"Chromosome" http://www.dolari.org/cs/232.htm (Actually, they're both right! The SRY gene is the active part of the Y chromosome)
pseudo-androphilia! http://www.dolari.org/cs/239.htm
"We're both crossdressers, and we aren't anything like drag queens [...] someone like me. Someone like you"!! http://www.dolari.org/cs/268.htm
-bookmark (I'm most of the way through): http://www.dolari.org/cs/282.htm
+Allison is only three years in http://www.dolari.org/cs/317.htm
+"in Thailand, no questions asked" http://www.dolari.org/cs/320.htm
+ambiguity on what "Carrie" means!! (Carol vs. Carolyn this is actually relevant to me) http://www.dolari.org/cs/326.htm
+nine months http://www.dolari.org/cs/332.htm
+guest illustrator gave Carrie a more realistic face http://www.dolari.org/cs/357.htm
_Lease Bound_