Some of the replies tried explain the problem—and Yudkowsky kept doubling down:
-[TODO: '(chromosomes?)' comment, parent of ]
+> Using language in a way _you_ dislike, openly and explicitly and with public focus on the language and its meaning, is not lying. The proposition you claim false (chromosomes?) is not what the speech is meant to convey—and this is known to everyone involved, it is not a secret.
> You're mistaken about what the word means to you, I demonstrate thus:
--- /dev/null
+Title: "Reducing" Bias and Improving "Safety"
+Date: 2022-07-19
+Category: commentary
+Tags: artificial intelligence
+Status: draft
+> Today, we are implementing a new technique so that DALL·E generates images of people that more accurately reflect the diversity of the world’s population. This technique is applied at the system level when DALL·E is given a prompt describing a person that does not specify race or gender, like "firefighter."
+> it doesn't seem to want to give me a male nurse
> I don't care about the social right to call Sam "he", because I wasn't going to do that anyway. What I do care about is the right to say "That's not what I meant by 'woman' in this context, and you fucking know it" when I think that my interloctuor does, in fact, fucking know it.
+Anna thinks trust and integrity is an important resource
Still citing it (13 May 22):
+Still citing it, in Eliezerfic Discord (18 Jul 22):
The correctness of this post has been disputed at length: [object-level reply](, [meta-level reply (part 1)](, [meta-level reply (part 2)](, [supplementary material on dolphins/whales](
Object-level reply:
> Obsessive, pedantic, Talmudic talk of edge cases, cluster definitions, Bayesian filters or whatever else grey tribe weirdos might get fascinated with only gets in the way of an honest negotiation of a value handshake between majority groups. Not that I believe it would've taken place in a world with zero rationalists, but it's still annoying.
+> Me in 2008: I'm definitely not trans, just a regular guy who always thinks about being a woman and hates clothes shopping and hates hanging out with the guys and thinks about getting testicular cancer and loves gender-swap movies and TV shows and you know, normal guy things
+24% black judges is pretty extreme affirmative action (if you know the IQ stats):
+They don't think this is a pornography app, but it is
+Minor time-sensitive—
+_ "Reducing" Bias and Improving "Safety"
Urgent/needed for healing—
_ The Two-Type Taxonomy Is a Useful Approximation for ...
_ I Am Not Great With Secrets (aAL)
_ Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer
_ A Hill of Validity in Defense of Meaning
+Slot before memoir?—
+_ Hrunkner Unnerby and the Shallowness of Progress
+_ Book Review: Johnny the Walrus
Big posts—
_ Trans Kids on the Margin, and Harms From Misleading Training Data
_ Book Review: Charles Murray's Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America
_ my medianworld:
_ Happy Meal
_ "Assigned at Birth" Is a Schelling Point (If You Live in an Insane Dystopia Where the Concept of Sex Is Somehow Controversial)
_ Friendship Practices of the Secret-Sharing Plain Speech Valley Squirrels
-_ Hrunkner Unnerby and the Shallowness of Progress
_ Multi-Book Review: Various Sex-Ed Books for Children
_ Timelines
_ "Why the Hell It Means So Much to Me"