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+Title: Dolezal (working title)
+Date: 2022-06-01
+Category: other
+Tags: race
+Status: draft
+S: Didn't Rachel Dolezal get identified as black by most people?
+K: yeah, I think she was fine / and everyone should have chilled the fuck out
+S: Do you think she should get affirmative action and whatever other benefits we give black people?
+K: honestly, yes / if she is socially perceived as black, she gets most of the detriments
+S: I guess that is a...pretty good way to make our culture less crazy around race, honestly, and I respect your consistency. I think 99% of people who support transgender rights don't agree with it, but maybe they're wrong.
+K: and we do still count people as black if they don't have that generational history or lack of resources
+if their skin is black
+Z: But we don't
+K: okay, but they do say that Ethiopian immigrants from wealthy families with no generational deprivation are black
> Also: Having some things you say "no comment" to, is not at *all* the same phenomenon as being an organization that issues Pronouncements. There are a *lot* of good reasons to have "no comments" about things. Anybody who tells you otherwise has no life experience, or is lying.
+"Speak out in order to make it clear how not alt-right you are; nothing wrong with that because I'm not lying" is being inconsistent about whether signaling and mood-affiliation matters—it's trying to socially profit by signaling pro-Stalin-ness, while simultaneously denying that anyone could object (because you didn't lie—pivoting to a worldview where only literal meanings matter and signals aren't real). Can I sketch this out mathematically?
I don't particularly fault Scott for this: [by his own admission, he's not a math guy](https://slatestarcodex.com/2015/01/31/the-parable-of-the-talents/). (And the vast majority of math people can't write as well or as fast as Scott. No one is the best at everything!) Rather, I'm saying that a culture that wants to _actually_ be right about everything would do better to _just_ focus on being right on the object level, without [wireheading on its own promises of being right about everything](http://benjaminrosshoffman.com/effective-altruism-is-self-recommending/).
(Incidentally, Scott himself is actually very good about [not trying to claim more authority than is actually justified by his performance](https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/07/04/some-clarifications-on-rationalist-blogging/). His fans should try to be more like him along this dimension!)
_ Karnofsky's presentism
_ motivation for positing meta-attraction
_ HPMoR on the function of democracy vs. Yarvin's true election
+_ Dolezal (working title)
_ Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer