+13 results in the Slate Star Codex Discord server
+> smorc — 08/19/2022
+> this seems like some terf blog
+> complete with quotes of terfs complaining about transwomen in bathrooms
+> B_ (halloween edition) — 08/19/2022
+> As someone that reads terf blogs, it's weak shit lol
+> Theo DIE dactus — 08/19/2022
+> Really great post, which I love
+> If I were to do a rationalism and law series I'd include that in like the very beginning along with that old post from what's her name about the great amphibian
+(on "Blame Me for Trying")
+> I'm 100 words into this and I love it already
used the idea of basically an 'impending Great Shift' as a villain's plot for making a more egalitarian society." I totally had the same idea independently!!
I'm such a terrible writer: "propagated the implications of the observation that" → "internalized"
+> From their perspective, the "expert consensus" and "peer-reviewed studies" on the efficacy of covid-19 vaccines look no different from those that tell you men can get pregnant. Since you know men can’t get pregnant, why trust the vaccine?
_ Book Review: Charles Murray's Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America
+_ FanExpo review!
_ Interlude XXII
_ Beyond the Binary
_ Happy Meal
6594 (W.I.P.)
+$ wc content/drafts/ content/drafts/ content/drafts/
+ 386 11516 79204 content/drafts/
+ 1141 36393 246385 content/drafts/
+ 536 15035 98747 content/drafts/
+ 2063 62944 424336 total
words per year—
2021: 43300 (total); 21600 (UUT), 21700 (LW)
2020: 42400 (total); 23900 (UUT), 18500 (LW)