Title: Friendship Practices of the Secret-Sharing Plain Speech Valley Squirrels
Date: 2017-01-01 5:00
-#Status: draft
+Category: parable
Once upon a time, in the Valley of of Plain Speech in the hinterlands beyond the Lake of Ambiguous Fortune, there lived a population of pre-intelligent squirrels. Historical mammologists have classified them into two main subspecies: the west valley ground squirrels and the east valley tree squirrels (numbers 9792 and 9794 in Umi's grand encyclopædia of Plain Speech creatures, but not necessarily respectively—I remember the numbers, but I can never remember which one is which).
Title: Psychology Is About Invalidating People's Identities
-Date: 2017-01-01 5:00
-#Status: draft
+Date: 2017-01-03 5:00
+Category: commentary
+Tags: autogynephilia
When we're doing science to try to figure out how the human mind works, self-reports are certainly a very important source of evidence, albeit not the _only_ source of evidence; it's often possible to measure what people _do_ in addition to what they say about themselves.
High-Dimensional Social Science and the Cluster Concept of Concepts
Friendship Practices of the Secret-Sharing Plain Speech Valley Squirrels
Blame Me for Trying
Psychology Is About Invalidating People's Experiences
-Bayesian Reasoning Applies to Humans Because It Applies to Everything; Noticing This Doesn't Commit You to Anything in Particular Except Good Epistemology
The Neglect of Probability Fallacy; Or, You Do Not Have an Intersex Condition
Survey of a Crossdreamscape and Why This Is Pretty Obviously Not What Actual Women Feel About Themselves
Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer
+Bayesian Reasoning Applies to Humans Because It Applies to Everything; Noticing This Doesn't Commit You to Anything in Particular Except Good Epistemology
Lesser-Known Demand Curves
Passing Is Legitimacy, Legitimacy Is Passing