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+Title: Interlude IV
+Date: 2017-05-06 18:46
+Category: fiction
+Tags: interlude
+"How goes?"
+"I've been feeling a little bit of pectoral tenderness the past few days, which might mean that the anti-androgen is doing something!"
+"Good ..."
+"Notice how I said _anti-androgen_ instead of _spiro_: that's because my model of your vocabulary predicted that you know what _anti-androgen_ means, because I predict that you know that _andro-_ means _male_ and _anti-_ means _not_, but no one besides trans women and their gatekeepers have any reason to know what spiro is."
+"Good ..."
+"Like, I already knew how to use language, and I already knew how to reason, but I just noticed that I can also use _reason_ to optimize the way I use _language_! _This changes everything!_"
+"Any psychological effects from the anti-androgen?"
+"_Way_ too many confounding variables during the past two months to tell. It's a [long story](http://unremediatedgender.space/2017/Mar/fresh-princess/) that got longer."