[^medianworlds]: You might think that the thought experiment of imagining what someone's medianworld is like would only be interesting for people who are "weird" in our own world, thinking that our world is a medianworld for people who are normal in our world. But [in high-dimensional spaces, _most_ of the probability-mass is concentrated in a "shell" some distance around the mode](/2021/May/sexual-dimorphism-in-the-sequences-in-relation-to-my-gender-problems/#typical-point), because even though the per-unit-hypervolume probability _density_ is greatest at the mode, there's vastly _more_ hypervolume in the hyperspace around it. The upshot is that typical people are atypical along _some_ dimensions, so normies can play the medianworld game, too.
-(I asked Anna how Yudkowsky could stand the Glowfic people. She said she thought Eliezer could barely stand anyone. That makes sense, I said.)
Everyone in dath ilan receives rationality training from childhood,[^category-vindication] but knowledge and training deemed psychologically hazardous to the general population is safeguarded by an order of [Keepers of Highly Unpleasant Things it is Sometimes Necessary to Know](https://www.glowfic.com/replies/1612937#reply-1612937). AGI research takes place in a secret underground city; some unspecified form of social engineering steers the _hoi polloi_ away from thinking about the possibility of AI.
[^category-vindication]: On the topic of dath ilan's rationality training, I did appreciate [this passage about the cognitive function of categorization](https://www.glowfic.com/replies/1779051#reply-1779051):
"Blame Me for Trying" retweeted by Riley Goodside
+> one of the most insane things i've ever read
-- "A Hill" edit sweep (bookmark phrase: "The language I spoke was")
near editing tier—
_ explain Michael's gaslighting charge, using the "bowels of Christ" language
_ explain the title
_ pt. 1 end should summarize missing part a little more
_ pt. 1 end needs to mention BABSCon (back referenced)
_ happy price subject line in pt. 1
+_ incentives of gatekeeping and system-mandated lies
people to consult specifically before pt. 1–3:
-_ hostile prereader? (first-choice: April, )
+sent, need approval for pt. 1-2—
+_ hostile prereader, maybe?? (first-choice: April)
- professional editor
-Needed for pt. 1-2—
+✓ Tail (AGP discussion) [pt. 1]
+- "Riley"
- "Thomas"
- Ben/Jessica (Michael) [pt. 2-]
-- Tail (AGP discussion) [pt. 1]
- "Rebecca" (consent, pseudonym choice) [pt. 2, not before 15 June]
+- Anna
+- Scott
-to send—
-_ "Bill" [pt. 2-]
-_ Scott [blanket]
+to send (Discord)—
+_ Alicorn: briefly, and for Melkor Glowfic reference link [pt. 2]
+to write—
_ Sarah (name mention, whether to name conversation) [pt. 1-2]
_ Sophia [pt. 1]
-_ Anna [blanket]
-_ Alicorn: briefly, and for Melkor Glowfic reference link [pt. 2]
-_ "Noreen" [pt. 2]
+_ "Noreen"