I'm not having a great day, but if I'm drafting something and even
publishing something, maybe it's an okay day? Maybe I deserve a
reward; maybe I deserve to exist.
--- /dev/null
+Title: Link: "Nonbinary Runners Have Been Here the Whole Time"
+Date: 2022-05-06 18:25
+Category: commentary
+Tags: news, sports
+_The New York Times_ reports on [nonbinary divisions in competitive footraces](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/30/sports/nonbinary-runners-races.html). ([Archived](https://archive.ph/3dkMt); hat tip [Steve Sailer](https://www.unz.com/isteve/run-of-the-mill-also-ran-finally-wins-a-running-race-just-by-calling-himself-nonbinary/).)
+The piece is impossible to parody, but in a way, the absurdity is—clarifying. I always want to ask trans-inclusion-in-sports people what they think the _point_ of sex-segregation in sports is (as opposed to just having everyone in the same category): if they admit that it's a pragmatic policy to give women a domain to compete in despite the sport-relevant trait distributions of females and males being different, then that at least opens up the _empirical_ debate on whether hormone replacement therapy gets "close enough" for trans women to relevantly count as women.
+But with the nonbinary category, there _is no_ empirical issue to get confused with! It's _pure_ identity narcissism—or, in more detail, it's a _pure_ instance of the way in which sex-related [high-dimensional](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/cu7YY7WdgJBs3DpmJ/the-univariate-fallacy) trait clusters get [reified](/2019/Dec/more-schelling/) into [social categories](/2020/Jan/book-review-the-origins-of-unfairness/), resulting in some people learning a desire to escape their reified social category even in situations where sex actually is the decision-relevant trait, resulting in other people who are frustrated by being socially punished for pointing out that sex is sometimes a decision-relevant trait disparagingly accusing those people of "identity narcissism".