some subset of my crowd is in harmony with human nature
-getting out of dodge, being tempted to write a cryptic email introducing my rationality friends to Blanchard et al.
+getting out of dodge, being tempted to write a cryptic email introducing my rationality friends to Blanchard et al., needing a vacation
tempted to make a collage of papers of the bad parts of the world, like a CAPTChA
if people's verbal self-reports are false and feminism is a shit test, and I've had a _huge_ impact on my social graph (as judged within my social-media bubble, FaceApp being popular, the SEXNET questions)
-I had done better than average; most people were starving
\ No newline at end of file
+I had done better than average; most people were starving
+"[...] hasn't accepted my request yet"; he literally meant Facebook friend request, not bizarre ambiguity-leveraging favor-trading
+evolution of traditions, trying to create a Schelling point everyone going to bed at the same time, as an example of everyone being synchronized
-What's My Motivation? Or, Hormones Day 7X
-Q Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, Why I Don't Care About Your Feelings
Q Memoirs of My Recent Madness, Part II: Friendship Survived
A Common Misunderstanding; Or, the Spirit of the Staircase (24 January 2009)
There's a Land That I See; Or, the Spirit of Intervention
+Q Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, Why I Don't Care About Your Feelings
Q The Hand I Was Dealt
Q Review of Nevada
O Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us; Or, the Identity Dysphoria Trap (school dysphoria)
-Passing Is Legitimacy, Legitimacy Is Passing
-All Men Benefit From Patriarchy
-Servants of the Egregore; Or, the Joy of Static Analysis
-reanalysis of Lawrence data!!!
Grim Trigger; Or, the Parable of the Honest Man and the God of Marketing
Q I Want to See You Be Brave
Faster Than Science (Transgender Edition)
The Gender Czar's Compromise
Reuknighted (C. being really curious about my hair "It's complicated." "I think it sets me apart from other guys." Were we ever really living in the same world?)
Lesser-Known Demand Curves
+Passing Is Legitimacy, Legitimacy Is Passing
+All Men Benefit From Patriarchy
+Servants of the Egregore; Or, the Joy of Static Analysis
+reanalysis of Lawrence data!!!
* fictionalized version of the male vs. female rape / War on Optimization for Generalized Secrecy anecdote
(empathizing and systematizing) "being nice to people with a weird disorder but not so nice you forget you're just humoring them" (Yes, exactly)
+women do worse on Asch; in contrast, trans women are _selected_ for nonconformity
+original research post?— the Hsu–Bailey autopedophilia paper finds a much higher rate of ETLE in pedophiles than in normal men (they say they found 15% AGP in the Mechanical Turk sample gathered for their earlier psychometrics-of-AGP work, but oddly, the psychometrics-of-AGP paper doesn't seem to mention this?? Maybe ask Bailey to clarify sometime??); could this be evidence for the developmental competition effect? (Pedophiles thankfully don't get to actualize their desires, so they fall into ETLI instead?) Similarly, concerning the high IQ of AGP trans women not just being a selection effect: maybe it's because smart people don't get laid (remember that study about a huge fraction of MIT grad students being virgins)