Title: Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer
Author: Zack M. Davis
-Date: 2023-01-01 05:00
+Date: 2023-05-01 05:00
Category: commentary
Tags: autogynephilia, bullet-biting, cathartic, epistemic horror, personal, sex differences, Star Trek, Julia Serano, Eliezer Yudkowsky, two-type taxonomy
Status: draft
[^koller-and-friedman-ii]: Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman, _Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques_, §18.3.5: "Understanding the Bayesian Score".
-I thought this shed some light on my recent frustrations. People are pretty observant about what other people are like. If prompted appropriately, they know how to anticipate the ways in which trans women are different from cis women. The part of them that talked just didn't see the problem with trying to represent the knowledge using a variable ordering that put "biological sex" closer to last than first. And I didn't think that was what the causal graph looked like.
+I thought this shed some light on my recent frustrations. People are pretty observant about what other people are like. If prompted appropriately, they know how to anticipate the ways in which trans women are different from cis women. The part of them that talked just didn't see the problem with trying to represent this knowledge (about physiological males with male-typical interests and personalities whose female gender identities seem closely intertwined with their gynephilic sexuality) using a variable ordering that put "biological sex" closer to last than first. And I just didn't think that was what the causal graph looked like.
In another post, I collected links to Bailey, Lawrence, Vitale, and Brown's separate explanations of the two-type taxonomy:
[TODO: ... continue harvesting email to see what happened in April]
-[TODO: credit assignment ritual ($18200 credit-assignment ritual): $5K to Michael, $1200 each to trans widow friend, 3 care team members (Alicorn Sarah Anna), Ziz, Olivia, and Sophia, $400 each to Steve, A.M., Watson, "Wilhelm", Jonah, James, Ben, Kevin, Alexei (declined), Andrew, Divia, Lex, Devi]
+[TODO: credit assignment ritual ($18200 credit-assignment ritual): $5K to Michael, $1200 each to "Chaya", 3 care team members (Alicorn Sarah Anna), Ziz, "Helen", and Sophia, $400 each to Steve, A.M., Watson, "Wilhelm", Jonah, James, Ben, Kevin, Alexei (declined), Andrew, Divia, Lex, Devi]
✓ technical discussion with Sophia
✓ Rob's thread, first contact with Ben [pt. 2]
✓ A/a alumna consult details [pt. 2]
-[pt. 2]
✓ touch up Persongen explanation
✓ touch up "Helen" key photo explanation
✓ "Dear Totally Excellent Rationalist Friends"
✓ emails from Michael
✓ October 11th post
✓ commments on "Dear Totally Excellent Rationalist Friends"
-_ Daphne Koller and the Methods post
-_ comments on nice, mean versions
-_ mental state and visiting Divia
-_ sleepless Valentine's Day
-_ fully off the rails 15–17 February
-_ Sept. 2016 conversation with S.C.
-[pt. 6]
+✓ Daphne Koller and the Methods post
+✓ comments on nice, mean versions [pt. 2]
+✓ mental state and visiting Divia [pt. 2]
+- sleepless Valentine's Day [pt. 2]
+_ Sept. 2016 conversation with S.C. [pt. 2]
+_ fully off the rails 15–17 February [pt. 2]
- Eliezerfic fight: Big Yud tests me [pt. 6]
_ Eliezerfic fight: derail with lintamande [pt. 6]
_ Eliezerfic fight: knives, and showing myself out [pt. 6]
-[pt. 2]
-_ Jan. discussion with "Wilhelm" (should also include Sep. discussion?)
-_ "model clicked"/Feb. discussion with "Wilhelm"
+_ Jan. discussion with "Wilhelm" (should also include Sep. discussion?) [pt. 2]
+_ "model clicked"/Feb. discussion with "Wilhelm" [pt. 2]
_ psych ward [pt. 2]
_ emailing Blanchard/Bailey/Hsu/Lawrence [pt. 2]
- December 2019 winter blogging vacation [pt. 4]
_ plan to reach out to Rick [pt. 4]
_ reaction to Ziz [pt. 4]
_ State of Steven [pt. 4]
_ Somni [pt. 4]
_ the story of my Feb./Apr. 2017 recent madness [pt. 2]
_ Dolphin War finish
_ Michael Vassar and the Theory of Optimal Gossip
-_ psychiatric disaster
+_ psychiatric disaster
not even blocked—
_ "Even our pollution is beneficial" [pt. 6]
_ "EA" brand ate the "rationalism" brand—even visible in MIRI dialogues
_ Anna's heel–face turn
_ "counterfactual boyfriend"/It's California in the year 2016
+_ not talking about pivotal acts, downstream of not believing in Speech?
it was actually "wander onto the AGI mailing list wanting to build a really big semantic net" (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/9HGR5qatMGoz4GhKj/above-average-ai-scientists)
With internet available—
-_ Avatar state
+_ T4T
+_ recent EY tweet about not talking about Pivotal acts for fear of being misinterpreted
+_ someone's (Accelia's?) comment about needing a crisis in order to speak
+_ "locate it in the space of possibilities" pt. 2 (locating the hypothesis)
+_ https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_state ?
_ occasions when it was genuinely on-topic (link to "Changing Emotions" comments)
_ patterns of refactored agency
_ check timing of comments on nice/mean versions??
_ Castro Theatre name/spelling
-_ look back at more of the Facebook posts from meltdown
+_ look at more of the later posts from Facebook meltdown
_ "Totally Excellent" root of the disagreement
_ check that "Totally Excellent" comments with Noreen were all before movie date?
_ Ben "put a Like on my comments", plural?
_ Yudkowsky's LW moderation policy
far editing tier—
+_ "Noreen" discussion needs to cover the part where I'd cause less disruption if I transitioned
+_ "Noreen"'s girlfriend definitely needs to be mentioned
_ get exact dates and correct Sequencing on late 2016 conversations
_ mention Michael's influence and South Park recs in late 2016?
_ probably give Amelia as pseudonym?
"timestamp_ms": 1530601116141,
"content": "there was a NRx whose take [...] was so disagreeable that he got downvoted into oblivion on /r/slatestarcodex (and remember, /r/slatestarcodex is already pretty right-wing by San Francisco standards) who also had a post on the \"feminism appeals to masculine-of-center women\" hypothesis http://www.ericwulff.com/blog/?p=1861 which deserves more credit than it gets (it acknowledges within-group variation!)",
"type": "Generic"
+He doesn't want to talk about pivotal acts because because anything he says in public might be misinterpreted—but, how does the disutility of being misinterpreted plausibly outweigh the utility of someone having something useful to say?? I feel like his modern answer is some variation of "Everyone but me is retarded", but—that's not what he thought about decision theory back in 2010, when he validated/honored Wei Dai and Vladimir Nesov's contributions! (find cite) And now, he says he wish he hadn't talked about decision theory ...
-_ Reply to Scott Alexander on Autogenderphilia
-_ Book Review: Charles Murray's Facing Reality (short version)
-_ Book Review: Nevada (time permitting)
-_ Hrunkner Unnerby and the Shallowness of Progress (time permitting)
_ I'm Dropping the Pseudonym From This Blog
+_ Book Review: Nevada
_ (pt. 2) Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer (March 2016–April 2017)
_ (pt. 3) A Hill of Validity in Defense of Meaning (November 2018–April 2019)
+_ Reply to Scott Alexander on Autogenderphilia
+_ Hrunkner Unnerby and the Shallowness of Progress (time permitting)
_ (pt. 4) If Clarity Seems Like Death to Them (April 2019–January 2021)
_ (pt. 5) Agreeing With Stalin in Ways that Exhibit Generally Rationalist Principles (February 2021)
_ (pt. 6) Standing Under the Same Sky (April 2021–April 2023)
_ Interlude XXII
+_ Book Review: Charles Murray's Facing Reality (short version)
_ Book Review: Johnny the Walrus
_ Beyond the Binary
_ Happy Meal