memoir: retreating into email review (to 21 February 2019)
It's getting late—today was significantly less productive than planned
(7 blocks plus anything else I do before bed), but significantly more
productive than last Friday (3 blocks!). Hopefully this email review
has set me up for a critical success tomorrow? (There were a lot of
insights about silencing, &c. from Ben and the gang that I just need
to weave into the ms., context-setting into the history as necessary,
but focusing on the ideas rather than named individuals sending emails
on dates.)
And when I do more email-review tomorrow, I'm all queued up (they say
to leave your work on a thread to sieze the next day) to charge
forward from my blunder on 22 February: it hurts to read, but I'm
pre-paid the pain by looking at it now, so it shouldn't stop me