printing IQ in the NYT in 1969!!!
my rationalist community has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my community's name
cite to "Not Especially Related to Transgender"
\ No newline at end of file
+"Hero Licensing": to provide an earnest-token of all the techniques I couldn't show
> Someone recently likened AGP to the movie Get Out
+Can ... can I ask you a question about your beliefs? (Not to argue, but to understand; I wouldn't spend bandwidth asking if my Intellectual Turing Test procedure could predict what your reply, but I can't predict it.)
+I thought your position was (my attempted paraphrase—) "Gender is a social category; it's better to let people choose it freely rather than tying it to assigned sex at birth."
+But I'm having trouble reconciling that with the language of "now they think they might be a girl [...] Some people who think they might be a girl are really sure, and some aren't sure", which suggests there's a pre-existing underlying fact of the matter.
+If you believe it's a social category that people should be able to self-designate into, wouldn't you use language that describes it as a choice or preference rather than an underlying fact? That is, you'd say "aren't sure whether they _prefer_ to be a girl" rather than "aren't sure whether they _are_ a girl".
+"How Mainstream Trans Narratives are Harmful"
+"When Selves Have Sex: What the Phenomenology of Trans Sexuality Can Teach About Sexual Orientation"
+_ "Why the Hell It Means So Much to Me"
_ Blood Is Thicker Than Water
_ Book Review: Charles Murray's Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America
_ There Should Be a Closetspace/Lease Bound Crossover Fic
2021 significant posts—
_ Trans Kids on the Margin, and Harms From Misleading Training Data
_ Blanchard's Dangerous Idea and the Plight of the Lucid Crossdreamer
+_ Challenges to Yudkowsky's Pronoun Reform Proposal
_ A Hill of Validity in Defense of Meaning
Minor queue—
+> The kind of thing I find when cleaning Lily's room. The other day she made a petition to "save animals" but neither Jeff nor I would sign I unless she made it more specific.