check in before a productive Saturday
I was supposed to have a productive no-net writing day yesterday but
then I wasted it being emotionally trashed; I felt bad about a comment
I wrote on Less Wrong that felt possibly too petty or off-topic—but I
had to speak, because Paul Christiano was saying he should back off of
responding to Yudkowsky's bluster, and I didn't want Christiano to
back down.
So I visited Valinor and played with Cimorene a bit, and watched the
body-swapping episode of _Star Trek: Voyager_ that I hadn't already
seen because I had thought it was just swapper-as-Paris (as contrasted
to the Doctor-as-Seven episode that I had of course already seen
twice), but Janeway's Memory Alpha page said she was played once by
Robert Duncan McNeil, so of course I had to see this one if it had
cross-gender swaps!! (It turned out that the swapper-as-female-alien
part was sexier than the swapper-as-Janeway/Janeway-as-Paris part.)
But today I'm not trashed anymore—my comment got 16 karma—and my
network is out and my phone is off, so I'm just going to make progress
on this memoir all day! It's not hard—there are already sections where
I know what I want to say (on misrepresentation of the Light, on
trust, on Moldbug), so I just need to sit down and convert thought to
text and keep doing that all day.