[TODO: connecting with Aurora 8 December, maybe not important]
What do think submitting to social pressure looks like, if it's not exactly this thing (carefully choosing your public statements to make sure no one confuses you with the Designated Ideological Bad Guy)?!? The credible threat of being labeled an Ideological Bad Guy is _the mechanism_ the "Good" Guys use to retard potentially-ideologically-inconvenient areas of inquiry.
+Kerry Vaughan on deferral
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# Blogroll
- ('On the Science of Changing Sex', "https://sillyolme.wordpress.com/"),
('Survey Anon\'s Gender Blog', "https://surveyanon.wordpress.com/"),
+ ('On the Science of Changing Sex', "https://sillyolme.wordpress.com/"),
('Crossdreamers', "http://www.crossdreamers.com/"),
('Trans Blog', "http://transblog.grieve-smith.com/"),
('The New Thoughtcrime', "https://newthoughtcrime.com/"),
('Female Sexual Inversion', "https://femalesexualinversion.blogspot.com/"),
('Kathleen Stock', "https://kathleenstock.substack.com/"),
('Pasha\'s Office ', "https://pashasoffice.blogspot.com/"),
+ ('Ținând de Mâinii Strigoii-lor', "https://strigoi.substack.com/"),