Title: Thing of Things Transgender Intellectual Turing Test Predictions and Commentary
Date: 2017-03-29 19:26
Category: commentary
-Tags: ozy, two-type taxonomy
+Tags: Ozy, two-type taxonomy
Friend of the blog—I mean, I _hope_ we're [still friends](/2017/Jan/the-counter/) even though I'm kind of [trying to overthrow them](/tag/ozy/) as _de facto_ Gender Czar of the [_Less Wrong_](http://lesswrong.com/) diaspora—Ozymandias of [_Thing of Things_](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/) has been [running an intellectual Turing test](https://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2017/02/15/transgender-intellectual-turing-test/) challenging adherents of the gender-identity and two-type theories of transgenderedness to try to impersonate each other for the good of our collective epistemology!