X-Git-Url: http://unremediatedgender.space/source?a=blobdiff_plain;f=notes%2Fsexual-dimorphism-marketing.md;h=c7f7cf2e1892c96f98c6be78a2df2833c6021502;hb=c0401d54544af0eeff0eea09ba29b29879c0aba2;hp=ee6c1e1ec3710513cc47381e351e9c1423642e7c;hpb=9a1602a5544691c0b2ff966d40a06fc87d86b826;p=Ultimately_Untrue_Thought.git diff --git a/notes/sexual-dimorphism-marketing.md b/notes/sexual-dimorphism-marketing.md index ee6c1e1..c7f7cf2 100644 --- a/notes/sexual-dimorphism-marketing.md +++ b/notes/sexual-dimorphism-marketing.md @@ -1,28 +1,50 @@ +The conclusion of my mostly-unsuccessful five-year campaign to (uncharitable paraphrase) get @ESYudkowsky's so-called "rationalists" to stop trying to trick me into cutting my dick off: [link] (sorry, the charitable nuanced version doesn't git in a Tweet) + + To LW— _(content warning sexism)_ -_(content warning transphobia)_ -_(content warning too much information about weird fetishes)_ +_(content warning implied transphobia)_ +_(content warning too much information about weird sexual fetishes)_ _(content warning WTF did I just read)_ -(February 2021, [TODO] words) +(May 2021, ~16,000 words) ---- On Twitter— -WTF did I just read?? Too bad Yudkowsky can't control how creepy randos on the internet interpret his work ... +okay, WTF did I just read?? Too bad Yudkowsky can't control how creepy randos on the internet interpret his work ... ----- On Facebook— -longer writeup about why I've been yelling at everyone for four years +https://www.facebook.com/zmdavis/posts/10154812970895199?comment_id=10154813826005199&reply_comment_id=10154813943085199 + +During my February 2017 public Facebook meltdown about my gender thing (and how angry I was that everyone is lying about what the thing is), I said, "I'm choosing to have a public Facebook meltdown now, and in two or three years I'll have the full version on my blog." + +But, it's actually looking like it's going to take closer to five years? I've done a lot of secret ("secret") blogging in the intervening four years (highlights on the About page: http://unremediatedgender.space/about/), but there's still a lot of content that has to be part of "the full version" that I somehow haven't managed to write down yet. I wanted to just write one big megapost, in the hopes of getting it all out of my system so I can finally move on with my life, but it was too difficult, so I'm going to have to split it into multiple parts. + +Here's Part 1 ([TODO] words), about my experiences (as seen through the interpretive lens of Yudkowskian philosophy): [TODO linky] (content warning: weird private sexuality things) + +Then Part 2 can cover the evidence and theory for why I think I'm justified in believing that a substantial majority of trans women in Western countries are relevantly "like me", even though I don't have introspective access to other people's experiences. (Including going into the hidden Bayesan structure of what "relevantly 'like me'" is even supposed to mean—the sense in which a psychological theory can be "true".) + +Then Part 3 can cover my theory and retrospective on the political incentives driving the ASTONISHING cowardice, mendacity, and doublethink of everyone of significance in the so-called "rationalist" "community" on this issue—not just the empirical psychology question (which would be forgiveable—psychology is hard!), but also the drop-dead basics of their OWN philosophy of language, which dispute was SO absurd and took SO much time and effort to correct even within the "community" that it would be COMICAL if it weren't for the whole "the entire future history of the universe depends on these motherfuckers thinking clearly" thing. + +And then I'll be done and can move on with my life!! ----- To SneerClub— -Hi SneerClub! I noticed that you've enjoyed some of my [previous](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/fw9cng/the_lgbt_activist_machinery_instead_adapted/) [work](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/61t94y/rationalist_tries_justifying_their_transphobia_by/), so I thought I would go ahead and proactively share this one with you, because (I'm guessing) it probably checks a lot of the boxes for top sneerable content: it's got Yudkowsky hero-worship, _and_ sexism (as many of you would define that), _and_ transphobia (as many of you would define that), _and_ weird sex stuff! + +Hi, Sneer Club! I hope I'm not intruding, but I noticed that you've enjoyed some of my [previous](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/fw9cng/the_lgbt_activist_machinery_instead_adapted/) [work](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/61t94y/rationalist_tries_justifying_their_transphobia_by/), so I thought I would go ahead and proactively share this one with you, because (I'm guessing) it probably checks a lot of the boxes for top sneerable content: it's got Yudkowsky hero-worship, _and_ sexism (as many of you would define that), _and_ transphobia (as many of you would define that), _and_ (a paragraph's worth of) IQ fixation _and_ weird sex stuff! (From _my_ perspective, I'm pouring my heart out about the most important thing in my life, but if someone else with a different perspective would only sneer, then I can only hope to have been—if only for a moment, as part of a subroutine in the optimal sneer computation—_understood_. And for that moment, I am grateful.) + +[It didn't get moderator-approved (appears on my profile, not on the sub, 1 downvote, no notifications), which makes sense. The reason it felt like a good gamble to submit was the hope of breaking through to some of the people who had pitied me on the earlier submissions. Compare to Duncan's friend who started out expecting to hate my guts, and then felt sympathetic after reading an earlier draft] + +----- + +reply to: https://twitter.com/17cShyteposter/status/1365586872529874944