The young James Boylan had a question. What's it _like_, how does it _feel_. The question deserves an answer.
-I bought my first pair of breastforms in January 2008 (I was 20 years old). I think those mysteriously disappeared around that one time my mother unilaterally cleaned out my closet, but I bought another pair (a very high-quality model, plus accessories, for $240 that I probably couldn't afford at the time, but this was _important_) in July 2010. And I would wear them in private from time to time, and that was nice, but they were still, noticeably ... not actually part of my body. Not an answer to the question.
+<a id="first-breastforms"></a>I bought my first pair of breastforms in January 2008 (I was 20 years old). I think those mysteriously disappeared around that one time my mother unilaterally cleaned out my closet, but I bought another pair (a very high-quality model, plus accessories, for $240 that I probably couldn't afford at the time, but this was _important_) in July 2010. And I would wear them in private from time to time, and that was nice, but they were still, noticeably ... not actually part of my body. Not an answer to the question.
And later, on one of the few occasions when I was alone in bed with a woman, I complemented her on her breasts, and mused out loud that, though I had some amount of breast tissue, my chest wasn't interesting like hers.
Tags: autogynephilia, review (product)
Status: draft
-I've decided that my favorite chemical element is silicon. Atomic number 14, an excellent number. Forms _four_ covalent bonds at once. Did you know some scientists believe that there may be silicon-based life somewhere in the universe? And used in making so many beautiful things ...!
+This is a chemistry fanblog now! I've decided that my favorite chemical element is [silicon]( Atomic number 14, like the fourth [Catalan number]( Forms _four_ covalent bonds at once. Did you know some scientists believe that there may be [silicon-based life]( somewhere in the universe?
+And used in making so many beautiful things ...! The [microchips]( on which our electronic Society is built, obviously, but [silicone]( polymers also have a wide range of applications in industrial and consumer products.
+Today, I'd like to talk about some ... _consumer_ products.
+Except—this isn't actually a chemistry fanblog. If you'd rather avoid discussion of certain _consumer products_, you might want to stop reading and close the tab now.
### [Gold Seal NAKED Silicone Bodysuit](
<a href="/images/bodysuit_zipper_error.jpg"><img src="/images/bodysuit_zipper_error.jpg" width="240" style="float: left; margin: 0.4pc;"></a>
+One of the disappointing things about breastforms is that they're noticeably—not actually part of your body.
* I could not get this on, at all: huge rip on the back side, and the zipper came off; the former seems unambiguously like "my fault", but the zipper actually seems like low-quality product?
* breasts hang too low, but that could be due to broken zipper
* hard to fit member in urination option, I swear it leaked urine out side?—not sure how the hydraulics worked there