Title: Laser 1
Date: 2017-11-04 18:02
Category: other
-Tags: not-a-transition
+Tags: not-a-transition, lasers
I've decided to pull the trigger on laser beard removal. (It's less thorough than electrolysis, but cheaper and less painful, and my light skin and dark hair is supposed to be a good match for it.) My [earlier fear of](/2017/Jan/the-line-in-the-sand-or-my-slippery-slope-anchoring-action-plan/) maybe needing beard shadow to avoid accidentally passing (and thereby incurring unwanted social costs, however much I would prefer my reflection) looks ridiculous in hindsight; I'm sure I've never read as anything other than a man with gynecomastia—and it's even more moot now that I've [quit HRT](/2017/Sep/hormones-day-156-developments-doubts-and-pulling-the-plug-or-putting-the-cis-in-decision/). (On that subject, the return of my standard-issue hormone balance has been mostly uneventful, my main observation being that spontaneous erections are a disturbing nuisance after the peace of having had that system set to Do-Not-Disturb for a few months.)
I bought a copy of _Counterexamples in Topology_, and a short story collection with a 2017 copyright date, subtitled _The New Trans Erotic_ [_sic_]—research for the blog, I told myself; I should understand the competition, the bright young gender-dysphoric literary minds sworn into the service of the victimhood identity-politics mind-virus and accordingly shunted down the transition track, rather than the repression track or—whatever you want to call what I'm doing. (And if _they_ can write and produce a meatspace book, why can't I?)
-At the laser place, I had to fill out some administrative and consent forms on a tablet. The autocompletion for the "First name" field had apparently only been seeded with female names; when I typed in a _Z_—because of, um, reasons—the offered completions were _Zaina_, _Zhuoyun_, and _Zoe_.
+At the laser place, I had to fill out some administrative and consent forms on a tablet. The autocompletion for the "First name" field had apparently only been seeded with female names: when I typed in a _Z_—because of, um, reasons—the offered completions were _Zaina_, _Zhuoyun_, and _Zoe_.
After a brief video call with someone with the appropriate credentials to satisfy our friends in Washington and "Salem", the nurse-technician performed the treatment: her wand blew cold air over my face to mask the needlelike pain of the laser bursts. (The cold air being forced into my mouth while she did my upper lip was more memorably uncomfortable than the laser-pinpricks themselves.)
-Are trans women women? It depends on your decision criterion for applying the word _woman_ to something.
+Are trans women women? It depends on your decision criteria for applying the word _woman_ to something. (I say _decision criteria_ rather than _definition_ because [...])
Are women and men mostly similar, or mostly different?
what counts as "similar" vs. "different" isn't scientifically interesting: the data speaks for itself; how you want to summarize the data to stupid humans who can't hold multivariate probability distributions in their head is a matter of politics
+[make sure to explain how this is different from "Categories Were Made" sophistry]
\ No newline at end of file
on a Facebook thread about female-dominated gym classes, a female acquaintance writes, "My class focuses on weightlifting and it's still all women (including one trans, oddly enough)." (You wouldn't say "oddly enough" if you actually believed that trans women are women!)
This is so great http://criticaltheology.tumblr.com/post/159472778625/poem-by-a-jewish-trans-woman-written-in-1322
+Rya comes out as AGP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ferdf6iRTOg
+I really hope there's a way to use frequencies and Bayes nets to disprove dysphoria→AGP causal direction, particularly because then I'll be able to call the post "Algebraic Typology"
-Laser 1
✓ Interlude X (likelihood ratios)
There's a Land That I See; Or, The Spirit of Intervention
A Common Misunderstanding; Or, The Spirit of the Staircase (24 January 2009)
Q As Well for a Sheep as a Lamb; Or, Charity, Objectivity, and ...
Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History ...
Q This Is Worth a Fight
_ Stereotypes, Models, and Cognition
_ The Neglect of Probability Fallacy; Or, You Do Not Have an Intersex Condition
Q Simple Models Plus Noise Are Better Than Pretending Not to Have a Model
* Mary's Room
Q The Hand I Was Dealt
Q Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer; Or, Could Self-Reports Really Be That Wrong??
Q Reduce Gender Identities to Gender Goals
The Categories Were Made for Man in Order to Make Predictions
Q Memoirs of My Recent Madness, Part II: Friendship Survived
Imperfect Trait Measurements Regress to the Mean
Q Review of Nevada
(the story about my name)
of course trans genders are less natural; that's the entire fucking point
Product Review: Glamour Boutique's Vee-String Bladder
+Review of Nerve Endings: The New Trans Erotic
Threnody for the Transhumanism of My Youth
on the poor literary quality of TG captions