Another "Made for Man" cite:
+More damage control:
"Sex Does Not Mean Gender. Equating Them Erases Trans Lives."
smart-fascist on trans programmers:
The one time I posted in /r/GenderCritical, I got a reply that said, "You are a predator." That was pretty hurtful and unjustified—I spent a lot of Christmas Day 2016 crying as a result. But ... that's obviously MY problem. I chose to post something in someone else's community, and my feelings were hurt by the reply. That's not warrant to destroy someone else's community! (Yes, I understand that Reddit is a private company and the 1st Amendment doesn't apply, but Reddit still has a lot of quasi-monopoly power due to network effects, and that power has consequences.)
+"My Son Wears Dresses; Get Over It"
+note, "My Son Wears Dresses", and not, "My Daughter Is Trans"
+> I've noticed that authoritarian people love to define manhood and womanhood: to lay down the law about who qualifies for each particular label.
_ Jessica/wiz AGP defense
_ Elision _vs_. Choice (working title)
_ Phenotypic Identity and Memetic Capture
+_ Trans Kids on the Margin (working title)