Title: Laser 1
Date: 2017-11-04 18:02
Category: other
-Tags: not-a-transition, lasers
+Tags: not-a-transition, lasers, topology
I've decided to pull the trigger on laser beard removal. (It's less thorough than electrolysis, but cheaper and less painful, and my light skin and dark hair is supposed to be a good match for it.) My [earlier fear of](/2017/Jan/the-line-in-the-sand-or-my-slippery-slope-anchoring-action-plan/) maybe needing beard shadow to avoid accidentally passing (and thereby incurring unwanted social costs, however much I would prefer my reflection) looks ridiculous in hindsight; I'm sure I've never read as anything other than a man with gynecomastia—and it's even more moot now that I've [quit HRT](/2017/Sep/hormones-day-156-developments-doubts-and-pulling-the-plug-or-putting-the-cis-in-decision/). (On that subject, the return of my standard-issue hormone balance has been mostly uneventful, my main observation being that spontaneous erections are a disturbing nuisance after the peace of having had that system set to Do-Not-Disturb for a few months.)
Title: Book Review: Charles Murray's <em>Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class</em>
Date: 2020-01-01
Category: commentary
-Tags: review (book), race, sex differences, Emacs
+Tags: review (book), race, sex differences, Emacs, topology
Status: draft
[This is a pretty good book](https://www.twelvebooks.com/titles/charles-murray/human-diversity/9781538744000/) about things we know about some ways in which people are different from each other! In [my last book review](/2020/Jan/book-review-the-origins-of-unfairness/), I mentioned that I had been thinking about broadening the topic scope of this blog, and this book review seems like an okay place to start!
> A similar definition of intelligence was expressed by Aquinas as "the ability to combine and separate"—the ability to see the difference between things that seem similar and to see the similarities betweeen things which seem different.
> —Arthur R. Jensen, "How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?"
+[Dagny talking to Wyatt and being in pain that he thinks she's one of the moochers]
+[You must say it, because it is true]
[where I agree with the moral _sentiment_, but that platitude doesn't solve all the problems (notably, that's not how Bayesian reasoning works)]
Moldbug's denying the moral worth of IQ: https://archive.is/9Ezk3
+defending eugenics: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29804244
> the people who produce the sort of media which fulfills the demand are themselves socio-demographically exactly like affluent white liberals (to give credit to Ta-Nehisi Coates, he is the exception). Ask yourself, when was the last time you read an op-ed or think-piece from an Indian convenience store clerk or a Bangladeshi cab driver? Almost always the op-eds and think-pieces come from professionals who likely experience the least "macro" aggression and the most "micro" aggression, and, who can speak the language of affluent white liberals and know exactly how to say the correct things
> No working-class person says "white presenting." No immigrant says "white presenting." I have had friends in academia tell me that my children "present as white."
+> I sometimes say we need 'quantum witch-hunts' where we assess the 'witch quantum number' of a social interaction without declaring anyone to be a witch (because witchcraft is an enactive process, not something associated with individuals)
+Bar chart of sex diffs: https://twitter.com/jurijfedorov/status/1225214491744489474
+Inheritance of consensus: https://traditionsofconflict.com/blog/2018/8/1/the-cause-of-illness
+California sex-ed curriculum: https://twitter.com/PeavyPosy/status/1235342626502647809
+hear this being thrown around: https://twitter.com/LaraAdamsMille1/status/1235391042406490114
+disanalogy of cis/trans to gay/straight: https://twitter.com/radicalhag/status/1235623170339672065
+NRx koans: https://archive.is/rFDZA
+This is actually a pretty clear example of no-win prejudice: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenderCritical/comments/fe9rp8/asking_if_its_okay_to_join_a_sub_when_you_are_not/ (if asked, assumed to be seeking validation—but what if they were actually trying to respect the boundary?)