> If you can then get other influential writers in overlapping topic areas to read and be persuaded by your argument, you might contribute to a larger process whereby we all learn faster by usefully dividing up the task of learning about everything.
-"One Size Does Not Fit All: In Support of Psychotherapy for Gender Dysphoria"
Motta-Mena and Puts has the awesome probability-of-gynephilia-by-intersex-condition graph, "Endocrinology of human female sexuality, mating, and reproductive behavior"
+listen later:
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+_ TV Review: "The Trouble With Edward"
+_ Comment on "One Size Does Not Fit All: In Support of Psychotherapy for Gender Dysphoria" (tag: `review (paper)`)
+_ Nixon on IQ quotepost? more on don't say it 18:30
optimized to confuse and intimidate people trying to use language to reason about the concept of biological sex, even if your conscious verbal narrative never says 'and now I will confuse and intimidate people who want to use language to reason about the concept of biological sex'!"
_ On Being Stereotyped Badly (working title)
Angelic Irony
+> I think sometimes I talk in a way that makes me seem more politically naïve than I actually am, because I feel as if the “naïve” attitude is in some way normative? (“You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?”)
Memetics vs. Discourse
Cromwell's Rule Is About Symmetry, Not Fairness
Honesty Is Activism