Title: Grim Trigger; Or, the Parable of the Honest Man and the God of Marketing
-Date: 2017-09-09
+Date: 2017-09-10 11:30
Category: fiction
Tags: cathartic
-Status: draft
> Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, _I will fear no evil_.
And the honest man said, "Defect!" And he blew the whistle.
-And a shepard of the tribe of Matof rushed up to the honest man! And the shepard said, "There exists room for genealogy outside of war—but if you take up working specifically on the genealogical aims of those that oppose you, it can be ... self-destructive—and not just to you, but damaging to the group."
+And a shepherd of the tribe of Matof rushed up to the honest man! And the shepherd said, "I think it's kinder not to tell anyone they're wrong, in the signaling sense, about bloodline understanding."
And the honest man said, "Defect!"
-And a blacksmith of the tribe of Matof rushed up to the honest man! And the blacksmith said, "I think the consequentialist thing to do is not to tell anyone they're wrong, in the signaling sense, about bloodline understanding."
+And a blacksmith of the tribe of Matof rushed up to the honest man! And the blacksmith said, "There exists room for genealogy outside of war—but if you take up working specifically on the genealogical aims of those that oppose you, it can be ... self-destructive—and not just to you, but damaging to the group."
And the honest man said, "Defect!"
-The Nadir of Reading Comprhension
Doubts, Hopes, and Trajectories; Or, Hormones Day 1XX
Imperfect Trait Measurements Regress to the Mean
Q Memoirs of My Recent Madness, Part II: Friendship Survived
-Grim Trigger; Or, the Parable of the Honest Man and the God of Marketing
An Epistolary Story About Preference Falsification
Blame Me for Trying
"Love Like You"