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+Title: "More Than We Can Say": High-Dimensional Social Science and the Conjunction of Small Effect Sizes
+Date: 2020-01-01
+Category: commentary
+Tags: discourse, meta, procrastination
+Status: draft
+> But all of us know much more than we can say, and many times we cannot really put it into words at all.
+> For example, if we have eaten them, we know what strawberries taste like. We have in us somewhere knowledge—a memory, many memories—of the taste of strawberries. Not just one berry either, but many, more or less ripe, or sweet, or tasty. But how can we really speak of the taste of a strawberry? When we bite into a berry, we are ready to taste a certain kind of taste; if we taste something very different, we are surprised. It is this—what we expect or what surprises us—that tells us best what we really know.
+> We know many other things that we cannot say. We know what a friend looks like, so well that we may say, seeing him after some time, that he looks older or no older; heavier or thinner; worried or at peace, or happy. But our answers are usually so general that we could not give a description from which someone who had never seen our friend could recognize him.
+> —John Holt, _What Do I Do Monday?_
+[TODO: intro framing]
\ No newline at end of file
Title: A Writer's Room By Gaslight
Date: 2020-01-01
Category: commentary
-Tags: epistemology, discourse, meta
+Tags: discourse, meta, procrastination
Status: draft
> _Be nice, girl!
<p class="flower-break">⁕ ⁕ ⁕</p>
-It's not because the snarky satirical dialogues are _bad_. It's that new dialogues have sharply diminishing marginal utility: loyal readers of _The Scintillating But Ultimately Untrue Thought_ already know the formula (take the reasoning used by trans activists and transpose it on any other situation, to hilarious and absurd effect), and hostile readers will always be able to invent an excuse
+It's not because the snarky satirical dialogues are _bad_. It's that new dialogues have sharply diminishing marginal utility: loyal readers of _The Scintillating But Ultimately Untrue Thought_ already know the formula (take the bad reasoning used by gender-identity theorists and transpose it on any other situation, to hilarious and absurd effect), and hostile readers will always be able to invent an excuse for why the analogy doesn't apply.
I want to flip a table and scream about being gaslighted, but that wouldn't help
my narrative vs. the closeted trans woman narratiev
-"Obviously I socially gender him as male as per his preference."
-"I wouldn't call it a 'preference' exactly."
-"I gender him male as per his philosophical commitments"
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+Title: Trying to Be Explicit
+Date: 2020-01-01
+Category: fiction
+Tags: autogynephilia
+Status: draft
+_How do fight a narrative?_ Mark wondered.
+when your enemy is less of a regime and more of a meme? How do you explain to anyone what you're trying to accomplish when you're not trying to get anyone to do anything different in particular, but to renounce their distorted way of thinking and speaking, after which you expect them to make better decisions, even if you can't say in advance what those decisions will be?
+fighting an entire Discord room
+"I think that's more of a 'you' thing"
+wanting flipping a table, How dumb do you think I am? How dumb do you think I think you are?
+gaslighting, Muscato
+maybe need to be more explicit about details of AGP experience, lest someone think "love of oneself as a woman" is akin to "dormative virtue"
+explain transmorgifier fantasy about boring high school couldve-been sweetheart
+grandmother neuron
+He has a lot of writing to do.
+"Obviously I socially gender him as male as per his preference."
+"I wouldn't call it a 'preference' exactly."
+"I gender him male as per his philosophical commitments"
-_ I Mean, Yes, I Agree That Man Should Allocate Some More Categories, But
+personal track—
+_ Trying to Be Explicit
_ Phenotypic Identity and Memetic Capture
+serious track—
+_ High-Dimensional Social Science and the Conjunction of Small Effect Sizes
+_ Against Fully Consensual Gender (working title)
+_ I Mean, Yes, I Agree That Man Should Allocate Some More Categories, But (maybe not needed after)
_ Codes of Convergence; Or, Smile More
_ "But I'm Not Quite Sure What That Means": Costs of Nonbinary Gender as a Social Technology
_ "I Will Fight [...]": LGBT Patriotism and the Moral Fine-Tuning Objection
_ Q An Infovist's Advisory; Or, Standing Athwart History ...
_ 5150
Q Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer; Or, Could Self-Reports Really Be That Wrong??
+apartment patty
_ Interlude XVI (egg promises)
✓ Interlude XVII (not all men)