those were the theories I needed to _make sense_ of my _own_ life, not to meddle in politics for its own sake. If you think I've become un-updateable, great—can you tell me what _specific_ updates I should have made, especially about myself? + +My attempted Intellectual Turing Test of your position is, "If you think transitioning might make you happier, then do it; if not, don't; and feel free to experiment. The etiology of _why_ some people are trans (where 'trans' means, 'would be made happier by transitioning') is unknown and there could be multiple contributing factors, but none of that is decision-relevant." + +(Passing an ITT on the first try is hard, but I hope that was pretty close?) + +And when people say things like this, I can never understand the "none of that is decision-relevant" part. It seems to be precribing a diagnosis and an intervention while refusing to have any _specific_ model of what the problem _is_. (Where an example of a specific model might be, "Brain sex exists, and gender dysphoria happens when your brain sex doesn't match your body.") + +But when I try to think about the specifics and talk about the specifics (rather than somehow making a decision about what would make me happy, without any particular model of the world of myself), everyone tells me I'm wrong and un-updateable and have already written my bottom line. + +Testosterone as a major component of predicting genius +https://aeolipera.wordpress.com/2015/08/11/testosterone-as-a-major-component-of-predicting-genius/ + +https://www.ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/42312/it-s-easy-to-talk-them-out-of-it + +Ovarit linked to this article—and it just happens to cite Slate Star Codex in the first sentence: https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2021/07/it-s-still-possible-cancel-gender-critical-feminists-strategy-won-t-work + +> The eternal trans lesbian question: So do I want to be her, or do I want to be with her? +> The answer: Yes +https://web.archive.org/web/20210903211904/https://twitter.com/lae_laeta/status/1433880523160567808 + +similar premise to "Dr. Equality and the Great Shift": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8kZ7M-Kwiw + +"To My Daughter's Therapist: You Were Wrong" +https://archive.ph/14kOD + +https://wyclif.substack.com/p/biorxiv-wouldnt-host-our-paper-on + +"Impact Protection Potential of Mammalian Hair: Testing the Pugilism Hypothesis for the Evolution of Human Facial Hair" +https://academic.oup.com/iob/article/2/1/obaa005/5799080 + +autoponyphilia: http://pone.tf/ + +Evidence of meta-attraction from "We Have Better Graphs" (2007)— +OTOH there is no sum I would accept to become attracted to men, unless you _also_ made me a woman. (I should add that in that case I would have to meet a man who was a straight woman who made the reciprocal bargain.) So do I then have an erotic identity but _not_ a gender identity? Absurd!—but so obviously right? + +Littman study on detransitioners +https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10508-021-02163-w.pdf + +https://twitter.com/hndcpstd/status/1450621296325316610 +>impressionable women exert huge collective sway over democracy +>hypercompetitive men become trannies to leverage this +>impressionable women become trannies too because they see the men doing it + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/46374/i-recently-cut-off-contact-with-a-sexually-abusive-tim + +https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-57853385 + +https://friendlyatheist.patheos.com/2021/10/31/richard-dawkins-claims-yet-again-that-a-trans-woman-is-not-a-woman/ + +https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/10/social-justice-fails-parenting-advice-care-feeding.html + +https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/qmg9j8/feeling_like_a_failure_after_penetrative_sex/ + +"When TERF lesbians talk about being sexually harassed by trans women, do you believe their stories?" +https://archive.ph/0kgmG + +https://lesbianandgaynews.com/2021/11/debbie-hayton-which-toilets-should-transwomen-use/ + +https://somenuanceplease.substack.com/p/social-influence-and-detransition + +https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/nov/16/trans-women-should-not-have-to-reduce-testosterone-say-new-ioc-guidelines + +https://spectatorworld.com/topic/pregnant-at-end-of-world-children/ + +https://lesbianandgaynews.com/2021/11/a-guide-to-peaking-the-woke-by-an-lgn-reader-most-people-have-no-idea-of-the-harm-that-lies-beneath-the-rainbow-flags-and-the-seemingly-innocuous-mantras/ + +https://www.xenopolitix.com/post/trans +> Correctly stated, the current transgender movement's demand is not, "Recognise people who were born biologically and spiritually male as female." Put accurately the demand is actually: "Whatever we say or feel about reality must be granted as true." + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/49661/there-s-no-transwomen-in-mom-groups + +https://www.stellabiderman.com/ + +https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/teesside-woman-accused-using-sex-22260053 +> Teesside woman accused of exposing penis, using sex toy and masturbating in public +> She is charged with committing a public nuisance by indecently exposing her penis to other members of the public, whilst masturbating from a property window. + +"Gender: A Wider Lens" podcast has Debbie Hayton talking about AGP on episode 51 + +The "paraphilias are unknown in women" part of the argument was never that strong https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34811651/ + +https://www.outkick.com/transgender-penn-swimmer-sets-another-record-has-fastest-female-500m-time-in-the-nation/ + +https://strigoi.substack.com/p/a-few-notes-on-agp + +https://www.dailywire.com/news/resign-or-repent-watch-as-parents-unload-on-teachers-they-say-secretly-coached-12-year-old-daughter-into-being-trans + +gender ID ideology is like Scientology: eventually, it gets marginalized because its victims become the main source of information: https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/55684/prediction-criticism-of-trans-ideology-will-be-a-cottage-industry-for-victims + +sex-realist criminology +https://jophoenix.substack.com/p/what-do-we-stand-for + +This is how I feel about the "rationalists"— +> One way that truth dies is that when we place such exacting preconditions on its delivery into our lives that there is virtually no messenger or message that can penetrate our hearts. +https://frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/the-places-where-truth-goes-to-die + +----- + +> [African-Americans as an ethnic group were] fundamentally created by a gigantic act of human violation and cruelty +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ruvu1k/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_january_03/hrdqmzk/ + +https://letter.wiki/conversation/1232 + +---- + +https://fairplayforwomen.com/transgender-prisoners/ + +https://www.facebook.com/zmdavis/posts/10156642447060199 +Is there a named TV Trope for "one of our heroes seemingly betrays their comrades, but later turns out to have reasons to behave as they did (e.g., a secret undercover mission, or they were being extorted) even though they were prevented from explaining at the time" scenarios? +Okay. Now what do you call it when one of our heroes EXPLAINS CLEARLY AND AT LENGTH the reasons for their actions, but their comrades still regard it as a betrayal because they just refuse to follow the argument? + +https://ymeskhout.substack.com/p/three-little-pronouns-go-to-court + +https://hwfo.substack.com/p/memespace-egregores-and-google-maps + +Thomas Huxley's classical liberalism +https://mathcs.clarku.edu/huxley/CE3/B&W.html + +Mom's attitude towards son's obvious AGP flips on coming out +https://twitter.com/DrLesby/status/1484688293346234370 + +https://www.skeptic.com/reading_room/transgender-reality-i-didnt-know-there-was-another-side/ + +https://sadbrowngirl.substack.com/p/the-way-we-werent + +https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2022/02/01/what-the-sex-in-the-city-reboot-can-teach-parents-about-gender-questioning-kids/ + +sex and occupational interests replication; I think surprisingly discrete cluster graph is averages by country across people vs. things (which is how it ends up being so discrete; it's not tracking individuals on multiple levels) +https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0261438 + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/61883/wear-what-you-want-why-i-ve-changed-my-mind +> They only wear our clothing because they haven't found a way to wear our skin yet. + +https://mrwinstonmarshall.medium.com/why-im-leaving-mumford-sons-e6e731bbc255 + +John Stuart Mill also believed that the best people are androgynous: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00048402.1986.9755426?journalCode=rajp20 + +Blogroll maybe? https://strigoi.substack.com/p/a-few-notes-on-agp + +https://dnyuz.com/2022/02/18/nyt-under-fire-for-chilling-advert-inviting-readers-to-imagine-harry-potter-without-creator/ + +https://lacroicsz.substack.com/p/by-any-other-name + +---- + +I found my chat history with S. that I thought was missing when she deleted her Facebook!! September 2016 + +Z: I can't know what's going on in anyone else's head, but my case is _obviously obviously obviously_ a form of bizarrely misdirected heterosexuality, and I'm really really grateful to Blanchard for coining the world \"autogynephilia\" and really really disappointed that the political incentives line up such that anyone who says this out loud is socially punished +S: Hm, so, like, you could date girls better if you were a girl? +Z: no, it's a lot weirder than that +Z: The idea of having female anatomy oneself and being able to appreciate it from the first person is intrinsically more exciting than the mere third-person appreciation that you can do in ordinary real life as a man. +Z: Much more speculatively: if you think about this a lot under circumstances where you, um, receive positive reinforcement, it acutally does bleed into your self-concept, and some men interpret this as \"Ah, this was my innate gender identity all along; it just took me a while to notice because of [some ridiculous confabulation] +Z: ... when that's really _not_ what's going on at _all_ +Z: This sounds insane if you haven't personally experienced it and only know the socially-deriable narratives that people write about publicly +[...] +Z: ... I hope this is scientifically interesting rather than unforgiveably creepy to even talk about +S: hm, this is interesting +S: so, like, literal autogynephilia is a thing? +Z: in me, Yes Obviously Yes +Z: a lot of people who otherwise fit the clinical profile deny it, many others report having such fantasies but claim that it must be an effect rather than a cause of gender dysphoria, or claim that it's just like cis women appreciating their own bodies, or something like that +S: (data point: my only effective sex fantasy is \"me as hot girl\", it's crass but so it goes) + +"I expect that to be a qualitatively distinct phenomenon, both on priors and, um, details that probably would be creepy to talk about", +S; "ok", +S: "so, like, you believe that autogynephilia is a real thing & in your case you don't have lots of desires to be seen as a girl, have a girl name, etc?" +"no, I _also_ have long history of non-sexual I-should-be-a-girl-or-at-least-non-masculine themed self-identity thoughts (I hope that my ponytail and clean-shavenness help visually distinguish me from guys who are proud of being guys; there was a years where I tried going by \"Z.M.\" because I wanted an ostensibly gender-neutral name but eventually gave that up because it didn't feel like a name and in order to get people to call you something different you have to yell at them constantly, which I wasn't assertive enough to do for something that didn't feel like a name; feeling happy about getting \"ma'am\"ed over the phone or being told that someone assumed I was gay; feeling happy about feminine pronouns)", + "... but that all developed in the years _after_ puberty", +and this is not a coincidence, because nothing is ever a coincidence. (At least, in my current model) + +S: hm. so male puberty was a thing you did not like. +Z: no, puberty was fine +Z: Your previous message feels like you're instinctually rounding off my report to the standard narrative, whereas what I'm saying is that the standard was-always-a-girl-in-some-metaphysical-sense narrative (at least for me, I think for many others) is not truuuuuuuue +S: "oh ok", +"i'm just trying to figure out what the thing is", +"\"men who love women and want to become what they love\"", +"hm", +"So, given that I have the experimental result that I couldn't even make a _nickname change_ work, transition is obviously completely out of the question, particularly because I would feel like a fraud because I think that (late-onset) trans women are not women (I know, I won't say that in public)", +S: if that's your true belief about yourself then why isn't the answer \"don't\"?" +Z: well, so I'm thinking in terms of \"experiment with drugs, but don't tell anyone\" model" +S: ....it will show. + +[...] + +Z" "the thing is, I don't think it's actually that uncommon! http://lesswrong.com/lw/xe/changing_emotions/ It's just that there's no script for it and no one wants to talk about it!", +S" "ok, *very* weird", +"yeah, I just don't have a built-in empathic handle for \"wants to be a woman.\"" +Z: "it even has a TVTrope! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManIFeelLikeAWoman", +S" "ok, yeah. wow. it's really just easier for my brain to go \"ok, that's a girl\" than to understand why anyone would want boobs", +Z: "... which is why the standard \"Oh, 'autogynephilia' is really just normal female sexuality as expressed in someone who was unfortunately assigned-male-at-birth\" dodge seems like such a ludicrous rationalization to me", + +[...] + +S: "I could *work* with \"girl!Zach is a precious delicate flower.\" I am not sure wha t to do with \"Zach wants to try this body hack.\"" + +I said, "if http://unremediatedgender.space/ ever gets popular, I expect to be smeared on Andrea James's website, too!" and that came true, except she made a bad guess about my True Name https://www.transgendermap.com/community/michael-mcclure/ + +----- + +go-to link for "current year" trope: https://www.theonion.com/report-stating-current-year-still-leading-argument-for-1819576151 + +Neuroscience notes! Read later for sure! https://archive.fo/2022.01.30-175531/https://twitter.com/SammySammyStagg/status/1487825532700049408 + +https://www.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/comments/in23jm/i_am_worried_that_my_doctor_might_believe_in_agp/ + +https://www.transgendertrend.com/childhood-social-transition/ + +mtf misogyny https://archive.ph/Oi7Ls + +https://etiragram.tumblr.com/post/675612318640586752/radioactive-take-that-my-brain-generated + +> male-to-female transitioners are, on the whole, becoming women in a specifically masculine way +https://unherd.com/2022/03/the-taboo-trans-question/ + +https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10625997/amp/Hospital-said-rape-single-sex-ward-not-possible-revealing-one-patient-trans.html + +https://www.reddit.com/r/DrWillPowers/comments/thcxsc/this_isnt_even_remotely_fair_and_everyone_knows/ + +https://www.newsweek.com/why-im-proud-support-trans-athletes-like-lia-thomas-opinion-1689192 +> As a woman in sports, I can tell you that I know what the real threats to women's sports are: sexual abuse and harassment, unequal pay and resources and a lack of women in leadership. Transgender girls and women are nowhere on this list + +value instability in organizations on the timescale of a decade: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-aclu-prior-to-covid-denounced + +Wil-"Lia"-m Thomas got her girl name using the same methodology as me (Za-"Carrie" Davis), at the suggestion of Mom (https://www.si.com/college/2022/03/03/lia-thomas-penn-swimmer-transgender-woman-daily-cover) like mine was suggested by Alicorn + +explicit AGP with surgery +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhawkcuDl_o + +https://www.vice.com/en/article/9aeevy/i-cross-dress-do-you-still-love-me-the-secret-lives-of-sissies + +https://4w.pub/no-men-here/ + +Critics accuse trans swimming star Lia Thomas of having an unfair advantage. The data tells a different story +https://archive.ph/TM6fi + +https://www.statsforgender.org/ + +https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/trans-tyranny-in-public-schools/ + +https://www.americanpurpose.com/articles/walking-the-transgender-movement-away-from-the-extremists/ + +https://twitter.com/jonst0kes/status/1511772161156997131 + +https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10716417/Two-women-female-New-Jersey-prison-PREGNANT-trans-inmates.html + +https://lacroicsz.substack.com/p/bite-model-behavior-control + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/77950/i-really-really-hate-the-lactation-thing + +> we are forever destined to sacrifice ourselves so life can continue +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/78939/a-few-thoughts-on-being-radfem-gc-while-being-uninterested-in-motherhood + +https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/79i5q5/i_have_no_clue_what_to_do_daughter_cant_get_the/ + +https://www.heterodorx.com/podcast/episode-53-autogynephilia-michael-bailey/ + +Aella's cateogry exposition is very good: https://aella.substack.com/p/what-a-woman-is + +CovfefeAnon points out the microfoundations of "egregores": it solves the common knowledge problem! You can't compute I-know-that-he-knows-that-I-know, so you simply try to comply with the collective lowest-common-denominator. + +https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/jen-psaki-groomers-spokeswoman-transgender-children/ + +https://cutdowntree.substack.com/p/purification-rites + +I read that the Snapchat gender filter works live (unlike FaceApp, which uses a static image), so I immediately downloaded and set up Snapchat ... but the "live" doesn't work for the gender lens (although it does for others). Do I need to buy a new phone? (My Galaxy S7 from 2016.) Is this the thing that spurs me to upgrade? https://blog.evjang.com/2019/05/fun-with-snapchats-gender-swapping.html + +Flatland analogy: https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/84783/agps-publicly-cross-dressing-and-going-in-women-s-spaces-are-a-violation-of-the + +https://fairplayforwomen.com/penis/ +"Demographic and temporal trends in transgender identities and gender confirming surgery" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6626314/ + +https://magiruuvelvet.substack.com/p/the-pressure-to-transition-as-effeminate + +https://tullipr.substack.com/p/a-message-for-parents + +https://dentonyogacarter.substack.com/p/we-used-to-have-a-daughter + +Is there a third subtype? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/44-dr-susan-bradley-rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-autism/id1560925652?i=1000560358255 + +https://cutdowntree.substack.com/p/gender-identity-isnt-real +> My friend's response was that it didn't matter +[compare Ozy on "Lies to Cis People"] + +GPT just finished a completion with `_Crossposted to [crossdreamers.com](https://crossdreamers.com/2022/06/05/ideological-evolution-from-gender-stereotypes-to-gaydar/)._`! It knows about Jack Molay (but probably doesn't know about me)! + +"The majority of male transvestites feel attracted to women though as a rule they prefer the mannish type of woman who is more masculine in her mental than in her physical make-up." (Hirschfeld 1952, p.206) ! + +When another transfem saw two women being close, intimate friends, they “immediately wanted to be one of the two”, and after they learned about lesbianism they would get envious too (Hirschfeld, p.71). + +https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/utgb1d/how_to_deal_with_extreme_jealousy_towards_cis/ + +https://pitt.substack.com/p/30k-a-year-and-my-kid-cant-tell-the + +I hope I may be forgiven if I do detect hints in your writing of seeing your type as better on account of not being appropriative delusional perverts. Can't say I blame you! + +It looks to me like the emergent strategy people are implicitly using is, "Systematically lie in order to artificially increase the rate at which AGPs transition until it reaches the critical mass at which it becomes 'normal', thus making it politically impossible to turn back the clock." + +It will probably work. Maybe it's even the right thing to do, in some coldly Machiavellian utilitarian calculus. But I'm sick of being lied to. + +I [want credit](https://arbital.com/p/6yv/) for calling it. +> Correct credit-tracking is very important if we want our community to generate new good ideas. + +> It's not only a highly unethical journalism, but also a banal and boring one. Why should anyone care if someone is transgender or not? In most cases it's completely irrelevant. In particular, why should anyone be surprised if a woman in AI and EA is transgender. It's the default. +https://twitter.com/OttoMller12/status/1533722820232060930 + +Israelis have things to worry about from their neighbors; I would hope that American Jews are too busy counting our money from running the entertainment and finance industries to get caught up in victimhood politics + +when Yudkowsky talks about teenage male edgelord tendencies, people complain about him being too gendery, but it seems like they're complaining about him _naming_ the behavior as male; pure simulacra + +Surrender on sports: https://twitter.com/RichardHanania/status/1536691117265080321 + +https://twitter.com/mherreshoff/status/1537427374676922369 +> Maybe there's a bunch of ways to end up with the way-more-interested-in-things-than-people trait. I imagine being handed an ill-fitting/dysphoric gender role would push one towards interested-in-things pretty hard. + +A: so my household talks about planecrash a whole fuck of a lot and we have noted that eliezer doesn't act sexist to live human beings, this is exclusively a thing in his writing +Z: I think our culture's concept of "sexism" is conflating things that are different in the territory; the So Different evopsych-sight in the writing is, in fact, compatible with not being an Evil Misogynist and treating women like people +A: I think they would by default be in tension, so if they're not in his case, I think something else might be going on +Z: I don't think I told you about how I had a drink with my NRx Twitter mutual when a visited New York, who is totally an Evil Misogynist +I would guess that me and Yudkowsky and Evil Reactionary Twitter Friend actually have broadly similar beliefs/predictions about human nature; the difference between us and Evil Reactionary Twitter Friend is mostly ideological, cultural +and basically the thing I'm trying to do with my blog is that I like our culture and I want to fight for its (renormalized) values, but it's kind of pathetic that no one can jump up a meta level and see it _as_ a culture, _as_ an ideology +as _contingent_ +as contingent but in a way that it's OK to reason about out loud, rather than being wordlessly afraid that talking will break everything + +> Lia Thomas as the anti-Rosa Parks. Least sympathetic case imaginable, single-handedly turned public opinion against the cause. +https://twitter.com/RichardHanania/status/1538651344361246720 + +preference cascade is starting ... +https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1538541182975877120 + +[quantifying the two-type effect: +GD occupations in study 2 +gay men are at .48 (.14); straight women at .36 (.13); straight men at .68 (.12) +that's d=–1.61 between gay and straight men +a gay man only needs to be 1 standard deviation (.48-.36 = 0.12) more feminine than average to be as feminine as a straight women +whereas a straight man needs to be (.68-.36 = 0.32) 0.32/0.12=2.67 more feminine than average to be as feminine as a straight woman—that's rarer, but not impossible + +In percentile terms, 1-norm.cdf(1) = 0.15 of gay men are as feminine as a woman +whereas 1-norm.cdf(2.67) = 0.003 of straight men are +that's a likelihood ratio of 50 ... but the prior is not that far from 50:1 in the other direction! They cancel out!!] + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/115874/shirley-conran-s-lace-body-slammed-agp-back-in-1982 + +https://pitt.substack.com/p/headline-when-a-quarter-of-the-class + +https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/vlopk0/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_june_27_2022/ieo2jzm/ +> Obsessive, pedantic, Talmudic talk of edge cases, cluster definitions, Bayesian filters or whatever else grey tribe weirdos might get fascinated with only gets in the way of an honest negotiation of a value handshake between majority groups. Not that I believe it would've taken place in a world with zero rationalists, but it's still annoying. + +> Me in 2008: I'm definitely not trans, just a regular guy who always thinks about being a woman and hates clothes shopping and hates hanging out with the guys and thinks about getting testicular cancer and loves gender-swap movies and TV shows and you know, normal guy things +https://twitter.com/lauroralei/status/1548861652636139520 + +24% black judges is pretty extreme affirmative action (if you know the IQ stats): https://twitter.com/RichardHanania/status/1549237889128509440 + +They don't think this is a pornography app, but it is +https://samsunglabs.github.io/MegaPortraits/ + +https://drmaciver.substack.com/p/a-fractal-of-lies + +The woman at a party who says that she's also somewhat gender-dysphoric and always uses gender-neutral screennames specifically because she likes being treated as an unmarked person rather than The Girl, thereby becomes way more interesting to me as A Girl. (This is the thing about my preferences that I prefer not to explain clearly because I'm secretly terrified that it's implicitly misogynistic, which is why you were so surprised when you met Linda and noticed her distinct lack of resemblance to Aphrodite.) + +software for generating fake people recommended by Curt Skeleton video— +Convert Skeleton +Deepmotion +Deepfake labs +Respeecher +(actually, there were further reports that this was a hoax) + +https://robkhenderson.substack.com/p/let-a-hundred-flowers-bloom + +https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a41018711/sexplain-it-vagina-fetish-sex-bisexual/ + +(stability_unsafe-0gZ54e7b) zmd@ReflectiveCoherence:~/Code/Misc/stability_unsafe$ python stability_sdk/src/stability_sdk/client.py "25-year-old Nana Visitor in the shower in 1996, full body shot, 4K digital photo" -n 4 + +https://afterellen.com/tasmania-rules-against-women-only-spaces/ + +"Separating Sports by Sex Doesn't Make Sense" +https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2022/09/sports-gender-sex-segregation-coed/671460/ +https://archive.ph/OViyg + +new Bailey and Hsu ETII paper (August 2022): https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-84273-4_20 + +(no context?) +> Women do not find womanhood erotic. +https://twitter.com/DrDebraSoh/status/1571523669809053696 + +On Fri, May 3, 2019, 6:55 PM Zack M. Davis wrote: + + Another Less Wrong post idea that can be jotted down but shouldn't actually be developed during Math and Wellness Month (so, don't comment, but feel free to say "Good idea, looking forward to it" or "Dumb idea, stop sending me this volume of obnoxious mail"): "Pick Two; Or, Kolmogorov's Iron Triangle": analogous to "good, fast, cheap: pick two", we face a tradeoff between honesty, ability to think, and mainstream credibility. The Kolmogorov option sacrifices a lot of honesty in exchange for mainstream credibility. This might seem like a good trade until you consider that "honesty" and "ability to think" aren't independent (because people are bad at compartmentalization and we need to talk to each other to think together). + +Michael's comment— +> Not excited by this approach. +> Idea of mainstream credibility us very specifically an idea about credibility as a political identity, and thus against credibility as a proposition. Flat Earth movement, as non-credible as it is, is more politically promising then "round Earth movement" + +https://ovarit.com/o/Cancelled/176585/october-11-2022-actual-female-wikipedia-admin-goes-out-with-a-bang + +https://www.takimag.com/article/invasion-of-the-nasty-nerds/ + +https://tehswitcherscaptions.blogspot.com/2019/07/impending-shift.html links to https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY190456 as "a mainstream comic that had +used the idea of basically an 'impending Great Shift' as a villain's plot for making a more egalitarian society." I totally had the same idea independently!! + +I'm such a terrible writer: "propagated the implications of the observation that" → "internalized" + +https://richardhanania.substack.com/p/a-psychological-theory-of-the-culture +> From their perspective, the "expert consensus" and "peer-reviewed studies" on the efficacy of covid-19 vaccines look no different from those that tell you men can get pregnant. Since you know men can’t get pregnant, why trust the vaccine? + +I don't think it makes sense to group together male puberty and administered testosterone HRT as "testosterone puberty" + +https://bprice.substack.com/p/trans-is-something-we-made-up + +----- + +Not going to engage because I'm supposed to be writing today, but this kind of thing in Alicorner is what I mean by _de facto_ biological sex denialism— + +https://discord.com/channels/401181628015050773/538097598008131594/1037807776065388616 +> I think the thing that confuses me about that theory is how some of the instances I've encountered seem to be people who feel attraction to ~masculine presenting people ever? + +... it's not surprising that attraction to masculine presenting women (females, a.f.a.b.s) would fail to generalize to masculine-presenting men (males, a.m.a.b.s)? Biological sex actually exists? + +---- + +don't like it when science-fictional or fantasy characters are held up as trans icons (like Jadzia Dax, or when Janet in _The Good Place_ says "Not a girl") when the character has an in-universe rationale for holding beyond-the-binary status (if Trill symbionts have sexual dimorphism, it doesn't need to match their host; Janet is a heavenly robot-analogue), and real-life trans people and enbies do not + +https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/07/16/racist-robots-ai/ +> The scientists did not have blocks depicting nonbinary people due to the limitations of the facial image data set they used, which they acknowledged was a shortcoming in the study. + +http://theautogynephiliac.blogspot.com + +https://sugarandslugs.wordpress.com/ + +https://firsttoilthenthegrave.substack.com/p/medium-sized-breasts-and-gaussian + +https://janhove.github.io/design/2015/03/16/standardised-es-revisited + +Is "homoncular flexibility" also responsible for AGP?? +https://stanfordvr.com/mm/2016/11/won-etsbs-homuncular-flexibility.pdf + +https://dataoverdogma.substack.com/p/the-feminist-to-nonbinary-pipeline + +Ozy suggested this as a data source on sexual violence— +https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/datasources/nisvs/summaryreports.html + +> It is commonly observed that trans people assigned female at birth have hobbies that are more popular among women, and trans people assigned male at birth have hobbies that are more popular among men. Trans women are, of course, equally valid women. +https://thingofthings.substack.com/p/lesbian-culture-for-trans-lesbians + +Distinguishing influence-based contagion from homophily-driven diffusion in dynamic networks +https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.0908800106 + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/224699/always-at-target + +> I just had major, life-changing, irreversible breast surgery and I am already regretting it. +https://archive.ph/BlALB + +https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/cujpciCqNbawBihhQ/self-integrity-and-the-drowning-child + +https://www.thefp.com/p/an-existential-threat-to-doing-good + +https://www.thecut.com/article/hola-papi-feeling-phony-after-transitioning.html + +https://parrhesia.substack.com/p/rationalism-done-right +https://parrhesia.substack.com/p/womanhood-is-not-like-parenthood +https://parrhesia.substack.com/p/do-transgender-people-exist +https://parrhesia.substack.com/p/if-you-dont-talk-about-genetic-enhancement + +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/232321/it-hurts-to-know-that-my-family-sees-me-as-an-egg-waiting-to-crack + +2014-07-17 +(03:36:14 PM) zackmdavis@yahoo.com: my hope was to actually make progress on the monstrously self-indulgent story that I thought should be finished by election day https://gist.github.com/zackmdavis/3194ff3262028c54ce90 + +https://gist.github.com/zackmdavis/cc535f594ff7d4d6c431 + +woman who kept maiden name complains that even her family doesn't respect it, compared to deadnaming as offense +https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/265651/my-name-and-the-pronoun-meltdowns + +James Baldwin's theory that Black policemen beat up on other blacks to secure their position in the white power structure seems to evoke the CovfefeAnon catchphrase :( +https://archive.is/izSUn + +The ‘holy f***’ moment I knew something was wrong at the Tavistock: How Dr Anna Hutchinson, one of the whistleblowers, realised something was very wrong +https://archive.ph/AKz2i + +> We have a debate every year over whether 50% predictions are meaningful in this paradigm; feel free to continue it. + +Someone reading this who trusted Alexander as a general-purpose intellectual authority ("the best of us", the "rationalists") might walk away with the idea that it's an open problem whether 50% binary predictions are meaningful—perhaps reasoning, if the immortal Scott Alexander doesn't know, then who am I to know? + +But it's not. On this website, [Rafael Harth explains why 50% isn't special](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/DAc4iuy4D3EiNBt9B/how-to-evaluate-50-predictions). I claim that this should actually be pretty obvious to competent quantitative thinkers, even if it's not obvious to the collective _SSC_/_ACX_ commentariat, and Alexander can't tell which of his commenters are competent quantitative thinkers. + +I don't particularly fault Scott for this: [by his own admission, he's not a math guy](https://slatestarcodex.com/2015/01/31/the-parable-of-the-talents/). (And the vast majority of math people can't write as well or as fast as Scott. No one is the best at everything!) Rather, I'm saying that a culture that wants to _actually_ be right about everything would do better to _just_ focus on being right on the object level, without [wireheading on its own promises of being right about everything](http://benjaminrosshoffman.com/effective-altruism-is-self-recommending/). + +(Incidentally, Scott himself is actually very good about [not trying to claim more authority than is actually justified by his performance](https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/07/04/some-clarifications-on-rationalist-blogging/). His fans should try to be more like him along this dimension!) + +I doubt that's the same phenomenon? The thing about reports like, _e.g._, ||I have a female body in all my sexual fantasies (as reported by Anomaly above)|| is that there's an obvious explanation for that ||if you're _actually female_—namely, that your fantasy life is based on real life along this dimension—and that explanation is not present for people who are _not_ female||? + +||I think the way to think about this question is to imagine that if you'd _never heard_ of this stupid ideologically-charged debate—would you need to _spontaneously invent_ the term AGP (or a synonym like _eonism_ as coined by Ellis in 1920 ) _in order to make sense of your experience_? If your _serious_ answer is Yes, that's _really interesting_ and I want to hear more. (Omega seems to be claiming this about herself, which is _really_ fascinating and my model _definitely_ loses some points for predicting that she shouldn't exist.) But I think _most_ females saying "yeah, sure, cis women are AGP too; it's, like, getting turned on by imagining other people being attracted to you, right? Seems normal" _after having been presented with the term in an ideologically-charged context_ are not really understanding the phenomenon in males that the term was originally coined to point to.|| + +A much better analogy is ||the thing where you, Linta, and Swimmer report fantasizing about being male sometimes. This is plausibly auto-_andro_-philia, and like AGP, it's actually _pretty common_—_e.g._, Person _et al._ 1989 Table 3 () found 10 percent of female and 13 percent of male college students reporting yes to "Fantasizing that you are of opposite sex".|| + +S. (she doesn't get it): +> I do also enjoy fantasizing from the perspective of a fictional very attractive woman and imagining the inner details of a hypothetical other person's attraction to her; this is maybe a form of autogynephilia? (Though it is a bit hard for me to distinguish autogenyphilia from just getting turned on by imagining other people being attracted to you / imagining how other people see you) + +https://link.springer.com/epdf/10.1007/s10508-022-02359-8?sharing_token=jzX6q1NAJAY6-F_jSZ9wmfe4RwlQNchNByi7wbcMAY4WOO91AGBPQEW4W5GA-5HjFFBOW6MbqFHl6iM4xVsaD3DHcIMra_eBV8WQP5ACn0suHGXlnXqqAYAmkbrYzfglseOmxogZQqQ9SymDk_KPLQTlCvTiA2MPLdV_k8lldyE%3D + +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-022-02359-8 + +https://sillyolme.wordpress.com/2022/06/27/no-women-are-not-autogynephilic/ + +https://aella.substack.com/p/everyone-has-autogynephilia + +testimony of female AGP +https://discord.com/channels/745684950417932323/803338278492307518/1047261753177813034 + +"Isn't it messed up, how I'm just dying to be him"—evidence for Serano-ism + +Said on charity: https://www.greaterwrong.com/posts/i2Dnu9n7T3ZCcQPxm/zetetic-explanation/comment/C2EW2aDQCqPyN6tfG + +I thought I was a liberal mother, then my daughter came out as trans +https://archive.is/P7tAp + +Cool someday project—use GPT tech to summarize the whole blog: https://matthagy.substack.com/p/hierarchical-categorization-using + +replying to Gowers: https://twitter.com/zackmdavis/status/1290407470452547584 + +In the 1990 U.S. Census, _Davis_ was the 6th most common surname at 0.48%, and _Zachary_ the 181st most common male first name at 0.10%. + +the younger son also claiming broke suspension of disbelief +https://lgbtcouragecoalition.substack.com/p/true-believer + +I agree that people who have prior reasons to be skeptical of survey evidence should be upfront about those reasons, rather than opportunistically objecting to particular questions when that's not their [true rejection](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/TGux5Fhcd7GmTfNGC/is-that-your-true-rejection). + +https://unherd.com/thepost/calls-for-violence-in-the-trans-debate-only-come-from-one-side/ + +Blanchard: "What I think is that people are born with predispositions or vulnerabilities to a kind of erotic miss-learning" quoted in https://since2010.substack.com/p/is-autogynephilia-innate + +https://www.natesilver.net/p/twitter-elon-and-the-indigo-blob + +https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/gender-criticism-versus-gender-abolition-on-three-recent-books-about-gender/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/medicine/comments/15hhliu/the_chen_2023_paper_raises_serious_concerns_about/ + +Everybody knows! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/08/06/third-of-britons-dont-know-trans-women-born-male/ + +Alex Byrne podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/956725/13282940-gender-pronouns-and-linguistic-negotiation + +"Intersexual and Intrasexual Differences in Mate Selection Preferences Among Lesbian Women, Gay Men, and Bisexual Women and Men" +https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-023-02665-9 + +https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/13/queer-couple-co-parents-raise-child +> In our experience, co-parenting seems to overwhelmingly appeal to cis women, trans men and non-binary people assigned female at birth. Without any exhaustive studies on this, I can only guess why. + +The Problem With Centering Blackness in Everyday Conversations +https://archive.is/FzxYB + +https://www.reddit.com/r/askAGP/comments/15wcdlg/am_i_the_only_woman_with_puretrue_autoandrophilia/?share_id=yOEg_HYP-oUW0MUhVGa5M + +Amazing comment— +https://www.themotte.org/post/640/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/132334?context=8#context +> The fascinating thing to me, is that despite being a quite gender conforming (and non-AGP) straight guy, when I read his description of his underlying desires it resonated. I could have written the exact same thing with one minor and meaning preserving word swap. +(swapping "mine" for "me" in "wanting the soul behind those eyes to be me) +> The most obvious way to fulfil this desire isn't "become a woman", but to own a woman [...] And if "owning" a woman is too unthinkable, you might come up with creative solutions. + +https://woodfromeden.substack.com/p/men-consume-relationships-women-produce + + +https://www.overcomingbias.com/p/escalating-signals-cut-fertility +> and more respect young adults who shape themselves alone, and then once they’ve achieved more distinctive personal styles and interests, search among vast numbers of potential partners for the few who most closely match what they have become + +https://www.reddit.com/r/askAGP/comments/16g0s67/textbook_agp_as_an_afab/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/16i82vh/is_it_ever_just_a_fetish/ + +A Discord anecdote (https://discord.com/channels/401181628015050773/458329253595840522/1151404259460517918); I wasn't going to point out that this was gaslighting— +> one of my parents' friends when I was a kid was a trans woman, though I didn't know that at the time (I knew she was a woman I just didn't know she was trans) +> I remember being like nine years old and thinking something along the lines of 'hmm, [name] looks like a woman, and has a girl name, but she sounds like a guy?? what's up with that??' before ultimately concluding that Presumably my parents knew what gender she was and they were using a girl name and female pronouns for her, so therefore she was a girl + +https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/16ko1jj/i_dont_get_along_with_guys/ + +https://www.thecut.com/article/adult-friendships-vs-kids.html She's not ideological about it like I am. + +Rationalist women and men can be similar to each other and different from normies along the subspace of dimensions that rationalists and normies are different, while also being different from each other along the subspace of dimensions that females and males are different from each other, even while some dimensions are in both subspaces. + +https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/23101806.issue-day-able-bodied-norwegian-identifies-disabled-woman/ + +https://www.tiredtranssexual.com/ + +https://deathisbad.substack.com/p/my-agp-dudes-it-does-get-better + +https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/10/09/alliance-defending-freedoms-legal-crusade