From the perspective of axiomatic antisexism that I held at the time, this assertion is cringe-inducing. Of course most people are straight, but is it not all the _same love_?
-I wasn't ready to hear it then, but—I mean, probably not? So, for the _most_ part, all humans are extremely similar: as Yudkowsky would soon write about (following Leda Cosmides and John Tooby), [complex functional adaptations have to be species-universal in order to not get scrambled during meiosis](
+I wasn't ready to hear it then, but—I mean, probably not? So, for the _most_ part, all humans are extremely similar: as Yudkowsky would soon write about [(following Leda Cosmides and John Tooby)](, [complex functional adaptations have to be species-universal in order to not get scrambled during meiosis](
Oftentimes you genuinely happen to run out of time for a particular conversation, and that's fine: if your stopping algorithm is based on how busy you are that day and the expected information value of the remaining conversation, then we should expect to get accurate shared maps _eventually_, even if some topics get "unlucky" that you were busy that day. If your stopping algorithm is based on political convenience (you leave the conversation _because_ the other party made a good point that you're not allowed to admit in Berkeley), then we _don't_ converge to accurate shared maps!
+more Reiner:
+ "Genetic males with maletypical prenatal androgen effects should be reared male."
+Tail said only a third of the variance in personality self-report is real; I asked how we know, and he says you can do math on multiple informants—
_ Feedback on Unnatural Categories (working group + TurnTrout + Rich + Tetra + Steven + Said + Elizabeth ( + paid-editor)
Marketing channels—
+_ I think I do want to ping V.K.?
_ comment to V."C."S. on "Maybe Lying Can't Exist?!"
_ comment on W.D. on "Maybe Lying Doesn't Exist"
-_ comment to V.K. on May thread
_ epilogue email to S.A.
_ explain "algorthimic" playing dumb to S.A.
_ comment to G.J.M.??
+_ message to P."O".L.??
_ Twitter
_ Reddit submissions: /r/philosophy and /r/TheMotte
_ S. Finley share
+_ tag "Motivation and Political Context" & "The SF Bay Area" with "Criticisms of the Rationalist Movement"
+_ Persongen/univariate fallacy/typical set
_ reply on psych prison
_ Irreversible Damage review
_ Jessica/wiz AGP defense
_ Elision _vs_. Choice (working title)
_ Phenotypic Identity and Memetic Capture
_ Trans Kids on the Margin, and Harms From Misleading Training Data prior:
+_ "More Than We Can Say": High-Dimensional Social Science and the Conjunction of Small Effect Sizes
+I should email caption bliggers and ask if they know about AGP
+I'm not usually—at least, not always—so much of a scrub as to play chess with a pigeon (which shits on the board and then struts around like it's won), or wrestle with a pig (which gets you both dirty, and the pig likes it), or dispute what the Tortise said to Achilles
(This needs to go into my "Motivations and Political Context")
Transitioning is easy if you project into the subspace spanned by "given name" and "preferred pronouns" and "frequency of wearing dresses." The problem is that it's not psychologically realistic to expect everyone else to just throw away all the other dimensions—people were using those dimensions!
_ World of Masks
_ "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology
_ "I Tell Myself to Let the Story End"; Or, A Hill of Validity ... (UUT)
-_ "More Than We Can Say": High-Dimensional Social Science and ...
_ glomerular filtration rate
_ I Am Very Bad at Keeping Secrets and Am Therefore Very Reluctant to Offer Confidentiality Promises