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+Title: Lesser-Known Demand Curves
+Date: 2020-01-01
+Category: commentary
+Tags: epistemology, Julia Serano
+Status: draft
+In chapter 5 ("Blind Spots: On Subconscious Sex and Gender Entitlement") of her _Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity_, Julia Serano argues that both trans and non-trans people's gender sentiments are rooted in _subconscious sex_, "a deep-rooted understanding of what sex their bodies should be." She writes:
+> Many cissexual people seem to have a hard time accepting the idea that they too have a subconscious sex [...] I do believe that it is possible for cissexuals to catch a glimpse of their subconscious sex. When I do presentations on trans issues, I try to accomplish this by asking the audience a question: "If I offered you ten million dollars under the condition that you live as the other sex for the rest of your life, would you take me up on the offer?" **While there is often some wiseass in the audience who will say "Yes,"** the vast majority of people shake their heads to indicate "No."
+(Emphasis mine.)
+My question: why does Serano so blithely assume that _Yes_ respondents are just being wiseasses?
+It's [not that self-reports must necessarily be interpreted literally](/2016/Sep/psychology-is-about-invalidating-peoples-identities/), nor that wiseasses don't exist, nor even that wiseass-<em>Yes</em>es are likely to be rarer than genuine-<em>Yes</em>es.
+Rather, speaking as someone who has gender problems and is [interested in doing _something_ about them](/output/tag/not-a-transition/) while also having strong reservations about what actually-transitioning would do to my health and social life, I'm wary that conceptions of transness that model it as an atomic quality intrinsic to a person (gender identity, subconscious sex, _&c._) tend to
+maybe she has further evidence
+ponytail is a tell
+It's common to conceive of transness (gender identity, subconscious sex, _&c._) as a quality intrinsic to a person, that exists whether or not
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