Title: The Information Theory of Passing
Author: Sophia
-Date: 2020-01-01
+Date: 2018-10-01 20:35
Category: commentary
Tags: epistemology
-Status: draft
_(This is a guest post by friend of the blog Sophia!)_
**clothing**: 2 bits (I dress more 20-something than 30-something, which is telling)
**posture**: 0.5 bits (probably the low-hanging fruit right now)
**breasts**: 0.5 bits
-**other body structure** (hips, ribs, _etc_.): 1 bit
+**other body structure** (hips, ribs, hands, _etc_.): 2 bits
+***total***: 8 bits
Some of those aren't quite independent evidence (clothing/hair/posture/body) but even assuming conservatively that they are, people who are trying can get 6–8 bits of evidence with some careful observation. And assuming correct calibrations on base rates, that's not good enough to clock someone. So I feel all right about this.