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+Title: A Beacon Through the Darkness; Or, Getting It Right the First Time
+Date: 2020-01-01
+Category: other
+Tags: autogynephilia, personal
+On August 6, 2006, I came across the
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True or useful ideas certainly have a selective advantage insofar as humans care about usefulness (I'm going to go out on a limb and just say outright that humans don't care about truth), but there can be other features of an idea that convey a selective advantage in memetic competition; for example, an appeal to alleged consequences of accepting the idea. This is the reason so many religions prominently feature promises and threats of divine reward or punishment: "Believe X and you'll be rewarded; believe not-X and you'll be sorry" is _more memetically fit_ than "It happens to be the case that X, but this has no particular further implications," because the former creates incentives for propogating itself that the latter does not. It doesn't _matter_ that the rewards and punishments don't actually exist—
-(at least, _I_ don't think they exist, because I am not a carrier of the religion-X meme)
+(at least, _I_ don't think they exist, because I am not a carrier of the X religion meme)
—a human in the grips of the idea will still be genuinely terrified of the punishment. The forces of memetic evolution don't care about the human's fear and suffering, because _the forces of memetic evolution_ is just our name for the observation that ideas that are better at being replicated, are better at being replicated; it's not an agent that can care about _anything_.
It _felt like_ I was talking to an AI designed to maximize the number of trans people.
-Obviously I'm totally in favor of trans _people_ having access to the hormones and surgeries that they want, and having their preferred pronouns respected. But if Brian is a representative example of what the _subculture of trans activism_ does to people's heads, then maybe your _shitty delusional subculture deserves to die_.
+Obviously I'm totally in favor of trans _people_ having access to the hormones and surgeries that they want, and having their preferred pronouns respected. But if Kevin is a representative example of what the _subculture of trans activism_ does to people's heads, then maybe your _shitty delusional subculture deserves to die_.
I understand that for people who have _already_ built up a self-image around the idea that they are literally women and always have been, the idea that their female gender identity arose out of a misinterpretation of misdirected male sexuality could be extremely disturbing.
+++ /dev/null
-Title: Getting It Right the First Time
-Date: 2020-01-01
-Category: other
-Tags: autogynephilia, personal
-On August 6, 2006, I came across the
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> —_Quarantine_ by Greg Egan
-People who are concerned with social justice tend to be rightfully skeptical when privileged straight white men like me complain about identity politics. That's why, when the topic is misogyny or racism, I _shut up_—even if I might occasionally privately _think_ I might have something true and relevant to say about the costs of the culture of the political left teaching people to think of themselves as helpless victims of a kyriarchical society, I also realize that my opinion doesn't matter. I'm not a woman or a racial minority; I don't have their lived experience; I _don't know what it's like_ to face the challenges they face. I don't have standing to speak.
+People who are concerned with social justice tend to be rightfully skeptical when privileged straight white men like me complain about identity politics. That's why, when the topic is misogyny or racism, I _shut up_—even if I might occasionally privately _think_ I might have something true and relevant to say about the costs of the culture of the political left teaching people to model themselves as helpless victims of a kyriarchical society, I also realize that _my opinion doesn't matter_. I'm not a woman or a racial minority; I don't have their lived experience; I _don't know what it's like_ to face the challenges they face. I don't have standing to speak.
But social progress marches on, and as old grievances recede into the mists of history, new ones take their place, and when the day comes to pass that the designated victim group of our age is _straight boys who wish they were girls_, then suddenly, _I have standing_. Girl, do _I have standing!_ And I will put an _end_ to this _toxic bullshit_, because I am nobody's victim.
-Fantasizing about being a girl is _not the same thing_ as somehow already _literally_ being a girl! It's good to have fantasies. It's good to make one's fantasies real with
+Fantasizing about being a girl is _not the same thing_ as somehow already _literally_ being a girl in some unspecified metaphysical sense! It's good to have fantasies. It's good to make one's fantasies real with
But _distinguishing between fantasy and reality_ is kind of an important life skill!
-Getting It Right the First Time
-From What I've Tasted of Desire
-Grim Trigger
+The Spirit of the Staircase
+A Beacon Through the Darkness; Or, Getting It Right the First Time
+Grim Trigger; Or, the Parable of the Honest Man and the God of Marketing
Faster Than Science (Transgender Edition)
-Entangled Truths, Contagious Lies (Transgender Edition)
The Gender Czar's Compromise
-... want to make the stupid dream real
-... Steven Goldberg/Fausto-Sterling
-Servants of the Egregore; Or, the World Outside Your Skull Is a Constant
+There's a Land That I See; Or, the Spirit of Intervention
+Yalta (https://transblog.grieve-smith.com/the-essential-conflict/ "What's in it for me?" "You're the one who doesn't believe in personal identity—you should be happy for us")
+concert Late-Onset Gender Dysphoria in Males
+push back against the global narrative without pushing back against any particular individual narrative
Q Don't Negotiate With Terrorist Memeplexes; Or, Why I Don't Care About Your Feelings
Q Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer; Or, Could Self-Reports Really Be That Wrong??
Q Reduce Gender Identities to Gender Goals
non-AGP fiction—
AGP fiction—
* "Love Like You"
+Servants of the Egregore; Or, the World Outside Your Skull Is a Constant
+Entangled Truths, Contagious Lies (Transgender Edition)
- meta-political—
* The View From Nowhere
* As Well for a Sheep as a Lamb (polarizing tribal forces—because only bad ppl talk about AGP, you need to be very DGAF about politics in order to not be locked out of the correct explanation—and even then, socialization forces might turn you against your own ppl, something I have to be wary of)
The Man With the Nonstandard Hormone Balance
not a masculine, macho man, but, you know, the biologically-male kind of man