-things to discuss with Michael/Ben/Jessica—
-_ Anna on Paul Graham
-_ Yudkowsky thinking reasoning wasn't useful
-_ Jessica brought up race & IQ (she skimmed the previous draft, so I should highlight), or calling Ruby a MOP
-_ Ben publish "Discursive Warfare and Faction Formation" doc?
-_ footnote about FTX
-_ revision of "yelling" description
-_ Michael's SLAPP against REACH (new)
-_ Michael on creepy and crazy men (new)
-_ elided Sasha disaster (new)
-_ what should I say to Iceman? https://twitter.com/satisfiesvalues/status/1730025195413410129
-_ reached out to Garrison Lovely
+Vassar et al.—
+✓ "What You Can't Say"
+✓ reached out to Garrison Lovely
+✓ Michael on creepy and crazy men (new)
+✓ Michael's SLAPP against REACH (new)
+✓ elided Sasha disaster (new)
+✓ Ben publish "Discursive Warfare and Faction Formation" doc?
+✓ Yudkowsky thinking reasoning wasn't useful
+✓ Jessica brought up race & IQ (she skimmed the previous draft, so I should highlight), or calling Ruby a MOP
+✓ what should I say to Iceman? https://twitter.com/satisfiesvalues/status/1730025195413410129
+✓ footnote about FTX
+✓ revision of "yelling" description