Tags: epistemology, Ozy, sex differences
Status: draft
-This post is a reply to [friend of the blog](/tag/ozy/) Ozymandias's [reply](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2018/06/18/man-should-allocate-some-more-categories/) to [my reply](/2018/Feb/the-categories-were-made-for-man-to-make-predictions/) to Scott Alexander's ["The Categories Were Made for Man, Not Man for the Categories"](http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/11/21/the-categories-were-made-for-man-not-man-for-the-categories/).
+This post is a reply to [friend of the blog](/tag/ozy/) Ozymandias's [reply](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2018/06/18/man-should-allocate-some-more-categories/) to [my reply](/2018/Feb/the-categories-were-made-for-man-to-make-predictions/) to Scott Alexander's ["The Categories Were Made for Man, Not Man for the Categories"](http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/11/21/the-categories-were-made-for-man-not-man-for-the-categories/). My reply ends up covering a lot of worldview-ground, so ideas in this post may be expanded upon in future posts.
After summarizing the discussion so far, Ozy argues that my appeal to the relevance of pyschological sex differences commits me to an absurd conclusion—
> Similarly, early-transition trans women can be placed into the former category. In our culture, it is generally very stigmatized for men to wear dresses, skirts, makeup, and other signifiers of womanhood. In particular, catcallers and sexist harassers essentially never do: if you're a catcaller or a sexist harasser, it is probably because you are invested in a particular style of masculinity that is completely incompatible with wearing a skirt. Therefore, allowing all dress-wearing people to use the women's bathroom has minimal risk of allowing catcallers in. In the event that men wearing dresses and makeup is completely destigmatized to the point that even sexist assholes do so, I am happy to reexamine this statement.
-Although I lack relevant lived experience, I suspect this is _wildly_ overestimating the ideological component of women's discomfort around men. I agree that certain very overt kinds of harrassment (the kind that involves yelling slurs and obcenities) can be attributed to sexist subcultures of _machismo_ and toxic masculinity.
+Although I lack relevant lived experience, I suspect this is _wildly_ overestimating the _ideological_ component of women's discomfort around men. I agree that certain very overt kinds of harrassment (the kind that involves yelling slurs and obcenities) can be attributed to sexist subcultures of _machismo_ and toxic masculinity.
Unfortunately, I fear the [threat model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threat_model) is a little bit subtler and more expansive than that.
I say, "I'm not sure what 'it's okay to not persue any medical transition options while still not identifying with your asab' is supposed to mean if it doesn't cash out to 'it's okay to enforce social norms preventing other people from admitting out loud that they have correctly noticed your biological sex'": K. replies that it's not clear that "You can change your name" is mostly about enforcing the social norm that other people can't notice your old name
+Lewontin's fallacy and brain sex differences: https://www.pnas.org/content/113/14/E1966
+Bootstrapping: https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2016/04/25/nonbinary-gender/
-Title: Trying to Be Explicit
+Title: "Portland" By Gaslight; Or, Trying to Be Explicit
Date: 2020-01-01
Category: fiction
Tags: autogynephilia
when your enemy is less of a regime and more of a meme? How do you explain to anyone what you're trying to accomplish when you're not trying to get anyone to do anything different in particular, but to renounce their distorted way of thinking and speaking, after which you expect them to make better decisions, even if you can't say in advance what those decisions will be?
+He thought he had explained it very clearly
fighting an entire Discord room
"I gender him male as per his philosophical commitments"
+Mad Ouroboros on the Somewhere Else Discord speculates that "don't call me cis" gendercrits and AFAB enbies are having the same internal gender experience
+CAIS in sport: https://twitter.com/FondOfBeetles/status/1070097483408248835
+the evolutionarily ancient process of noticing secondary sex characteristics is less legitimate than "Because I said so"
_ Phenotypic Identity and Memetic Capture
serious track—
+_ I Mean, Yes
_ High-Dimensional Social Science and the Conjunction of Small Effect Sizes
_ Against Fully Consensual Gender (working title)
_ Interlude XVI (egg promises)
✓ Interlude XVII (not all men)
+can the comment on "Bit Players" actually fit on this blog (I didn't empathize with offense at fake physics, but I can take offense at maximum-entropy psychology): epigraph quote, "It's Only a Paper Moon"
Q As Well for a Sheep as a Lamb; Or, Charity, Objectivity, and ...