yank out a new pt. 7?!?
Okay, maybe we will go to seven parts (eight, counting "Sexual
The Planecrash analysis was so long that it deserves to be mostly its
own post (the file broke 30K words), which can also include the
epilogue/conclusion. And, if I'm shooting for ~18K word posts rather
than ~30K word posts, it's likely that pt. 2 will undergo a similar
split ("Blanchardian awakening" vs. "going crazy" is a very natural
break). But then "If Clarity" is still long ... I don't think I want
to go to eight parts if I can avoid it.
Or is it crazy that the Eliezerfic fight gets its own post?! Surely
it's not that important a part of the story?!
I don't know. After I have a gapless draft, I should hire a
professional editor. But to do that—I need a gapless draft.