While waiting in line at a coffeeshop before the con, a woman complemented me on my lipstick and asked me what color it was, although I didn't remember (760 "Gone Griege", for the record). I was _beaming_.
-I can imagine an actual aspiring trans woman receiving such a comment, and [interpreting it as confirmation](http://upandoutcomic.tumblr.com/post/166474292641/a-nice-lil-observation-if-you-enjoy-my-work) that she passes, complementing each other on their appearance just being something that women do. I had no such delusions; the woman was humoring me, commenting in a spirit of communal good cheer surrounding a special event (rather than because she was actually curious about the lipstick color). It was nice.
+I can imagine an actual aspiring trans woman receiving such a comment, and [interpreting it as confirmation](http://upandoutcomic.tumblr.com/post/166474292641/a-nice-lil-observation-if-you-enjoy-my-work) that she passes, complementing each other on their appearance just being something that women do. I had no such delusions; the woman was clearly humoring me, commenting in a spirit of communal good cheer surrounding a special event (rather than because she was actually curious about the lipstick color). It was nice.
The booth for signing up for the afternoon cosplay competition also offered signup for a speed-dating event later in the evening, an opportunity which I siezed eagerly. The staffer asked me if I wanted to sign up for a men's slot, or for the unsegregated "queer" session afterwards. I opted for the former ("Despite everything," I said).