[racialists get annoyed that people use "skin color" as a metonym for "race", but in this case, we actually are talking about skin color!]
I'm currently planning on donating $500 to Kelly Loeffler
So, I agree that Orange Man Bad. But, Orange Man Gone! (Okay, there are some lawsuits to wrap up, but I don't think anyone expects those to go anywhere.)
+> This is because once they hit puberty, no one wants young men around unless they're recruiting for a terrorist cell. [...] Whereas literally everyone wants young women. They come off as determined to be fuckups because they're being actively courted/recruited. Boys are left to fuck up their own lives.
+A vote for Kelly Loeffler is a vote for gridlock! A vote for gridlock is a vote to hit the brakes on our ongoing cultural revolution! A vote to hit the brakes is vengeance for Steve Hsu! A civilization that can't avenge Steve Hsu is DEAD (sooner or later and probably sooner) 2/2
Fit in somewhere—
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+I'm not objecting to your existence, I'm only objecting to the prerequisites to your existence
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