+Title: Dolezal (working title)
+Date: 2022-06-01
+Category: other
+Tags: race
+Status: draft
+S: Didn't Rachel Dolezal get identified as black by most people?
+K: yeah, I think she was fine / and everyone should have chilled the fuck out
+S: Do you think she should get affirmative action and whatever other benefits we give black people?
+K: honestly, yes / if she is socially perceived as black, she gets most of the detriments
+S: I guess that is a...pretty good way to make our culture less crazy around race, honestly, and I respect your consistency. I think 99% of people who support transgender rights don't agree with it, but maybe they're wrong.
+K: and we do still count people as black if they don't have that generational history or lack of resources
+if their skin is black
+Z: But we don't
+K: okay, but they do say that Ethiopian immigrants from wealthy families with no generational deprivation are black